Video Games


Well-Known Member
damn no takers for the madden challenge?
So I guess its safe to crown dotdotdotdotdotdot RIU Madden Champ?Let me give myself a round of applause.:clap::clap::clap::clap::bigjoint:


Active Member
damn no takers for the madden challenge?
So I guess its safe to crown dotdotdotdotdotdot RIU Madden Champ?Let me give myself a round of applause.:clap::clap::clap::clap::bigjoint:
I'd take your challenge except for the fact im on the xbox 360 so i might as well crown myself the champ as well haha:clap:


Well-Known Member
I design and test video games. I work for Ubisoft. Its gotta be one of the greatest jobs in the world. Pretty much every one in the company is a pot head. I just sit around thinking shit up and then trying to make it to a game. Pretty fuckin sweet. Lol.
Reminds me Grandma's Boy.


Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
Anyone else play any of the old systems? I've got almost 200 games for the NES and I'm trying to beat ninja gaiden, I can get through the stages fairly easily but that last triple boss fight is killing me. :cuss:


Active Member
Deus Ex Human Revolution is a good game. Not as good as the original (or TNM) but HR is a lot better then IW. Still pissed about the boss battles though. Don't know how that sounded like a good idea considering the context. The original and TNM had "bosses" that could be subverted with non-leathal tactics. Can't understand why HR didn't follow suit.



Well-Known Member
i have xbox but i dont have any games that i am into right now. i may get the witcher for PC. its not going to be out on xbox for quite some time.