First Grow - 150W HPS - Stealth Cab - Snow White Rhino


Watup RIU. So this is my first grow and hopefully it will go alll goood. If anything ever looks wrong or you have any questions please dont hesitate to ask.

I germinated 2 snow white (fem) and 2 white rhino seeds on Jan 15th and planted them on the 16th and 17th. My growbox was not exactly ready and good to go but I've made due so far. I just got my Mylar today so I'll be putting that on when they wake up tonight. I've only Mylar'd the door so far. Noob mistake - forgot to label the seeds so I don't know which is which :( hahah. Well here are a few pics.

Day 3

More updates to come!!!
Any comments, suggestions, tips?




Sup Sup Riu

So last time I realized how quickly I wrote the above and that I didn't explain very much. Im gonna throw some pics up and explain a little more.

Uhh first of all I'm planning on eventually transplanting to 2 gallon bags for the final container. Right now I'm using a mix of fox farm ocean forest and fox farm light warrior. Box is mylar'd and there are two heavy duty computer fans wired to DC adapters on the door for ventilation. And again this is my very first grow. Like I said before there are two Fem Snow White and Two Random White Rhino in there (forgot to label em) I'm going to be using General Hydroponics FloraBloom nutes when the time comes. The light is a 150W HPS from HTG Supply. That's all I can think of right now.

Day 7

Just some clearer pictures I got the nice camera back.

These two seem to be doing pretty good but the other two I'm questionable about

This one looks like hes stuck and the fourth cup just has not even sprouted yet

Any questions or suggestions would be great.
Payce and stay tuned for moree



Just a quick update with the bad camera again...

Only two have survived sadly... I didn't realize sprouting would be an issue. I'm thinking of germinating two more as I forgot to label them and these both could be male. Hoping for the best of course.

Day 12

O and the leaves are sort of curling downwards... Any ideas what it would be from looking at my setup. I read there could be a bunch of different reasons I just have no idea why...

Any comments...

Beastman outtt



Watup RIU, Just checked one of my girls and shes looking extra droopy... Any ideas
Please help! What's happening to my biggest baby?

Day 15

Comments suggestions anything would be helpful even if its not about this one...



Well-Known Member
your girls are getting a bit big for those cups i'd say, put them in something better with the highest quality soil you can afford!

best of luck for the rest of the grow.


looks like it could be over often do you water?

also just wondering, what do the temps stay at in your box
My watering is not really on a schedule. I kind of just determine it from how they look. Which I'm kinda worried about myself I. When the top is dry and the cup feels light enough I pretty much water. Do not have PH up and down or a meter, no temp meter or humidity meter. My house either has the door open or I have the AC on around 70. So I figure temps can't get that bad but I'm not to sure.

To the other guy. I was planning on transplanting tonight. I was worried that this was over nuteage with the fox farm soil cause right now the cups are filled with a mix of fox farm ocean forest and fox farm light warrior. I have 2 gallon grow bags that are gonna be the final container. Should I fill them full wiht the ocean forest normal soil or still mix them with some light warrior?

I will have better pics up tonight no later then 10. Will show the setup and all again.

EDIT - Plants sleep from 6 - 12 completely forgot. I'll have pics up at 12 10 then.

Thanks all



Day 16

So far this is whats going on. Both are looking a little bit sick but better than yesterday by a lot haha. Any ideas since the pics are a little nicer. I'm transnplanting in like an hour as long as I don't get too lazy.


Just my general setup

Baby 1

Baby 2



nice lookin start!
Thankkss mang!


Day whatever cont. TRANSPLANTEDD

Watup watupp... So just transplanted thought I'd throw it up there.

Baby 1 and 2

Full setup shot I guess you could call it

Oh, and also I realized I will not have as much space as I thought. They can only grow to about 16 inches give or take... I should flower pretty soon huh?

Sleep timee


Well-Known Member
Thankkss mang!


Day whatever cont. TRANSPLANTEDD

Watup watupp... So just transplanted thought I'd throw it up there.

Baby 1 and 2

Full setup shot I guess you could call it

Oh, and also I realized I will not have as much space as I thought. They can only grow to about 16 inches give or take... I should flower pretty soon huh?

Sleep timee

much better, but looking at your hight i'd say you'd really want to scrog or seriously LST those girls


much better, but looking at your hight i'd say you'd really want to scrog or seriously LST those girls
Hey thanks for the idea man. I was thinking this already but I felt this being my first time and all I should just stick to a small grow that actually get me some yield. Is there a certain lst method you would reccomend thats easier maybe?



lol, I germinated on exactly the same time as you. check it out

I would suggest getting a temp gauge and a digital ph meter if you can, makes a ton of difference! As for soil, i'm using ocean forest from seed with no problems whatsoever. Going on week 3 with no added nutes yet!
Hey man thanks. I was wondering, all those white rocks that are used to make air in the soil. Should there be a bunch on top or should I clear those off? Also how much are you watering.
Repd Up



Supp RIU
Just a quick little update while I still have a good camera. The other 2 seeds still have not sprouted. I really don't understand why I have such bad luck with seeds.

Day 18



Well-Known Member
Hey man thanks. I was wondering, all those white rocks that are used to make air in the soil. Should there be a bunch on top or should I clear those off? Also how much are you watering.
Repd Up

hey man,

the white rocks are perlite, helps drain the water as well. What I did was put about a inch layer on the bottom before adding the soil. It shouldnt matter if they are on top as long as they are properly mixed well.
As far as watering, I usually water til runoff, every 2 to 3 days. I just started using nutes so I plan to feed them every other watering.



Another quick update for yall at RIU

Day 22

Baby... Or almost teen now I guess 1

Baby/Teen 2

These 2 plants have had the exact same treatment. Can anyone think of any reasons why one has curling leaves and one seems super healthy and yummy.

Beast Outt



The box is 28" W, 37" H, and 12" D. That's the growspace not the exterior measurements of the box. Just put them in flower mode yesterday but the camera broke. I'll have pics up asap should be able to confirm they're both girls soon!! :D