Homemade Co2 question

I made my first co2 bottle last night, and im wondering what the reaction will be with the yeast, sugar, and water. Just so i know if i did it right.


Well-Known Member
It will start to make bubbles that pop out of a light tan goop that foams up. If it doesnt foam, you added too much water or your temps are not warm enough. 80-115 makes yeast happy.

I stopped using that method reciently due to space and i accidently knocked the bottle over and had a big ass mess to clean up. I now use CO2 tablets that you can buy from aquarium supply stores.

Its cheap, easy to use, and the risk of making a mess is a lot lower, in my case.


Well-Known Member
I wont really see any reaction. You'll eventually start seeing bubbles in the water that will float to the surface, which is the CO2, but nothing crazy like fizzing or anything


hey try useing vinager and baking soda for chemical reaction for co2. it goes fast so try it in a soda bottle with a small hole in the cap for slower release of co2. i saw this trick in grow dvd hope it helps


Well-Known Member
hey try useing vinager and baking soda for chemical reaction for co2. it goes fast so try it in a soda bottle with a small hole in the cap for slower release of co2. i saw this trick in grow dvd hope it helps

tried this. it works but it goes too quickly even with a small hole. the yeast enzyme works slower so itll be a steady stream of CO2


what is the right recipe for making co2? i got yeast sugar and water but how much of each should i use? please help!!!!!