Fact Check FOX


Well-Known Member
sponsored by the DCCC, no less....

Don't let the Republican hecklers at Fox News spin President Obama’s State of the Union speech. If you see Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, Sean Hannity or any other right-wing pundit or Member of Congress twisting the truth, we need you to send it along so we can set them straight.

Use the form below to sign up for Rapid Response Text Message Alerts. Once you sign up, you will receive a message with details on how you can alert us when you catch Republicans spinning the truth (standard messaging rates apply).



Well-Known Member
sponsored by the DCCC, no less....

Don't let the Republican hecklers at Fox News spin President Obama’s State of the Union speech. If you see Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, Sean Hannity or any other right-wing pundit or Member of Congress twisting the truth, we need you to send it along so we can set them straight.

Use the form below to sign up for Rapid Response Text Message Alerts. Once you sign up, you will receive a message with details on how you can alert us when you catch Republicans spinning the truth (standard messaging rates apply).



New Member
So, you guys actually have people assigned to the task of watching FOX News all day long in an attempt to glean out a word or a sentence that can be spun to your advantage? That's great ... a truely wonderful source of recruits for us ... once they get over their Progressive indoctrination, that is. :lol:


Well-Known Member
So, you guys actually have people assigned to the task of watching FOX News all day long in an attempt to glean out a word or a sentence that can be spun to your advantage? That's great ... a truely wonderful source of recruits for us ... once they get over their Progressive indoctrination, that is. :lol:
not sure who "you guys" is referring to

i find it extremely amusing to watch beck and company make complete fools of themselves and then get called out on it

i don't know why i find it so amusing. perhaps amazing is a more accurate nuance.

i must admit tho, i didn't actually sign-up. first you have to disclose your email and cell phone number. and i guard those rather closely. and second, i'm sure i'll be able to locate a few sound bytes without "subscribing" to all the updates

i posted it mainly because this project is a bit of a modern phenomenom and speaks to the current state of the politics

hope "you guys" don't mind


New Member
Well, by "we guys," I meant "us conservatives." :lol:

Have fun finding fault with Glenn Beck. Unlike Progressives, we conservatives aren't perfect. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
well I would think that after a cursory review of the OP, a conservative might propose the DCCC is running scared after the MA special election


Well-Known Member
Why don't you fact check Obama while you're at it? He evidently said that the stimulus has created over 2 million jobs and this morning CNN is saying "that's not exactly true". :clap:


Well-Known Member
I love the way the Obamamaniacs worry about what FoxNews has to say when their mendacious hero spews far more falsehoods more frequently.
Quite amusing!:leaf:

President Wrong on Citizens United Case [Bradley A. Smith]

Tonight the president engaged in demagoguery of the worst kind, when he claimed that last week's Supreme Court decision in Citizens United v. FEC, "open[ed] the floodgates for special interests — including foreign corporations — to spend without limit in our elections. Well I don't think American elections should be bankrolled by America's most powerful interests, or worse, by foreign entities."

The president's statement is false.


WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama, who once considered government spending freezes a hatchet job, told Americans on Wednesday it’s now part of his solution to the exploding deficit. He didn’t explain what had changed.
His State of the Union speech skipped over a variety of complex realities in laying out a “common-sense” call to action. A look at some of his claims and how they compare with the facts

Illegal Smile

The republicans have been virtually muzzled in this government and yet it is "they" who need to be monitored for the truthfulness of what they say? What a juvenile amateur attempt to turn attention from OBAMA'S broken promises and deceptions!

And another thing - do they think we don't notice that everything the dems are saying about "jobs" involves the government? Why give $3000 to small businesses for hiring someone? That just requires a bureaucracy to administer it and create fraud. Just give the small businesses tax cuts and let them figure it out for themselves. We are being led to believe (lied to) that the federal government needs to be a middleman in every job creation. In fact all jobs are created entirely by the private sector, except for government jobs which is all Obama has been able to create.

All he said last night was give more and more money to more and more people. Then, instead of admitting this would cost money we don't have, he throws out a few bones about spending freezes (another lie) suggesting that all the spending will somehow make us fiscally more responsible.

Obama was a one trick pony. We have seen the whole show. All we are getting now is boring reruns. And he is like a pathetic washed up actor trying to make a comeback, "change you can believe in!"


Well-Known Member
You are correct Ill,
Remember the obsession that the progressives exhibited with GWB's inability to tell the truth. Bush was called a liar on almost a daily basis.
Obama makes Bush look like George Washington in comparison.
The current POTUS is an inveterate, pathological liar. The next three years are shaping up to be the most precarious in our nations history.
The dark clouds are building ominously on the horizon.
Time to prepare the storm shelter boys and girls.


Well-Known Member
The republicans have been virtually muzzled in this government and yet it is "they" who need to be monitored for the truthfulness of what they say? What a juvenile amateur attempt to turn attention from OBAMA'S broken promises and deceptions!

And another thing - do they think we don't notice that everything the dems are saying about "jobs" involves the government? Why give $3000 to small businesses for hiring someone? That just requires a bureaucracy to administer it and create fraud. Just give the small businesses tax cuts and let them figure it out for themselves. We are being led to believe (lied to) that the federal government needs to be a middleman in every job creation. In fact all jobs are created entirely by the private sector, except for government jobs which is all Obama has been able to create.

All he said last night was give more and more money to more and more people. Then, instead of admitting this would cost money we don't have, he throws out a few bones about spending freezes (another lie) suggesting that all the spending will somehow make us fiscally more responsible.

Obama was a one trick pony. We have seen the whole show. All we are getting now is boring reruns. And he is like a pathetic washed up actor trying to make a comeback, "change you can believe in!"
He flat out lied about job creation. The CBO is saying between 600,000 and 1.6 million (huge gap) jobs have been created and a lot of those were temporary. Let's look at the other side of that coin. How many jobs have been lost? Please answer me if you dare jeffchr.:o


Well-Known Member
I do not know where Obama is getting his jobs creation number. It clearly does not agree with the CBO. I think he is using some sort of nuance, like "jobs created and saved". I really don't care where he is getting his numbers.

7 million jobs have been lost.


Well-Known Member
A lot of the claimed jobs saved are nothing more than States using Federal monies to pay State employees allowing the State to waste money elsewhere.
Further many of the "green jobs" they tout are nothing more than hiring 18 to 24 year olds at $8.00 an hour to do weatherization work that was previously being done by trained craftsmen at a livable wage - his "green jobs" have taken money out of the pockets of adult workers who have familys to support.

Illegal Smile

I've been deeply involved with labor market and employment issues for 30 years and "jobs saved" is an old tired joke. It means nothing and those who use it are invariably charlatans. For example, if Obama-money paid xyz construction co. to fix a bridge, every single xyz employee who touched the project is counted as a job saved, even though they had their job before and would have it after.

Real job creation does not have to pass through the government. When Obama says the word "jobs" all he means is more government spending.


Well-Known Member
so are you advocating Hoover Economics? if the government doesn't light a fire under the economy then how do you propose to resolve the recession. there is still a serious recession, you know. if the government retreats or downsizes, there will be a depression. i know some on the right are preparing for just that. but we have two choices, spend some money, which might work. or just commit to a depression. at least spending some money might help.

you know, obama didn't create the bulk of the current deficit. but look, we will never agree. the thread was about the DCCC and Fox. a situation that I thought might be amusing. if you don't find it amusing, fine. i am not going to debate politics and economics with you. i don't like your politics and i don't like you economics. they make me sick; so why would I ever want to discuss them with you.


Well-Known Member
so are you advocating Hoover Economics? if the government doesn't light a fire under the economy then how do you propose to resolve the recession. there is still a serious recession, you know. if the government retreats or downsizes, there will be a depression. i know some on the right are preparing for just that. but we have two choices, spend some money, which might work. or just commit to a depression. at least spending some money might help.

you know, obama didn't create the bulk of the current deficit. but look, we will never agree. the thread was about the DCCC and Fox. a situation that I thought might be amusing. if you don't find it amusing, fine. i am not going to debate politics and economics with you. i don't like your politics and i don't like you economics. they make me sick; so why would I ever want to discuss them with you.
Are you stomping out of the thread right now and taking your toys with you? :lol:


Well-Known Member
I love the way the Obamamaniacs worry about what FoxNews has to say when their mendacious hero spews far more falsehoods more frequently.
Quite amusing!:leaf:

FOX News has been spewing bullshit long before anyone ever heard the word Obama.



Well-Known Member
well, i predict the attacks in the immediate future will be against Pelosi. Probably the only way healthcare might get passed is if the House votes for the Senate bill. Pelosi will have to make all those deals, so Fox will probably organize against her in the coming weeks. it will be interesting to see what they come up with.

Illegal Smile

This recession was made longer and deeper by irresponsible government spending. More such spending will lengthen and deepen it even further. You want hasten it running its course - you stop the foolish spending, pay what comes back in on the deficit, send the message to the private sector that the amateur hour of Obama is over, and do some serious tax cutting beginning with making the Bush tax cuts permanent.

Iron, Lion, Zion

Active Member
if the government doesn't light a fire under the economy then how do you propose to resolve the recession. there is still a serious recession, you know. if the government retreats or downsizes, there will be a depression. i know some on the right are preparing for just that. but we have two choices, spend some money, which might work. or just commit to a depression. at least spending some money might help.
It's not the government's job to light a fire in the economy. It's their job to allow businesses, corporations, and people to spark the match.
All Obama's stimulus packages are doing is taking water from the deep end of the pool and dumping it back into the shallow end.