Where does the money come from to run Government programs?How is that artificial? Governments spend during recession to spur economic growth, this is Macro Econ 101.
Where does the money come from to run Government programs?How is that artificial? Governments spend during recession to spur economic growth, this is Macro Econ 101.
So you're part of the rabid 30%...This kind of rabid partisanship is what is destroying America. It's not enough to disagree with your political opponent, they have to be secretly working to destroy you. McCarthy used it, Soviet Russia used it, Iran is currently using it....
So you're part of the rabid 30%...![]()
I can't believe you posted that. You have read it wrong. it is not about approval "of" democrats and republicans, it is about approval "by" them. Of Obama. 84% of democrats approve of him. Only 13% of republicans approve of him. And you made this blunder in the context of telling someone else to get it right.If you're going to throw numbers up at least get them right instead of pulling them out of your ass.
The latest FOX News poll has Obama's approval at 50% with 84% approving of Democrats and only 13% approving of republicans. Looks like you're part of the rabid 13%.
I have some bad news for yo. "They" are not gone. "We" are not gone.Theres only one bush lol... Dont get it twisted... Lol i qoute harold and kumar 2 on this " alabama kush " all im sayin... Man im glad they are gone now i can come back outside and show my stoner face again lol
right out of the handbook...The fact of the matter is Bush trashed the economy. Bush started an unnecessary war in Iraq. And Bush and Cheney and other croneys profited obscenely through companies like Haliburton.![]()
Have a nice day.
proof that you have a brain that doesnt have the ability to process thought. his post was identical to the post above his except he changed it to democrat.This kind of rabid partisanship is what is destroying America. It's not enough to disagree with your political opponent, they have to be secretly working to destroy you. McCarthy used it, Soviet Russia used it, Iran is currently using it....
not to mention the stimulus money. govt spending is part of gdp. they print a bunch of money and throw it in the streets, wala....growth.Let's kick it up a notch and actually discuss the OP'S topic ... which he doesn't seem to understand fully.
I also read about the 5.7% jump, but upon doing some "data digging", a very different picture emerges from the OP's post of sunshine.
So let's get down to some real truth and not some liberal spin pablum.
Everything is connected when it comes to economic data. One thing effects another.
Nearly 2/3 of the gain was as a result of panicked liquidation of inventory that took place. Remove that liquidation and we hit the more accurate 2.2%GDP.
It takes around 3% GDP to start to boost employment numbers, and that's exactly why this number is phony. You don't shed jobs and get a 5.7% jump in GDP ... that just doesn't happen. Now we know we shed 775,000 jobs in the last two quarters alone, so again the 5.7% is an aberration due to the inventory liquidation.
What is more meaningful is to look at the same quarter from 1 year ago. How did we do last year at the same time (business like the weather is cyclical). Why we had a real GDP growth of .....drum roll.... 0.1% !! That's as close to ZERO as you can get using tenths.
Now to make matters worse....much worse.... non residential fixed investments, which means business investment for future returns (it takes $$ to make $$) plunged 14.6% !!! That's a HUGE drop and does not portend well for the future numbers. That's a vote of NO CONFIDENCE on Obamanomics folks. Rightfully so since Obama is holding us all back from prosperity as much as he can (the US economy is resilient after all).
Cracker, is that all? Finished yet?
Nope..... it gets worse.
According to the labor department, wages and benefits rose 1.5% in 2009. This is the smallest rise in HISTORY!! Thanks Obama!!!
If Obama was not President and these inane fiscal policies didn't exist....right about now we should be piling on about 200,000 jobs each month. That's what a recovery looks like. That is NOT what is happening.
That 5.7% is a sham, and only because of a ONE time panic by business. But what the OP isn't telling you is that the inventory hasn't been replaced.... and that takes $$$$. This is only one end of the see saw, there's more to come.
After 862 BILLION $$$ in stimulus (uh huh) and $700 BILLION $$$ more in bank and auto bailouts, our REAL economy is barely growing and we are left with short term inventory reversals to substitute as true economic growth.
Now usually on news like 5.7% GDP....the stock market would SOAR!!!! I can't stress that enough. But instead the market YAWNED. Why???? Because unlike the OP, they are actually educated & paying attention and know what the number REALLY means.
I'm waiting now to see if Obama has the short sightedness to thump his chest on this number..... I'm beginning to think he's not very bright at all... so he just might.
He only has to get the message out to the ppl like the OP, who don't understand what it is they are being told. Folks like the OP are like an applause sign at a awards show......they respond without knowing why.
Keynesian economics have proven to be unsuccessful especially when used in a free market society.What the righties will never admit that Obama's economic policies are working they way they should. Basic Keynesian stuff.
You are misinformed. The recession we are in was caused by both parties. The bailouts and stimulus are not working and are prolonging the recession. Without government interference we would be out of the recession by now. Of course without the government interference we would not be in the recession in the first place.The economy should start to add jobs next quarter. We have to remember that it will take all of Obama's term for the economy to really start performing. The Re-puke-icants and conservatives almost started another great depression. If it were not for Obama, we would really be screwed.
It is great news...as long as it keeps improvingThe Republicans are not happy. (Darn that Obama and those Democrats!) There must be some way the GOP can turn this into bad news...
Economy grows at fastest pace in 6 years
GDP data show 5.7 percent rate in Q4, a quicker pace than expected
The economy grew at a faster-than-expected 5.7 percent pace in the fourth quarter, the quickest in more than six years, as businesses made less-aggressive cuts to inventories and stepped up spending
The Commerce Department said on Friday its first estimate put fourth-quarter gross domestic product growth at its fastest pace since the third quarter of 2003. The economy expanded at a 2.2 percent annual rate in the third quarter
Analysts polled by Reuters had forecast GDP, which measures total goods and services output within U.S. borders, growing at a 4.6 percent rate in October-December period.
"Wow, great number. It's very solid and gives us a running start into the second half of the year when we can't rely on government stimulus," said Jack Ablin, chief investment officer at Harris Private Bank in Chicago. "That's part of the plan, to get us moving as fast as possible so when life support is removed we'll have a pulse."
U.S. stock index futures extended gains on the data, while Treasury debt prices deepened losses. The dollar rose against the yen.
Getting the economy on a sustainable growth track remains one of the key challenges facing President Barack Obama, who on Wednesday outlined a raft of measures to create jobs and nurture the recovery.
Growth was boosted by a sharp slowdown in the pace of inventory liquidation, a factor that could mask the strength of the economic recovery from the longest and deepest downturn since the Great Depression. But even stripping out inventories, the economy expanded at an annual rate of 2.2 percent, accelerating from the 1.5 percent increase in the third quarter, reflecting relatively strong performance from other segments of the economy.
Business inventories fell only $33.5 billion in fourth quarter after dropping $139.2 billion in the July-September period. The change in inventories alone added 3.39 percentage points to GDP in the last quarter. This was the biggest percentage contribution since the fourth quarter of 1987.
For the whole of 2009, the economy contracted 2.4 percent, the biggest decline since 1946, the first year after the end of World War II.
In the last three months of 2009, consumer spending increased at a 2 percent annual rate, below the 2.8 percent annual pace in the prior quarter when consumption got a boost from the government's "cash for clunkers" program.
It's a fluke and will be adjusted downward. The quarter we are in will be no more than +2 if that, and Unemployment will rise further. Go ahead and believe otherwise.It is great news...as long as it keeps improving