Tahoe's doing it - stepping up to the plate....we're ready.....

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Well-Known Member
well....its now two weeks. I took the plunge last night and topped my Top44 plant. And the others are growqing like....well....I continue to be amazed.... more pics to share... (as always, full size in the gallery), enjoy!

three Big Bud in one pot.....yea yea yea...I know....

three BigBud in one pot....yeah yeah yeah....I know...

single Top44 (now topped....on day 14)

sinlge Top44 (now topped...on day 14)

topped Top44


Well-Known Member
thks man....i'm enjoying this very much....I can really see myself getting into the nuts and bolts...I'm looking forward to my new setup....gonna make a big difference. And then I can be srious about new strains and better managing the results too....pretty exciting stuff....I feel like at kid at christmas...:blsmoke:
The power of positive thinking, is very underestimated.
Love your growing attitude bro.


Well-Known Member
hey thanks for taking a look...and making your comments. I sure hope not...but I would certainly not be the one to make that call....here I have taken the original phot and cropped super close....I have two others, one is just slightly out of focus but I also included the other... do you still think so?



Well-Known Member
Still kinda hard to tell...so I circled the spots.
Keep an eye on those , thats where she`ll show if it`s male or female.
It should show it`s sex sometime this week I`d say.
If you get 2 little balls it`s a boy...if you see 2 little white hairs growing there you have a girl.
I`ll keep watching too.
Did you try and clone the top ya cut off?



Well-Known Member
thanks Man....I rrealy appreciate your expertise. in my eyes (as inexperienced as they are....) and looking close ...they pears to be leaf bracts? But I will certainly keep an eye open...and I'm not setup at the moment for cloning....will be next week...:mrgreen:
Still kinda hard to tell...so I circled the spots.
Keep an eye on those , thats where she`ll show if it`s male or female.
It should show it`s sex sometime this week I`d say.
If you get 2 little balls it`s a boy...if you see 2 little white hairs growing there you have a girl.
I`ll keep watching too.
Did you try and clone the top ya cut off?


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Oh no, it looks as if there is a male pranching around your grow room waiting to pollenate all your ladies, lol. :mrgreen: Give it a couple days to make sure then kill that bastard, lol. :peace:


Well-Known Member
I really hope you are right.
Whenever I top a plant I always stick the part cut off in soil...you`d be amazed at how easy some strains will take root.
Just a thought for future reference, if she took and it was a girl ...you`d have 2 Top44.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
I really hope you are right.
Whenever I top a plant I always stick the part cut off in soil...you`d be amazed at how easy some strains will take root.
Just a thought for future reference, if she took and it was a girl ...you`d have 2 Top44.
Oh ya, tahoe you gonna top these babies? Maybe make a few clones now that you have the growin itch? :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
hey thanks...I guess this is a shudda, cudda, wudda.....well, next time....keep learning....
I really hope you are right.
Whenever I top a plant I always stick the part cut off in soil...you`d be amazed at how easy some strains will take root.
Just a thought for future reference, if she took and it was a girl ...you`d have 2 Top44.
yup I did top the Top44....but didn't save the top...seems like I cudda...shudda.....
Oh ya, tahoe you gonna top these babies? Maybe make a few clones now that you have the growin itch? :mrgreen:
I am very intrerested in the comments re: male....that would be disappointing considering that is the only Top44 sprout I had...but I have more seeds and will try again....try and try again...there is no failure, except in no longer trying...hehehehehe thanks a bunch everyone!!


Well-Known Member
Man yours look nice and big compared to mine!!

Keep up the good work, your plants look nice and healthy


Well-Known Member
thaks man...I've have been very fortunate....i am walking blind but so far haven't bumped into anything too significant! hahahahaha


Well-Known Member
I'm no pro or even close, I'm 60 Days into my first but what ever one is saying looks like male preflowing just looks like the stipule to me....I don't see any preflowers at all.


Well-Known Member
yea...I agree...I don't think so either but then whaddaI know.....dick all...this is all totally new to me....thanks for piping in though!

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
I have a quick question. I thought that the plants have to into the flowering, 12/12, to start showing sex? I have way too many plants and I have been holding and rotating them into the flower room as I kill off males. I'd love to be able to sex 'em earlier to clear ups space and pots for the next crop.

Great grow tho and I'm enjoying the journal.


Well-Known Member
well...I am certainly not he most experienced to pose that question to .... and there is a lot of debate about the.....but it would seem to me that the plant has to mature...and will show preflower...and then you can put into 12/12....others have strongly argued that the changing of the photoperiod can "induce" the plant to flower...I do not know the real answer...to me, logically, the plant prolly has to mature and show preflower before it goes to 12/12....but l;ike I say...you will prolly see lots of folks say I'm wrong.....cheers and good luck!!


Well-Known Member
Top of the Morning Mate,
I final got some sleep around 5 in the MFM.
I hope all of them are all bit*hes so you can get the triafecta.
Anyways whats new?

I just found out that I might have to wait another 10-15 days to chop and crop. I took another look at my girls and they have no red/brown hairs yet. 60 days into flower. Shi*

What do you think T.
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