Just remember, this little guy could be one of these...
lol, I've had worse lookin' ones make it.
Damn Slab you got the nursery pumpin bro. Looks great. Those T5s are doing some growing for you. Congrats on the girl power you got going on.
I had a couple of seeds fall off the plant when mine were still in flower in AUg and Sept. One grew to be a male but the other got eaten by a slug or snail.
Those ones under the T5s look like you should have transplanted already. Dont do like I did and let them get rootbound.
Cindy Jack, Jacks HI lookin good. They grow up so quickly dont they?
So that's what ya calling them huh? I know those magnum pots make them look small but they've only been in those 1+gallon pots for a couple weeks. I have some 2 gallon perfect pots to put 15 mothers in once they make the cut. Then some 30 gallon pots if I decide to go that big. They are doing rain duty right now. Caught quite a bit overnight. about 10+ gal each... woo hoo free water!!!!
Great news, girls already!!! You'll be fine with the clones, it's pretty easy the way I've been doing it.
Seems like your starting to like this indoor thing.
If it wasn't for the smell and the numbers I need I think I could get used to it. ha Yeah pretty excited to find some girls. And I think one Dairy Queen male but the balls are still pretty small so not gonna declare him just yet.
Today I'll be making some pH down for pennies. I was researching the net (god I love the internet) and found out how to make my own with sulfuric acid.
Whoa there!!! Now I'm a big boy with quite a bit of comman sense and years of lab experience so don't freak out and start giving me chemistry lessons. otay?
It's pretty simple really. The biggest thing is to mix it correctly with the acid you buy. Cause it comes in different strengths. What I got is not the pure sulfuric acid but what they sell as battery fluid. Some call it battery acid but it is a 33% diluted sulfuric acid. You can find the 97% so if you are gonna make your own pH down be sure of what you are using. AND the acid goes into the distilled water. NOT water into acid cause that can react in a not so friendly way.
So, here's the formula for those interested AND with enough sense to make their own pH down. I stole it from another site...
Automotive and motorcycle parts houses also carry a product called "battery acid," or "battery fluid," which is a premixed - and sometimes buffered - solution of 33% (4.2 molar) sulpfuric acid in solution with distilled water. Also, it has been my experience that a parts store will carry either one (97%) or the other (33%), but not both. NOTE: 99% OF THE PEOPLE WHO WORK AT THESE STORES DON'T KNOW THE DIFFERENCE AND IT ISN'T USUALLY REFERENCED ON THE PACKAGING!!!
Both the concentrated and premixed come in boxes with the big scary NFA panel and huge warnings with pictograms showing acid burns to human flesh and reactive metals. Neither typically indicate the concentration anywhere on the packaging. Figures 1-5 are examples of both concentrated 97% sulfuric and premixed 33% solution. Can you tell the difference?
The reason this is important is because the 1st post in this thread is calling out specific ratios (50ml H2SO4/950ml distilled water) that assume a concentrated sulfuric acid component of 97% purity. *((THESE NUMBERS ARE WRONG! READ ADDENDUM ABOVE!!)) Obviously it will not produce the same final product if what you're calling concentrated acid is, in fact, only 33% pure. Conversely, if you bought 33% solution one time, mixed it until it worked, then got some "battery" acid at another store and it turned out to be 97% and you mix it to the same ratios you're gonna totally zap your 'nutes and/or roots, and just might fry your hands in the process.
HOW TO TELL THE DIFFERENCE SINCE RETAIL CONTAINERS RARELY SPECIFY CONCENTRATION: First, don't ask the counter help; often people will answer questions that they are not qualified to answer in an effort to be helpful. This is especially true of retail clerks whose job it is to "help" the customer. It's well-meant but not very reliable.
So here's the deal: Concentrated sulfuric will have instructions in the box on how to create a solution by mixing with distilled water. Premixed "battery acid/fluid" will instruct the customer to add it as-is to the battery cells.
One is "battery" acid, meaning: "Acid that is to be mixed with water and then added to a lead/acid battery,"
The other is "battery acid/fluid," meaning: "The already mixed stuff that is ready to go into your battery right out of the bottle/pouch/bag."
Again, I only mention any of this 'cuz I want everyone to have success and safety in all their growing endeavors, and that's what MP is all about, right?
Here's the simple version:
Mix 50ml of 33% sulfuric solution (read this post to learn how to determine what you bought) to 950ml of distilled water for 1 liter of a 1.65% pH down solution (50x0.33=16.5=1000x0.0165=1.65%)
Mix 70ml of 33% solution to 890ml of distilled water for 1 U.S. quart of 2.4% solution (70x0.33=23.1=960x0.024=2.4%).
To use the 1.65% solution is approx. 5ml(1tsp)/liter for a drop of 1 pH point, and to use the 2.4% is approx. 15ml(1Tbs)/gal. for a drop of 1 pH point. THIS IS APPROXIMATE and to a greater extent than commercial pH down will depend on the TDS/EC and degree to which your water source/nutrient solution is naturally buffered (remember, everything is a bit touchier with a sufuric pH down) You'll have to experiment to find the perfect ratio for you, and though sufuric acid solutions are a little more sensitive, it's totally worth it for how much $$$ you cn save.
So I'll be using this formula...
Mix 70ml of 33% solution to 890ml of distilled water for 1 U.S. quart of 2.4% solution (70x0.33=23.1=960x0.024=2.4%).
To use the 2.4% is approx. 15ml(1Tbs)/gal. for a drop of 1 pH point.
Starting to see the cupboards are clearing out...
Down to my last couple lbs...grrr
so that's it for this morning, gotta go......