which do clones root faster in hydro or soil?


if i take a cutting and put it in those little spongey block things vs to soil, which would root first?


Well-Known Member
im assuming u mean rockwool? i have found they root at about the same rate. If u use soil u have 2 make sure it has little to no ferts cuz that will kill ur clones. I use coco mix for my clones as i think rockwool is 2 xpensive


Well-Known Member
if i take a cutting and put it in those little spongey block things vs to soil, which would root first?
The title to this thread and your actual question are 2 different questions.
But I'll answer both.

Taking a cutting off a plant and throwing it into an EZ Cloner should root within 7-14 days.
Using an EZ Cloner is aeroponics which is hydroponic growing.
Clones root faster hydroponicaly.
They're constantly being enriched with nutrient and oxygen.

Throwing a cutting in rockwool, opposed to putting in soil is really no difference to me.
You can root a clone in a cotton ball, and that's no difference.
In my grow room, If I did a test between rockwool vs. soil, I'm sure they would both root at the same rate of speed.
About 2-3 weeks.
If I was to choose between the 2, I'd go with soil.


oic, so im better off just sticking cut part of the clone straight into some water with bubbles?
one more question..... i have one clone that shows 3 roots at the bottom of the rockwool. i stuck it in the net pot with hydrotons and about an inch of water hitting it with bubbles too. now would it be ok to put some miracle grow all purpose plant food in the water? i plan on feeding the clone a little bit at first and ill gradually move it up ah notch.


Well-Known Member
oic, so im better off just sticking cut part of the clone straight into some water with bubbles?
one more question..... i have one clone that shows 3 roots at the bottom of the rockwool. i stuck it in the net pot with hydrotons and about an inch of water hitting it with bubbles too. now would it be ok to put some miracle grow all purpose plant food in the water? i plan on feeding the clone a little bit at first and ill gradually move it up ah notch.
Keep using Tap water.
Tap water (My tap water) usually has at least 300ppm's of nutrient already in the water.
Which is all I use when I'm cloning for the first week.
Then I'll add about 200ppm's of Olivias cloning solution.
Once I can't count how many ladder roots there are, which should look a huge ball of roots.
I'll up the nutrient to 600.
Watch your Ph, I keep it about 5.6 - 5.8.
Water temp should be a tad lower than the ambient temp.

As far as MG for nutrient, I'm not that thrifty when it comes to growing.
If you wanna skimp on costs for nutrient.
I would at least go with botanicare's products.


Keep using Tap water.
Tap water (My tap water) usually has at least 300ppm's of nutrient already in the water.
Which is all I use when I'm cloning for the first week.
Then I'll add about 200ppm's of Olivias cloning solution.
Once I can't count how many ladder roots there are, which should look a huge ball of roots.
I'll up the nutrient to 600.
Watch your Ph, I keep it about 5.6 - 5.8.
Water temp should be a tad lower than the ambient temp.

As far as MG for nutrient, I'm not that thrifty when it comes to growing.
If you wanna skimp on costs for nutrient.
I would at least go with botanicare's products.
iight, well if i do use the MG will it kill my plant?


Well-Known Member
iight, well if i do use the MG will it kill my plant?
I dont know what it is with people using MG fertilizer.

Get some jacks classic if anything.

No, it wont kill'em, but your not giving them a "breakfast of champions"..(use very little)

I'll tell you that much. Good luck man :)


I dont know what it is with people using MG fertilizer.

Get some jacks classic if anything.

No, it wont kill'em, but your not giving them a "breakfast of champions"..(use very little)

I'll tell you that much. Good luck man :)
o iight. im ah noob when it comes to hydro, so all i really got right now is MG which i use for my soil.
i've heard of all these names of different nutes but, noone really gives me the reason to use it and how exactly to use it.


You don't need a reason from me, I'm not gonna steer you wrong.
Obviously you need much more education in horticulture.
Buy a book.
i mean like, why do i use it (for flowering or Veg), how much do i use and when.
i need to know like the schedule for these nutes, know what i mean?


Well-Known Member
i mean like, why do i use it (for flowering or Veg), how much do i use and when.
i need to know like the schedule for these nutes, know what i mean?
On the back of the bottle, it shows exactly how much to mix.
Get a quart for vegg and,
Get a quart for bloom.
Mix it in your resevoir.
Every week change out the resevoir.

Depending on what type of hydroponic setup you're using will determine on when to water.

It's that simple.
I don't know what else you need to know.