Leaves drying out. +rep for any & all help


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the help. +rep

If I can't find a better answer, I'll probably flush on Tues. I called a friend who said he had something that's good for flushing. Flush-X or something like that.

But I really don't think it's nute burn. To explain why.....

When I started I took some bad advice and mixed blood & bone meal with FFOF and had minor nute burns for the first 3 weeks.

During the 3rd week the nute burns stopped and I treated the roots with Micorrhiza.

Around the 5th week the nute burns seemed to start again. I hadn't fed them, but I figured if the roots were getting bigger and more efficient then that may be the cause of the new nute burns.

Around week 6 I flushed them, but the damage that I thought to be nute burns didn't stop.

Around week 7 I fed 2 of the plants a small dose of FF Tiger Bloom and though the damage didn't stop all together, the two plants that I fed had a lot less damage than the other 5.

I water about every 3 days so from then till now..... 1 watering, 1 feeding with blood meal & FF Tiger Bloom, 1 watering, and the last feeding was with Alaska Fish Emulsion & FF Tiger Bloom.

At first the plants started looking better, then they stopped getting better. And after the last feeding they're worse than ever.

But because of all the yellow leaves I've seen in the last few weeks, and because I had misdiagnosed it as nute burn before, I'm really doubting it's nute burn.

Isn't there anything else that can cause this type of damage?

to be honest it might not be just 1 problem i think there is a combo of nute burn and maybe a few other role playin factors! like the Ph bein off as much as 1 pnt ! just my 2 cents though!


Well-Known Member
Great finds, I have them saved to my favorites already. If I could, I'd +rep ya again.

I didn't know that over fertilizing can cause yellow leaves, but I don't think that's what caused my yellow leaves since they finally all but dissapeared a couple of days ago after 2 feedings.

I also didn't know that ferts make the soil more acidic after feeding even if you use the proper ammounts of fert. I thought salts only build up when you have nute burns. I'm thinking that this is the prime suspect at this point since the soil started at 7.0 pH. I'll have to buy some distilled water & test it again but if I had some extra cash, I'd put it on this as the problem.

It also could be that I introduced ferts too quickly, but since the plants were asking for the N....... I don't know, it just seems like if the plants asking for the nutes, and you give them what they're asking for, then you can't introduce ferts too quickly. I could be wrong, but that seems to make sense to me.

I'm thinking that it's the soils acidity caused by the salts built up after the feedings. The soil must be very acidic after only 2 feedings to cause this much damage. I'll have to try to find some Eco-Gro and see how strong it is. If it's strong enough I'll have to get some, either that or some lime. But I've been told not to use too much lime in the soil to avoid other problems.

Thanks again for the find. I've been looking for info for coming up on a week now and haven't been able to find shit. You're a life saver.


Well-Known Member
to be honest it might not be just 1 problem i think there is a combo of nute burn and maybe a few other role playin factors! like the Ph bein off as much as 1 pnt ! just my 2 cents though!
Thanks, but other factors are telling me it's not nute burns. At this point I'm betting on the soil's acid & salt content caused by feeding and/or increasing the nutes too quickly.

I'll know wether or not I'm right after I flush. If after flushing the problems revert back to my older problems (yellow leaves), then I'll know I was right and I'll be researching eco-gro to see how effective it is at keeping the acid & salt content in the soil down, and I'll try to start feeding light & increase it slowly.


Well-Known Member
Classic nutrient brun.
Flush your system. Just water for a days, back to 3/4 strength after that. Check you EC if you can -

My magic numbers
Grow = EC 1.6
FLOWER = EC 2.2 - 2.6 (depending on stage)

Your lights didn't do that.

Jesus, that's high. I get burn at 1.8.


Well-Known Member
Is there some sort of device on the market than can measure nutes in soil?

If not, then what is EC? Electric conductivity?
Don't know about nutes in soil but you can buy a rod to measure the EC and ppm of your feed.
Come to think of it, I might be getting EC and ppm mixed up here.


Well-Known Member
lol shit i went to answer the op and then noticed there were 3 pages...
yeah nute burn, then over correcting.
looks like u had a def, then over compensated for it.
that full strength dose of nutes was prolly a no no


Well-Known Member
lol shit i went to answer the op and then noticed there were 3 pages...
yeah nute burn, then over correcting.
looks like u had a def, then over compensated for it.
that full strength dose of nutes was prolly a no no

Thanks for the help. +rep

I really don't think it's technically nute burns. Not just because the leaves are dropping, even the healthy looking ones. But because most of the damage has no color distortion and the color distortion that I do see doesn't look like any pics of nute burn I've ever seen. Colors include yellow, orange, brown, rust, dark green, and there are some others, but can't remember.

A friend loaned me some clear-x and I've been flushing & cleaning all night. I lost a lot of leaves (filled a small bath room garbage can, and I only have the 7 plants). I have one more to flush and 2 more to clean. I think I'm just gonna leave the cleaning for tommorow, I'm super tired. The clear-x is supposed to get rid of the salts and reset the pH of the soil, I hope it lives up to his advertising.

I read up on the eco-grow and it has water based micro organisms. So I wrote an e-mail to them asking how those micro-organisms would interact with they mycorrhiza that I'm using now and I haven't gotten an answer yet. I have to order it from New Zealand though so if I get it, it wont be in my hands for a week or two yet.

I think I currently have 2 problems though. Salt build up & soil acidity. Maybe a minor nute burn, magnesium or something. I haven't seen any classic signs of burn though. At least none that I've seen in my research.

I think they may also be root bound. After the flush some of the newspaper at the drainage holes got torn and I now have roots hanging out of some of those holes.

I'm about to build a flower room and I should have enough room to upgrade to 20 gallon pots. So if I get this straightened out, I might just use FFOF to do the transplants into the bigger pots so I don't have to worry about nutes for a few weeks.

As long as the flush works, my biggest problem will be how to keep the height down a bit without messing up the FIMs that I did. Is there any way to top a plant without adding to the main stems? Or is the only way LST?


Well-Known Member
mabye fungus gnats
Thanks for the help. +rep

It's not fungus gnats. I had caught fungus gnats, spider mites, and white mites at the same time early on and between the oil sprays and lady bugs, the spider mites & fungus gnats got killed off fast leaving only the white mites which I've been battling ever since.

It's not the white mites though, I don't think. I only saw them on one of the 7 plants when I flushed the night/morning before last.

If you have a problem with fungus gnats I suggest a 1 to 2 inch layer of sand on top of the soil. The gnats wont be able to get to the soil to lay eggs, and the larvae wont be able to escape and fly around once they mature. They'll die of starvation. Lady bugs also help a great deal, but they wont finish them off unless you have a double infestation - they wont finish off their food supply.


Well-Known Member
I checked on the plants this morning. I flushed them with 5 gallons of pH'd tap water and 91oz of the Clear X diluted in water. The plants are in 10 gallon containers.

The damage continues. There's new damage on the 5 plants I cleaned. I'm going to start 43 gallon flushes tommorow morning. I just filled the gallon jugs and have to wait 24 hrs for the chlorine to evaporate. But at this point I'm that much more convinced that it's not nute burns.

Can this damage be from the plants being root bound? Or can someone suggest anything else it might be?


Well-Known Member
Here are some pictures of some of the damage I've been seeing. These pics were taken on 1-20. This is some of the damage from my NY Diesel. The damage has become more advanced since.



Well-Known Member
This is from my Grand daddy purp #1. Also from 1-20, all these pics are from that date.



Well-Known Member
Grand daddy purp #2

