Green house Feminsed Cheese


whats the fish tank heater do!? obviously warms the water but how!

i use Coco A+B and it has to be left over night... do you put the heater in this!?

stinking bishop

Active Member
hi sheepy we are using hydro setup so all our nutes are in our water and our resovoir holds about 30 litres ..(dont know how you mix your nutes m8 never used coco)
saw a post on here somewhere about water temps and how it affects the nutrients..
our water temp was about 14c before.thats very cold around the roots!!!.it said nutes work the best at around 23 24c hence we dropped a water heater in (will try an find it lol) and we keep our ph between 5.5 and 5.9.

dont know if this applies to you sheepy as you usin coco and we are flood an drain. all i can say is keep ambient temps around 20c minimum( lights out) for best growth and check you aint got standing water in your pots and that they let the water drain away so your soil aint too damp.(pick up your pots up after feeding and get rid off any excess water untill it stops dripping thats what we did till we got better pots)
like you said make more holes in the pots if you have can always increase how many feeds a day they get if needed

this is what held us back the most and what weve learned so far on our first grow
and it made a big difference

good luck m8 peace :)


great looking grow man i got some feminized seeds going and i hear they dont germ well looks like yours did fine i got a great germ rate i think they all germed i accedently put some root up thou and two died like that o well live n learn anyway im sub'd ill be watching good luck .....BTW yo stinking bishop funny how everytime i show intrest in a grow i see youve already sub'd you should recomend some to me lol


ahh thats very interesting dude thanks for the help....i see what your saying, i tend to mix mine one feed at a time which is long! LOL i shall mix it all up so i can just take when i need it.

im going to get one of them heaters as you say it seems like a very good idea :)

ill upload some new pictures tommorrow some time!

they drain pretty well...but obviously throughout the day it drains further and ends up sitting in it...which i need to rise them up and that should cure that problem :)

stinking bishop

Active Member
keep an eye on your waters ph sheepy if you makin a lot ..ours can rise over a few days into the 7s so we have to add few drops of ph down now an then to keep it to 5.7-5.8.

heard you can lock nutes out if your ph is off

your ph maybe higher than ours though usin coco

be waitin for pics :)

and yeah the room and water heater combined has speeded our grow right up...its just too cold without it


Wowwww sorry for the lateness of this guys ill explain the situation - basically haven't been around for a cpl weeks due to unforseen circumstances, plants have only had water within this time no nutes :( :( :( :( but they're really healthy grown really well, heater broke think they may have been stunted a bit! But really shot up!

They have some huge leaves now! Any reason for the size of leaves? Will upload pictures when home from work! Nutes have staryed again!

Is there a way to upload pictures from a mobile!? If not there shud be a blackberry app for this website :)

Sorry guys! Forgive me! :)

stinking bishop

Active Member
Wowwww sorry for the lateness of this guys ill explain the situation - basically haven't been around for a cpl weeks due to unforseen circumstances, plants have only had water within this time no nutes :( :( :( :( but they're really healthy grown really well, heater broke think they may have been stunted a bit! But really shot up!

They have some huge leaves now! Any reason for the size of leaves? Will upload pictures when home from work! Nutes have staryed again!

Is there a way to upload pictures from a mobile!? If not there shud be a blackberry app for this website :)

Sorry guys! Forgive me! :)

glad to hear the girls are ok .

and its ok m8 you are forgiven;-) how about those pics ?:weed: