3 plants almost 3 pounds!


Well-Known Member
Im torn though brotha help me out...Im torn between 5-7-15 gallon pots...I keep hearing and seeing diffrent things....Can I get as much a yield in a 5 Gal as a 15 or is this just not possible ? ive seen guys grow in frikken 2-3 gallon pots with great results...Whats the deal...I've looked at a lot of threads but everyone goes back and forth and im left with more confusion that when I came in...Whats the real deal...
Most of the time, its all about the genetics :)


Active Member
how would i tell?i want to start flushing but i dont want to start to early you know?


Well-Known Member
Thinner leaves than other ak's or just taking longer is the giveaway, just watch for the amber trichomes with a scope.


Well-Known Member
as soon as you see trichs start to amber you better be flushing.......on average i would say most of us growers flush for bout 2 weeks


Active Member
i would ike to thank everyone for the +rep! damn fl get a scope lol. what happens if you flush to early


Active Member
all my nugs are rock hard :) what temps are recommended at this stage with co2 i've been running it at 74-75 i just upped it today to 78 but Uncle Ben says 85 which i know for co2 enriched rooms that 80-83 is optimal range but wouldnt cooling things down a bit at the end (last 14 days) keep it looking brighter instead of darker bud?


Active Member
what makes me lucky dank? you mean i put alot of time and effort into this and this is what my girls do in return for me :)