White Widow Out Door Grow.


Active Member
How much will I get out of 1 plant on average what is the yeild,
Pro-mix, blood meal , wood ash & fish in soil (veg), bone meal,and other additives for (flower),
5-6 hours direct sunlight

B.C Chef

Active Member
How much will I get out of 1 plant on average what is the yeild,
Pro-mix, blood meal , wood ash & fish in soil (veg), bone meal,and other additives for (flower),
5-6 hours direct sunlight
Who's strain of White Widow do you have? There are a few companies that sell the White Widow. I have grown sensi White Widow and LOVE it but the yeild is usually about 3-4 oz per plant in my hydro setup. They dry light. In a soil outdoors with the weather and critters....who knows my friend.


Active Member
Seedsmens's strain,
I got mold,critters,animals,and pickers I'm not worried about that in no how to do that just wandering how much bu ill have to smoke this coming year


Well-Known Member
I'm growing g13s WW but from what people have told me poor conditions 1 oz per plant prime conditions 3 oz per plant.