Up to Date Photos of Your Girls!


Well-Known Member
Each photo is a week apart. Not the same photo point in each, but you get the idea. She's still adding 2-5" a day; crazy. It's bubblelicious -- I thought that was a short indica-dom. She didn't get the memo.



Well-Known Member
This is The Church on the right and LA Woman on the left.


On the left is SLH showing and to her left is Blue Widow. They went 12/ just now. The two V~Kush will be ready any day now.

Hey Cowboy, Larry would like to trade you for the photo ~~

The two that just went in are on Baby Boosters.



Well-Known Member
I flipped the room to 12/12.. and got a mom station set up again...:eyesmoke:

Here we see some of the seedlings.... still to show sex...:wink:

Then the tray with the clones...bongsmilie

The new mom station...with 5 know females and 4 unknown seedlings... to include the Jamaican Queen... (it's just bagseed that came from the hills of Jamaica)

Here are the 2 BC White Widows that hve been harvested and re-veged...

The Jamaican Queen, still to show sex....

Another one of the seedlings... just bagseed...

and some stress signs showing on the clones I got... no idea what it is... but it is not showing on the new growth, so it's working itself out...:bigjoint:



Here are my girls on day 2 of 12/12. G13 labs Royal Kush (left) and DNA genetics Lemon Skunk (right)

Almost lost the kush a couple times due to PH issues, but she's pulling through now.



Well-Known Member
So I lost 4 plants today...:sad:

4 of the seedlings have shown balls...:spew:

Shame... but out of so many seeds.. I knew I would have some...

And it is not over yet... all the others still have to show their true colors...:o

The boys...:wall:

But don't despair...!!! :-P

I have found a Female too...:weed::clap:

And here we have more of an overview...:razz:

The seedlings...

The clones...

A wild strawberry plant wintering inside...lol... thriving and with lots of runners....:razz:

One of the runners starting to show some nubs...:clap:

Aloe Vera for the cuts and scrapes...:razz:

The clones from another angle....:weed:

and both trays again...:hump:



Active Member
Thanks dragonsmoke :bigjoint: It is just a random bagseed that I grew out. The other plant that I posted pics of is a cutting of the purple plant. I'm really hoping it shows the same awesome colors as her mother
i was wondering how you kept that last palnt so short?:spew:


Well-Known Member
I can smell that shit from here Tommy Boy! Btw I have some friends that seem to feel that the Purple strains are not as potent as others. Now I have had some awesome purple haze and such, but not really sure if it was any weaker than lets say Diesel.
