Leaves are curling, is this a problem?


Well-Known Member
HI everyone,

I searched the threads and I can't seem to find an answer to my "problem" that my garden is starting to show in the last day or 2.

I'm on week 5 and everythying is going very nicely but in the last day or 2 I have been noticing some of the leaves on my buds are curling. I'm not sure they were curling yesterday and I don't think anything is wrong, maybe they are just growing too high and not getting enough light or mybe just over watering a bit? Could this be from accelerated growth and actually a good thing?

I water every-other day, temps in my room are 85 day 77 night, humidity is nice and high.

These are the pics I took and any feedback would be helpful.



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HI everyone,

I searched the threads and I can't seem to find an answer to my "problem" that my garden is starting to show in the last day or 2.

I'm on week 5 and everythying is going very nicely but in the last day or 2 I have been noticing some of the leaves on my buds are curling. I'm not sure they were curling yesterday and I don't think anything is wrong, maybe they are just growing too high and not getting enough light or mybe just over watering a bit? Could this be from accelerated growth and actually a good thing?

I water every-other day, temps in my room are 85 day 77 night, humidity is nice and high.

These are the pics I took and any feedback would be helpful.


Its hard to tell with the LED pics. Do you have any that are with the lights off or under reg light.

It could be a number of things. Over watering could be the cause then again not enough light either. Judging by the pics the leaves at the top are only three pronged and i see this a lot on lower growth that doesn't get enough light. This too could be the case as in the flowering stage our friends require a good bit of light...
i was just going to say something about the LED lights too, but maybe you could use some cfls or even a MH and use the led as complementary side lighting

i was just saying another possibility that crossed my mind, im not say "YOU NEED TO CHANGE YOUR LIGHTS". i appreciate that you grow the way you want to (and that is a low assed electric bill, id want to keep it too lol)
"i was just going to say something about the LED lights too, but maybe you could use some cfls or even a MH and use the led as complementary side lighting"

Nope :) I grow with LED, not ever going back to HID lights (I'm growing for me only so no need for HID's, I love my LED's and my $70 electric bill)

I think what FullDuplex was asking was to get a better image to not take the picture with the LED's on, not to stop using LED's for my grow and only make them "complementary side lighting" I think someone on here said it best when it comes to LED vs HID:
"Lance Armstrong could beat me in a race if I had the most expensive bike ever and he rode a Huffy. Same thing with growing, HID's LED's, other than quantity, you can get just as good results with LED's as ya can with HID, it depends on the grower and their skills."

I'm thinking its new growth that is shooting up very fat because i haven't seen those buds even there a few days ago, now I see them and I am hoping its some sort of accelerated growing. Thanks for the help so far!
Early signs of Eagle Claw - Leaves curling down

Means Nute Lockout

Flush them, Flush them quick

Stop giving them nutes
"Lance Armstrong could beat me in a race if I had the most expensive bike ever and he rode a Huffy. Same thing with growing, HID's LED's, other than quantity, you can get just as good results with LED's as ya can with HID, it depends on the grower and their skills."

Growing herb isn't a race. The results you get will be of the same quality of an HID
grower, but the yield will not be as massive.. It is simple radiometry, you are not producing
the same radiant energy as an HID grower... And your system seems to be more
expensive.... Consider me lance armstrong with a cheaper bike.... and you the guy with the most
expensive bike.... losing.... Your buds look like they are on week 2-3

Here were my nugs at week 5

And your problem is a Nutrient Lockout either caused by pH or a most likely a toxic
salt build-up.

85 temp in the day time is way too hott.... My room doesn't get above 80 and im running
1200 watts in a 5x5 area, why do you allow it to get so hott..... also what do you mean Humidity
is nice and high? in Flowering you want it in the 30's-40%'s.... ALSO if you are watering
every other day, you need larger pots. You got some stuff to fix brother.