Bud Density


Active Member
I am on my 4th grow but it is actually my 1st grow using decent equipment. My previous grows were not producing thick dense buds with CFLs so I switched to 2 400watt HPS lights. I do understand that the my investment is minimal in the grand scheme of things however I expected to start seeing more of a difference by now. The plants are all healthy and look great however I just took a test cutting and the dried out bud still looks thin when compaired to bag buds I used to get.

Maybe you guys can give me some pointers. I have listed what I am using below.

1 tbls of Molasses/gallon every time I water during flowering.

1 tbls Miracle grow 15-10-10/ gallon every other time I water.

Miracle grow soil.

5 gallon buckets for containers. (4 gallons of soil each bucket).

Northern Lights strain

I have attached pictures of what some of my cola look like and also what the cola looks like that I cut a couple of days ago. I had some neut burn about a week ago but I have since balanced it out. I am just starting my 7th week of flowering with 2 more weeks to go.

I appreciate any help or hints you can give me.


robert 14617

Well-Known Member
get yourself a strain with more indica they tend to develop larger tighter buds then the higher ratio sativas


Active Member
get yourself a strain with more indica they tend to develop larger tighter buds then the higher ratio sativas

Are you serious? I was told that NL was the strain I should use for thick indoor buds.

Do you have any suggestions on the strain I should use? I normally shop at Nirvana.



bud bootlegger
how far away is that 400 watter from your plants.. maybe you have it a lil too far away from them.. i would think that you should be getting some dense nugs using two four hundies..


Active Member
Stop using Miracle grow, it's the worst stuff you can get for cannabis. Just use regular potting mix and add your own nutrients.


Active Member
I'm also seeing a lot of spotting on the leaves which could be a result of the miracle grow. That stuff is seriously bad for cannabis, never use it again.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
some reading material
What are some causes of slow plant growth?

Contributed by: tOkE_tHe_DoPe
Thanks to: Ranger2000, 10k, Hopefulgrower, Snoofer
Submitted: 15-02-2003

Soil moisture that is not absorbed rapidly turns stagnant; the plant quickly uses up any oxygen within the water, then is unable to respire further, resulting in moisture low in o2. Pythium thrives in low-oxygen (anaerobic) conditions.

In short, overwatering will slowly suffocate your roots, preventing sufficient oxygen uptake by the roots, and ultimately causing root rot.

Soil with high bark content
This can cause a “bonsai” effect. The roots will not be able to grow through the bark, preferring to grow around the chunks of bark. This slows down root growth and most obviously plant growth. Ive encounter this recently; once transplanted into proper soil, they have shown remarkable recovery.

[Editor's note: bark is quite acidic, may may afect soil water pH]

Light deprivation
Although your plant may be receiving light, particular strains may require higher light levels than others. A recommended light level for full bud development is 50 watts/m2. Full sunlight is 100,000 lumens max.

Low nutrient strength
The plant is unable to acquire the necessary amounts of nutrients to sustain high growth rates. Large and mature plants can take higher nutrient strengths.

Nutrient strength is also related to the light intensity; plants under fluorescent lights usually require a lower nutrient concentration than under HIDs.

Nutrient lockup
Adding too much of a nutrient (ex. Magnesium) can “lockup” one or more nutrients, rendering them chemically unavailable to the plant. Nutrient lockup can occur at extreme pH ranges (ie. under 5.0, over 7.0).

by Ranger2000:

Light spectrum
Light that does not contain enough red spectrum (too much blue)
Light spectrum can have a dramatic effect on plant growth, with different ligh frequencies affecting different photosynthetic processes within the leaf. Selecting a blue spectrum in a vegetative growth phase is preferred, with red spectrum in flowering.

pH is too high or too low (ie. acidic soil. The plants come out as mutants).
Plants are unable to absorb nutrients, or in adequate quantities within certain pH ranges. Optimum pH varies with each medium. Hydroponics and aeroponics: 5.6-5.8. Soilless: 6.0-6.3 Soil: 6.5-7.0.

Many soilless mixtures can be fairly acidic, due to their high % bark content.

Low temperatures
Plant metabolism will decrease at low temperatures. Chemical reactions within the plant will take longer. Optimum plant growth often requires close temperature regulation; daytime temperatures between 25C and 30C are preferred. Differences in daytime and nighttime temps should not be dramatic, as this difference may shock the plant.

by 10K:

Low soil / medium temp
Evaporation from a medium (i.e. peat pots) tends to chill the medium quite a bit due to the evaporative cooling effect. As the peat pot warms, it draws moisture outward, the evap effect cools the peat (like sweating). New growers often make the mistake of adding excessive amounts of water, resulting in cold soil, poor root formation and slowed


Active Member
SO I should stop using the miracle grow. Is there any other brand I can pick up that is a national name and easy to find? I dont have access to any grow shops in my state so I am stuck with what I can find at lowes, home depot ect.


Active Member
Lots of Jacks users. Looks like its workin for them . Can u order the Jacks Classic Nutes online? Im sure theyll smoke. Now, not sure how high u'd get. Dont feed them anything for a bit, try and get some trich production some how!


Active Member
Lots of Jacks users. Looks like its workin for them . Can u order the Jacks Classic Nutes online? Im sure theyll smoke. Now, not sure how high u'd get. Dont feed them anything for a bit, try and get some trich production some how!

well i just smoked some and im pretty stoned lol. bongsmiliebongsmilie Should I continue with the molases or just give em water for the next 2 weeks?