Hi - Special Gold


Hello, i just registered at this community and i'd like to say im looking forward to making some friends and learn allot here.

To get to the point of the topic, i would like to ask you guys (and girls ofc) if any of you know or heard about this:

Special Gold
Bath Salt Seafood Aroma.

It's being sold as a legal drug in my country and it contains the following ingredients:

C Vitamin
Amino Acids Mix
Monohydrate Dextroze
B6 Vitamin

It is manufactured in EU under the license for Bussiness Group Ltd. Panama

Second name for it is Novelty Bath Salt.

it comes in 0.25 g pack's in the form of white small cristals.
Much like regular salt and sugar, only smaller and more purely white then those :P

My questions are:

1.Have you ever heard of it? where?
2.Have you ever tried it? How was it like?
3.Do you know the exact recipy on how to make it?
4.Your opinion about it.

Pictures of the pack:

Hope to hear from any of you, thanks.


what do you eat it, smoke it? what does it do?
Main use is you sniff it, up your nose, like cocain.
Second most common use that this is you put in drinks,like mineral water/alcohol and so on

Other uses i heard of are shooting it in your veins with a sirenge (not recommended) and using it in food oO

I dissaprove of the last 2, not safe.
Main and second use seems to be the safest, and as for the high goes, well...1-2 hours your really really active then you go into a depresive state and you need to sniff another pack or just stop there.


I wouldn't say this is a drug at all. All it sounds like to me is powder form of an energy drink or one of those energy pills. Hell if you insulfate caffine you'll get a buzz.


Thanks for that link, unfortunatly it dosen't cover the specific special gold brand althow i see some other products with similar ingredients, il give it a read tonight/tomorrow and will come back here with a post if i have any questions, please don't close the topic, thanks.


Well-Known Member
on that thread someone did mention that mephedrone has a seafood smell to it and that may be why it says seafood aroma on the package.


Ok i've read the topic, not much info about how to make it there.
Does anyone know how? or any usefull links where an actual recipy is available? specifically for Special Gold bath salt, but others are welcome too.
Reason i need it so i can make it, i am conducting research for a non-funds non-gov association, it is having a major impact on children in my city here in Romania and some have already been hospitalized with breathing issues and heart beat problems, basically beats slow down oO
We wanna make it ourselfs and compare it to the ones being actually sold on the streets.
Any info? thanks in advance.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Wow that is a big list of shit I would not want to take unless I knew I was taking it specifically. There are stupid/dangerous sets of products.


Active Member
Man I hate being a stranger here and having such good advice for every one. I feel cheated in a way.

OK here are some of the best alternatives to Marijuana if you must go that rout:


Effect of alsem:
The effect of alsem is narcotic, lightly anaesthetic and it gives a peaceful and relaxing feeling. In combination with alcohol or in larger doses hallucinations can appear.

Effect of catmint:
Its effects are relaxing and can make you feel happy, this could be compared to the effects of marihuana, only milder. It is said to be somewhat similar to valerian root.

This calming magic herb may be smoked to produce a marijuana-like high.
If made into a tea, the effects will be more intense and very relaxing

You can find these LEGAL drugs here:http://amsterdamheadshop.com/magic-herbs/


Man I hate being a stranger here and having such good advice for every one. I feel cheated in a way.

OK here are some of the best alternatives to Marijuana if you must go that rout:


Effect of alsem:
The effect of alsem is narcotic, lightly anaesthetic and it gives a peaceful and relaxing feeling. In combination with alcohol or in larger doses hallucinations can appear.

Effect of catmint:
Its effects are relaxing and can make you feel happy, this could be compared to the effects of marihuana, only milder. It is said to be somewhat similar to valerian root.

This calming magic herb may be smoked to produce a marijuana-like high.
If made into a tea, the effects will be more intense and very relaxing

You can find these LEGAL drugs here:http://amsterdamheadshop.com/magic-herbs/

I said a recipy on how to make them, not a place to buy them. :neutral:


Oracle of Hallucinogens
To be honest... just go pick up the stimulant of your choice (Methylone, Butylone, MDPV, Mephedrone, etc) and whip up a concoction lol. That sounds like what they did ;-)


To be honest... just go pick up the stimulant of your choice (Methylone, Butylone, MDPV, Mephedrone, etc) and whip up a concoction lol. That sounds like what they did ;-)
The problem is i need that exact recipy :)
On that exact thing, special gold.
(well, not that exact, but u get the idea)


email the company that makes it. nobody here knows exactly whats in it.
i would but i can't find that company anywhere, not to mention get an email or a phone number ^_^
That's why i was looking for help here, maybe i can find someone that knows a thing or two about it..


Well-Known Member
This Petzy guy wanted to know what is inside Special Gold because from July on was sold in romania for 70$/g by the kilo ...legaly.