Subcools pandoras box and Jillybean


Well-Known Member
Indeed!! Happy to see some subscriptions lol. Update on the room. I have now pulled a sad 3 jillybean males, 3 pandoras box, and 2 3rd dimensions. Very upsetting say today to say the least. I have 1 more jilly I believe that is showing some weird shit and Ill keep it in there for another day to see what happens. All in all Im at 17 jillybeans left 6 PB and 8 3rd dimensions, which are all but the 1 jilly showing female.Haze


Well-Known Member
Im a bit suprised on the development of all the strains, they have all been in flower now for 10 days that includes a 32 hour dark period. Seems that the dark period did not speed up the Inducing of flowering, and if anybody else knows better please post.Haze


Well-Known Member
very nice, which strain is growing the best so far?

im super interested in the difference between PB and 3D, they both have the same dad, apollo mom for 3D, JTR for PB

i dont think u should ever bother with the 32 hour dark period before, just makes them feel like they had an extra long night, probably fucks with their natural timers

now 32 hours of dark before harvest is actually an interesting question, on forums ppl claim the plant reacts as if it knew that it were dying due to lack of light and packs on resin

it is also said most resin is packed on during there 12 hour dark period, while they feed with the lights on.


Well-Known Member
Fuck to tell you the truth Ive never used the whole 32 hours of darkness but I feeel that it did nothing good for me, Ill do more research on this matter next run for sure, just to further expirement. The Jillys have been by far the most vigorous. The 3rd dimension have really caught up they are by far shorter and bushier. The Jillys are very bushy but a bit taller and the PB are shorter and not as bushy as either strain. I have not gotten them into full flower so later Ill have some better input as far as
phenotypes. I pulled another 2 Jillys and 2 3rd Ds tonight but they seem so female its sickning. The plants are very bushy and very short and very green, I hate to think they are males but they do have some ball looking growth, well see. Haze


Well-Known Member
Thanks MT. So far the verdict is 6 3rd dimensions, 15 Jillybeans and 7 PB. Now Im battling something Im just not sure what it is. I have been in flower now for over 10 days and flowering is not showing real well. Im wondering if the lights from my tomers and controllers are preventing them from flowering, I sure hope not. I have 4 plants I pulled tonight that truly looked female and Im wondering if they hermed on me mot sure yet and I will not say yet. All i know is that its been almost 2 weeks and I see almost no signs of flowering, the small pistils are barely starting to show on each strain and its geting a bit scary lol. Keep posted and Ill keep updated. Haze

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
You got like 28 girls out of 39 seeds I think. Nothing wrong with that ratio...75% female...nice! 10 days is about the minimum for plants from seed to start showing pistils. You'll be fine, wait and see what they look like in another 10 days. I'm pretty sure that the light from your timer etc, is not fucking with your girls but to be sure I put tape over any little lights like that.

Keep us updated....this is going to be an awesome grow!

Hey I can watch someone else's grow for a change :)


Well-Known Member
yea haze, it would be cool to know if the darkness affects anything, so far i havent seen the best evidence, usually takes 3-14 days to show preflowers and then on from there, outdoors i find it takes even longer to show

thx for all the info, did u veg the jilly bean for longer?
got me interested in PB and 3D now! props bro


Well-Known Member
You got like 28 girls out of 39 seeds I think. Nothing wrong with that ratio...75% female...nice! 10 days is about the minimum for plants from seed to start showing pistils. You'll be fine, wait and see what they look like in another 10 days. I'm pretty sure that the light from your timer etc, is not fucking with your girls but to be sure I put tape over any little lights like that.

Keep us updated....this is going to be an awesome grow!

Hey I can watch someone else's grow for a change :)

Thanks for the kind words. I did get about 75%, went in there today and checked again and sure enough i think all the males have been away with. Sadest part had to cut them, no room and nobody wanted them kinda crazy. Oh Indeed keep posted Ill have some more pics up for beginning flower. Hope to get exciting pretty soon. Haze :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
yea haze, it would be cool to know if the darkness affects anything, so far i havent seen the best evidence, usually takes 3-14 days to show preflowers and then on from there, outdoors i find it takes even longer to show

thx for all the info, did u veg the jilly bean for longer?
got me interested in PB and 3D now! props bro

Thanks for the kind words Hooked!! Still nothing on this darkness period, I have no idea if it did any good nor bad. I think Ill start a thread lmao. Im starting to finally see pistils throughout the remainder of plants. YESSS! plants are starting to get hella bushy but some of those PB ar just compact like a mother fucker. My jillys getting huge especially my ORGANIC!! The 3rd dimension is very impressive nice and dense luscious plant. All the strains were vegged to 24 days amazingly!!Haze
i got some 3rd dimension off bayareacannabis in oakland a few months ago back that was pretty scrumptious. nice solid nugs that almost kinda looked like some blue dream, but didnt smell like it at ALL. there was some jillly bean up on there too at the same time that looked bomb lol

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
How's that garden looking. I'll bet you got little buds everywhere!!! PICS!?

Around week 6 you will start to see the Jillys morphing into some colorful buds and start putting weight on. The pheno that I have is very frosty and the top buds are pretty nice but everything a little lower is pretty larffy


Well-Known Member
Ok so her we are, Its only been over 2 weeks I think its plenty due for an UPDATE: 18 days after the plants induced flowering, Here is the garden at a glance most everything up front is Jilly and the rear is mostly mixed up with the 3Ds and the pandoras box with the jillys.



Well-Known Member
Update:EVERYTHING THAT I POST TONIGHT WILL BE JILLYBEAN AT 18 DAYS OF ACTUAL FLOWER TIME. I WILL BE POSTING MY PANDORAS BOX AND 3RD DIMENSION IN THE NEXT DAY OR 2. These are just a few of the jillys in my garden. These women are all no more than 3 feet plants from the bucket so far. I have done quite a bit of height management on some of these lol. Massive bushes they are about 30 inches side to side. They consume about a gallon+ of water every 2 days. Any questions on anything just ask. Haze2



Well-Known Member
Now for some Jillybean flowers not the greatest because pics FUJIFILM 12x zoom and it sucks lol. 10 megapixels. And now for a shit loads of beautiful candy smelling JILLY flowers. Enjoy!! :bigjoint:

