New to growing soil or hydro?

I'm brand new to this forum and to growing. I have wanted to try growing for years and finally feel like i wanna commit to researching and setting up a grow. I'm wondering as somebody new to the hobby if it would be smarter to do soil, hydroponics or aeroponics. Also the negatives and positives of both as a new grower. I would be using a 14 by 14 foot room.


Well-Known Member
Most say to start in dirt. I myself have never grown in dirt, started with a hydro/rockwool drip sys. With a room that size you can do alot of things!


Well-Known Member
I'm brand new to this forum and to growing. I have wanted to try growing for years and finally feel like i wanna commit to researching and setting up a grow. I'm wondering as somebody new to the hobby if it would be smarter to do soil, hydroponics or aeroponics. Also the negatives and positives of both as a new grower. I would be using a 14 by 14 foot room.
Definetely start out in soil until you get to know whats what. Hydro is great, and plants grow fast but if you make a mistake, there goners. Good luck in your decision.


Well-Known Member
Soil - more forgiving - miss steps will not kill you plants immediately, giving you time to nurse them back

Hydro - works well, if it messes up, you lose

Aeroponics - works great, same problems with hydro, when things go bad, go quick, hard to recover.

Peace - :joint::peace:
i would start in soil, thats what i did, im on my 2nd grow. going to do a scrog when i get my Chiesel seeds from attitude.. thats what i would do with that big ass room. set up a huge SCROG, if you dont know what it is. do a search for it Screen Of Green, it allows you to grow your plants sideways rather than straight up allowing an even canopy of foliage so your lights hit all of your buds, not just parts of the plant, it produces huge yields from what ive seen