co2 im hearing improves everything .
im movin the room into a tent will maybe still use the bucket for co2 and hope it will pay for itself co2 im hearing improves everything . ill use the vent fan for 15min (cause thats the min time of my timers) every 2 hours or so... wat u thik
gave them a drink of 800 ppm and its been no good since.been flushing since and it keeps dieing.I water with tap water and it comes out at 150ppm but dont know how to test the cal mg
you make it sound silly to use it and ur wrong from all these other sources. tell em UB dont mean to be a dick if it sounds that way im sure i might be missin somethin that you know that i dont...... but pritty sure im ok 4 now thanks for the feedback.
I make my living keeping track of business's costs and showing them where they are wasting money, so the idea of letting anything that's part of the "expense" of my grow go to waste is just really alien to my way of doing things.
I just had a major epiphany, when the leaves brown out that is because the plant has absorbed the carbohydrates from the leaves before it drops them, sugars are what make it burn harsher and not so much the nitrogen or chlorophyll, if you keep leaves alive it should be less harsh because most of the nitrogen is in the healthy leaves, when the plant is trying to conserve energy for the next cycle it sucks out the carbs and drops the leaf to reuse it so all the sugars are stored in the buds or given to seeds...
Yes, it's a sunk cost in that it is already spent, but it is not a sunk cost in that it is still useable for the plans I had going anyway. This isn't the same as going ahead and completing a building or other commercial project that is no longer needed or that can't be used/sold profitably. This is the equivalent of a pizza place deciding that they are going to use up all their existing cans of sauce before they start buying a slightly different sauce from a less expensive supplier. The nutes I have will still do the job (plenty of people on these boards swear by FF, as do a lot of the folks I know locally), so there really isn't enough of a downside to using them up to make your analogy accurate. Now, if they had NPK values that were totally wrong or were harming my plants in some other way I'd agree, but that's not the case.
As for the whole expert/professional thing, I don't take any exception (this time), but when it comes to cost accounting I'm both. That's what I specialize in, which is one of the reasons you see my call BS so often in other threads when people start talking about production costs and what MMJ should sell for. I freely admit I've still got a lot to learn about growing MMJ, but when it comes to the costs involved I can tell you to the penny what my fixed costs are, and can give you an estimate on my variables that I would be willing to bet will fall within 2% of what they actually end up at. If anyone wants, I'll be happy to help them set up their own system to keep track of costs and you can decide for yourselves whether I know what I'm doing (you'll need to have microsoft office with excel though). Just don't ask me about income taxes- I avoid that kind of work like the plague.
Hey UB,
I assume you like to read...
Check this out:
Do you see any thing that doesn't seem helpful or that you would ignore?
EdGreyFox, good idea
What is your take on capillary mats? I grow in smart pots (felt pots for air pruning) that sit on a grid that rests on bricks to keep them in the air. On top of the grid (it is a metal grid that has holes about 4''x4'') I have a capillary mat to help even out the moisture. There can still be run off because the mat I use is just some microfiber type stuff they use to make 'super-absorbent' towels.
here is a diagram:
smart pots U U U
grid - - - - - - -
bricks XXXXXXX
pan |-------------|
floor __________
I was reading this:
but I like that my mat will allow run off after the mat is saturated, it wont pool up
I am going to read the doc you sent me. I don't think the article was saying to add gravel to improve drainage but rather there is no drainage and the rocks just keep the roots out of standing water. This reminds me of the way a guy named Soma grows.
or for a slightly modified version:
thanks doc, i already read it tho just wanted to no what UB thought bout molasses???
i got 9 clones veggin so im gonna do a test with it on at least 2, but thought id ask UB what he thinks of it first???
i no its not ur thread doc, but you seem to no alot also and UB is prob busy answering 1000s of other q's. Whats your opinion on molasses? worth a try or not?