I ran them in so many setups that each plant went completely different.Thanks man that helps us out, we are trying to figure out at what height we want to flip the plants because we dont want them much taller then 4 to 4.5 feet. Another quick question since this is our first grow with BM, what was your avg yeild per plant?
I can tell you that I got the most out of it running on coco\perlite using HESI coco and running with low temps (around 22°C)
If your looking for a 4' plant at harvest your should flower it at 2' and if it gets a bit taller you can always tie her down.
You can also limit her growth by using small pots, but it DOES damage the yield.
for a 4' plant you should use a 5L pot.
It should let it grow much higher.
I'd grow it in a 7L however not to get to the root binding stage.
Also, you should top her. A few times.
The side branchs grow nicely if you let them.