Tahoe's doing it - stepping up to the plate....we're ready.....

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Your Grandfather

Well-Known Member
Top of the Morning Mate,
I final got some sleep around 5 in the MFM.
I hope all of them are all bit*hes so you can get the triafecta.
Anyways whats new?

I just found out that I might have to wait another 10-15 days to chop and crop. I took another look at my girls and they have no red/brown hairs yet. 60 days into flower. Shi*

What do you think T.
Sorry for butting in....

Have you used anything like "Beastie Bloomz" or similar? FoxFarm Soil & Fertilizer Company


Well-Known Member
Hey GF.
No I have just been using bio bloom and mol.
But takes for the info.

Someone just aked if it was hps. I didn't know if they were talking about color that is put out. I took them out into some daylight spec. so I could see better. I found that I have about 50-65% browninsh hairs. It was that most of the top hairs are bright white in color.

If you have any on product info don't be a strang.

Sorry to use your thread T. you got nothing but love babby;)


Well-Known Member
tahoe, your plants are looking amazing , nice, stocky, healthy, and now one topped .. HOOAH!! you're going to love watching the effects of that topped plant, that is .. cross fingers}x{ it doesn't turn male..

well...I am certainly not he most experienced to pose that question to .... and there is a lot of debate about the.....but it would seem to me that the plant has to mature...and will show preflower...and then you can put into 12/12....others have strongly argued that the changing of the photoperiod can "induce" the plant to flower...I do not know the real answer...to me, logically, the plant prolly has to mature and show preflower before it goes to 12/12....but l;ike I say...you will prolly see lots of folks say I'm wrong.....cheers and good luck!!
I think it's probably best to wait until it matures and shows sex before starting 12/12 however it's been known to test for males by taking cuttings/clones and putting them on a 12/12 cycle.

Keep up the great work tahoe!


Well-Known Member
thanks Humboldt...things continue to go well.....and I sincerely appreciate the positive feedback and support.


New Member
I think different strains show preflower earlier than others, this indica that I am growing showed preflowers at about 33 days. I had a sativa and it never had preflowers, even at 60 days. so, I went ahead and switched to 12/12 and it took forever to finish...:mrgreen:


Active Member
Here top44 is on the 2nd week of flowering..
I tought i would find some others pix of that plant but there arent that many showing the whole circle.. :-?
so faar tahoe58 i can see your ladyes are doing well.. good job :mrgreen:

here is my state at 1st week flowering, plants not topped

previewGROW_4930.jpg previewGROW_4931.jpg


Well-Known Member
oh man...thats awesome thanks for making the effort to show those to me...I really preciate that! my Top44 continues to astound me....though someone has said it might be destined to the chopping block....I'm not convinced....so as far as I'm concerned that one is a girl. the other BigBud's are alos doing well...though I did take the steps to separate them into individual pots. They have certainly taken a hit....but its minor in the big scheme of things. I am confident that giving them their own space was the right decision. they were headed for torouble.....the leaves were all overlapping and the transpiration was creating wetness on the covered leaves. leaving them in the one pot would have been a serious limitation to their potnetial. so a snmll step back....or a huge leap forward.....go girlies go....!!

*** EDIT *** I have just thought of another advantage to the rocks on the top of the soil....there have been instances where I have read that people have challenges with the lower leaves touching the soil and the potential loss of these leaves from a variety of results. well the rocks allow for the leaves to hang low.....(somewhat like my avatar...hehehehe) and remain in full functionality in the process....at least until they wither and dry as the plant ages. but in the meantime, they remain in full production mode aiding the plant in max'ing out its veg'in.....


Well-Known Member
*** EDIT *** I have just thought of another advantage to the rocks on the top of the soil....there have been instances where I have read that people have challenges with the lower leaves touching the soil and the potential loss of these leaves from a variety of results. well the rocks allow for the leaves to hang low.....(somewhat like my avatar...hehehehe) and remain in full functionality in the process....at least until they wither and dry as the plant ages. but in the meantime, they remain in full production mode aiding the plant in max'ing out its veg'in.....
My lower leaves touch the soil and have died off, can't really see much harm now though as those leaves weren't getting much light at all. In the beginninig it wasn't a problem cos they were pointing more up when the light was hitting them. I wanted to use rocks like that as the topsoil gets dry much quicker than the rest, especially under a HPS, but it worries me that maybe mould and stuff will grow under the rocks due to high moisture and temps. I dunno but I will keep watching your grow and go from there. Your plants are looking superb!

PS I like the comparison with your avatar, gives me an excuse to stare at it haha:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
hahahaha harkin...thanks. yes the mould etc. is an important consideration. and there is also the consideration that there may be different types of roots at different levels in the soil column, and waterlogging the upper level roots that may be important barrier in obtaining more direct o2 absorbtion from the "drier" soil is also a potnetial issue. I guess it comes down to a very close monitoring of soil moisture...which I do...probably to the obsessive side...hahahahaha...I'll keep you posted. I will be posting some pics later today of my 16 day old (from sprout) monster...I can't believe the growth rate!

***EDIT*** thanks Cult!


Well-Known Member
Hmmm just read this Tahoe https://www.rollitup.org/advanced-marijuana-cultivation/28925-root-development-vs-plant-growth-33.html#post377988

Specifically this part I'm talking about: Air roots : in a plant's natural life in the earth, its roots get moisture
from rainfall. After rain, the soil water soon sinks down and the topsoil dries quickly. For this reason, the top 1/3 of plant roots are air specialized and the bottom 1/3 are water roots. One must be careful not to keep the air specialized roots constantly wet or the plant will drown. The bottom section of roots can be constantly wet provided that the water has oxygen in it.


Well-Known Member
yup...me too...thats where I got that thought from......cheers!
No worries, I just worry a bit for your first grow. If things start going tits up perhaps that should be your first query.. maybe. But lets hope that doesn't happen


Well-Known Member
reality is shit does sometimes just happen....and it might be difficult to pinpoint....but I do believe the KISS principle is important....in some way that's why I remain reluctant to go hydro or bubblponics or anything like that. It's prolly asa much that I have not taken the time to understand it...and I am certain there are HUGE advantages to that approach (depending on your objectives.....like anything else). what are you doing it for...yeild, speed, potentcy.....we each have our own objectives....and we adjust our approach to hopefully best meet those objectives...


Well-Known Member
well today is day 17 from sprout. this is a single Top44 plant, in soil, 5 gal pot, watered as needed, nutes for vege phase, 18/6 (9x 42W cfls 2700K). its almost 7" tall, and approx. 17" arcoss, and pretty symmetrical. the multitude of branching is astonishing....there are bud nodes everywhere....I am still convinced this is a girl....but she ain't showing me ...yet. here's so pics....as always...full size in the gallery...enjoy....



Well-Known Member
Wow looking great Tahoe... I bet you are stoked at that. Only what, 12 weeks left:cry: It seems like forever but next thing you know, you will be flowering. Just a quick question, why did you choose 2700k cfl's? Are they all 2700's? If so, why not add a few blues maybe... just a thought

I went out and bought a 2 cfl's the other day, and I'm using them to light some of the lower branches that aren't getting much light. They seem to work really well so I'm heppy. I also made a little Mylar reflector type thing for her, I do love the the lady:mrgreen: and want the best for her



Well-Known Member
thanks Harkin.....yea I am totally stoked over this. I choose the 2700K because I was impatient and those were the only ones I found. And since I am getting seemingly decent results (so far) I have not taken any initiative to change things....it ain't broke (yet) so don't f*ck with it.:mrgreen::mrgreen:

BTW - my new super setup will be up and running tonight? so I will likely be posting some more pics.... later. yes, its still a secret!.....hahahahahaha....:blsmoke::blsmoke:
Wow looking great Tahoe... I bet you are stoked at that. Only what, 12 weeks left:cry: It seems like forever but next thing you know, you will be flowering. Just a quick question, why did you choose 2700k cfl's? Are they all 2700's? If so, why not add a few blues maybe... just a thought

I went out and bought a 2 cfl's the other day, and I'm using them to light some of the lower branches that aren't getting much light. They seem to work really well so I'm heppy. I also made a little Mylar reflector type thing for her, I do love the the lady:mrgreen: and want the best for her


Well-Known Member
Yeah the 2 cfl's I bought were also 2700k, it seems hard to find the reds in those low wattages unless it's like a 200w envirolite. Can't wait to see your new setup... awww you mean I have to wait to see it haha dammit all this waiting I'm doing these days is making me loopy, patience is a virtue I know haha:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
totally.....I am (and have been for over a year) without any smoke....I'm waiting...ur waiting....we're all waiting....hehehehehe...but...the reward....ahhhh.....the reward.....(ok ok ok...finding out about my super set up is not much of a reward for you...but having it all set up is like the BEST christmas present I could have given myself....maybe with the exception of a pound of fdd's closet stash!!!! but then that would be him giving to me and not me giving to me unelss I stole it from him in the first place which wouldn't at all be like me....f*ck I bumbling and rambling again....)


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
totally.....I am (and have been for over a year) without any smoke....I'm waiting...ur waiting....we're all waiting....hehehehehe...but...the reward....ahhhh.....the reward.....(ok ok ok...finding out about my super set up is not much of a reward for you...but having it all set up is like the BEST christmas present I could have given myself....maybe with the exception of a pound of fdd's closet stash!!!! but then that would be him giving to me and not me giving to me unelss I stole it from him in the first place which wouldn't at all be like me....f*ck I bumbling and rambling again....)
Hey rambler, how goes it? The wait can be long eh? But well worth it. :mrgreen:
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