Well-Known Member
Sure they exist..............but is everything a conspiracy????Anyone who doesn't think conspiracies exist is kidding themselves. Rickwhites arrogance would be funny f it wasn't so sad.

Sure they exist..............but is everything a conspiracy????Anyone who doesn't think conspiracies exist is kidding themselves. Rickwhites arrogance would be funny f it wasn't so sad.
DOC 111...your right and no i guess everything is not a conspiracy...actually now a lot of these are public information and are openly talked about i guess the real issue is how ignorant your average person is. most people know about lady ga ga but not HAARP. most people know who won american idol but not the korean war-trick hasn't ended- they know the words to the theme song to friends but not the U.S. constitution. the only thing i can agree with cracker jax is that maybe education is the key...educate yourself.
I try to keep an open mind. Nothing is out of the real of possibilities. I have never seen irrefutable proof of a lot of these "conpsiracies". I'll give you a good example. There was a persistent rumor about these so called FEMA camps. This one in particular is actually an old amtrak maintenance facility. I've been to this facility and it is nothing more than a place to fix trains. People swear that it's gonna be the next Auschwitz though. Why would our govt. round up its citizens? WW2 was not that long ago and I doubt the U.S. is gonna repeat such a horrible mistake as the holocaust.DOC 111...your right and no i guess everything is not a conspiracy...actually now a lot of these are public information and are openly talked about i guess the real issue is how ignorant your average person is. most people know about lady ga ga but not HAARP. most people know who won american idol but not the korean war-trick hasn't ended- they know the words to the theme song to friends but not the U.S. constitution. the only thing i can agree with cracker jax is that maybe education is the key...educate yourself.
whats up DOC?? which one have you been to? the one in indiana is tripple fenced all topped with barbed wire and electronic turnstiles and whare houses surrounded by gas lines connected to tanks with corprate logo of an asphication gas companie and huge fix trains? barbed wire??? to protect broken trains?? ive seen video of it and i dont think its proof their lookin to gas us i would love an explanation that would make me sleep better. and as far as repeating ww2....yougoslavia-bosnia. or dafur or iraq all more cases of attempted genocide. as for why they comserve resources limit polution concentrate wealth...theirs so many of us they dont need us all and were ruining their enviornment their isnt enough manual labor to be done to make use of us all. they want population of 500 million
Oh man you've got it bad! Trust me bro, I've been all over that facility. There are NO furnaces. Triple barbed wire? I don't think so. Yes they have barbed wire. It's a huge facility. If our govt. is stupid enough to repeat the holocaust.................remember, we outnumber them. Genocides usually don't go unnoticed and it tends to piss people off. In Darfur those people have nothing. No guns, no education, no way to defend themselves. Sudan is probably a hundred years behind the rest of the developed world. Something like that would probably never work in America. We have guns and our populace is reasonably well educated. Don't believe everything you see on the internet or hear people talking about. The "camp" you refer to is exactly what I told you it was............nothing more.whats up DOC?? which one have you been to? the one in indiana is tripple fenced all topped with barbed wire and electronic turnstiles and whare houses surrounded by gas lines connected to tanks with corprate logo of an asphication gas companie and huge fix trains? barbed wire??? to protect broken trains?? ive seen video of it and i dont think its proof their lookin to gas us i would love an explanation that would make me sleep better. and as far as repeating ww2....yougoslavia-bosnia. or dafur or iraq all more cases of attempted genocide. as for why they comserve resources limit polution concentrate wealth...theirs so many of us they dont need us all and were ruining their enviornment their isnt enough manual labor to be done to make use of us all. they want population of 500 million
Well it must be a concentration camp then!My property is barbed wired..... I have a furnace......
Evidently this type of thing is easy to hide so just don't tell her and you should be good.Must be!!!
My wife is going to be pretty pissed tho....
so you dont trust or belive in Alex Jones?. If hes making all of his stuff up why does he want to scare me??