Hash Oil 101. Quick EZ guide with photos

gwerns nugs

Well-Known Member
First off let me start this off by asking you to repeat this after me....three times for us who are stoned......


Now that that is done....get your supplies ready:

1) Hot plate
1)Glass cup or watever
?)Vector Gas (Your local smoke shop has it)
1) 1ft length of PVC
2)End caps (preferabbly slip over/dome)
1)Trimming scissors
1)Mixing bowl
?)Cofee filters to avoid contaminates!!!!
1)Drill/bit (make holes for canister/drainage)

Start by removing all the stems etc.

Move onto mass snipping of whatever material you use. I use only the best meds to make my oil.

After you are done with your cut plant matter and it looks like you could "roll it up" you are ready.

Move onto your PVC....

Get your drill out....

drill ONE HOLE on the top.

Three holes in a triangle on the bottom.....


Insert the stank stank into the PVC... GENTLY GENTLY


The idea is to have the gas shoot over the plant mattter super cooling and breaking off THC.

Why vector gas you may ask?

Boiling temp= very low......

Now after you have your tube loaded...insert the can and pressurize the tube and HOLD UNTIL CAN IS EMPTY.

Keep on a low heat and turn on your fan now to keep the area well ventillated!



After you have let it boil off for a while you will notice bubbles appearing....start to "play with it" and move it around....when the bubbles are less frequent it is time to move onto the next step.

After the bubbles have stopped move your, now oily substance, to a hotter pot of water to help boil out the butane...

For those of you unfamiliar...

Warm water in a pan with your glass container holding the oil sitting in pan to prevent burning of THC...

after you dont see any bubbles at all (USUALLY 30 MINS) it is ready for consuming.



Green Cross

Well-Known Member
can you post pics of the holes drilled in the tube?
Vector Gas? Is he trying to say Butane? :mrgreen:

I suggest you don't put butane on an open stove. Warm water back works fine, just run a pot of coffee (leaving out the coffee), pour that into a secondary pyrex dish, and then place the pyrex with the oil in that. :fire:
PVC isn't the best material to use either. A stainless turkey baster works well, and won't leach toxic plastic into your oil. :wall:

First Time Growin

Active Member
There is something called an "Honey Bee Extractor".
You fill it with shake/bud/leaves, take a coffee filter put it on top and screw the lid back on it.

Grab a bottle of butane stick it in the hole on the other end (which comes built in already) and watch the oil pour out the lid's holes.
It is literally this exact same process you described above, except it costs only 5$.

P.S. Do this outside as it stinks!


Well-Known Member
There is something called an "Honey Bee Extractor".
You fill it with shake/bud/leaves, take a coffee filter put it on top and screw the lid back on it.

Grab a bottle of butane stick it in the hole on the other end (which comes built in already) and watch the oil pour out the lid's holes.
It is literally this exact same process you described above, except it costs only 5$.

P.S. Do this outside as it stinks!
You got a link to where you can buy the honey bee extractor for $5?


Well-Known Member
I highly doubt you got it for that cheap, the store would be losing money selling it for that price

First Time Growin

Active Member
It's all good, maybe it was on sale and I hadn't noticed.(I doubt it though)
Point being I'm just letting everyone know you can do the exact same thing as the OP method but for cheaper, and no constructing required.


Active Member
well i dont think he made these instructions cause hes useing a gas oven in those pics and yet he said


but vector or any other zero contaminants butane is suggested i have no idea what ronson is i cant ever find a refinment amount or any thing


Well-Known Member

Nice gwern nugs, I'm particularly impressed with your emphasis on safety. I hope you don't mind a few alternative steps suggested.

1. Use stainless steel or copper rather than PVC. PVC contains chemicals that leach out over time.

2. The Honey Bee is fun and simple to use but very inefficient. The HB is 5"x1 3/8" inside for an area of ~1.5"sq and volume of 7.42"3. Butane Honey Oil Extraction uses the speed the butane, as well as the volume to wash out the resin.

If you use a 1/2" pipe we have a an area of 0.2"sq., so 7 times the volume of butane will pass through each piece of plant mater. Butane does not bind with the honey oil as Olive Oil does, when it washes over the plant mater it will continue working.

To achieve the same volume with the 1/2" pipe as the 5" (interior) Honey Bee you would need a 38"x1/2" pipe. The longest I use is 30" but get far more oil than from the Honey Bee using the same trim. When I want to do a larger extraction I use a 3/4" pipe. The longer pipe gives you a bit more velocity.

You can use a pipe clamp and coffee filter on the bottom, but I'm definitely trying drilling holds in a cap as suggested.

I find the easiest extraction tray to be a Pyrex brownie tray.

To boil off the butane get a 10 gallon tote, like a Rubbermaid, and fill it half way with steaming hot tap water. Put it outside, outside, outside, with a cover on before you extract, then put the Pyrex tray in the tote and let it float. No cover on the tote during extraction, even if there are holes - water will condense on the cover and drip in your oil. The hot water will boil off the Butane. No hotplate, no wool sweaters.

Extract with butane in your garage.
Extract with butane while smoking a joint within 100 yards.
Extract with butane while an electrical device is on nearby.
Boil of butane with a hot plate, stove, fire, heating pad, etc.
If there's a flame, electricity or chance of a static spark replan your extraction.

Remember, nothing is as important as not getting blown up!



redi jedi

Well-Known Member

Nice gwern nugs, I'm particularly impressed with your emphasis on safety. I hope you don't mind a few alternative steps suggested.

1. Use stainless steel or copper rather than PVC. PVC contains chemicals that leach out over time.

2. The Honey Bee is fun and simple to use but very inefficient. The HB is 5"x1 3/8" inside for an area of ~1.5"sq and volume of 7.42"3. Butane Honey Oil Extraction uses the speed the butane, as well as the volume to wash out the resin.

If you use a 1/2" pipe we have a an area of 0.2"sq., so 7 times the volume of butane will pass through each piece of plant mater. Butane does not bind with the honey oil as Olive Oil does, when it washes over the plant mater it will continue working.

To achieve the same volume with the 1/2" pipe as the 5" (interior) Honey Bee you would need a 38"x1/2" pipe. The longest I use is 30" but get far more oil than from the Honey Bee using the same trim. When I want to do a larger extraction I use a 3/4" pipe. The longer pipe gives you a bit more velocity.

You can use a pipe clamp and coffee filter on the bottom, but I'm definitely trying drilling holds in a cap as suggested.

I find the easiest extraction tray to be a Pyrex brownie tray.

To boil off the butane get a 10 gallon tote, like a Rubbermaid, and fill it half way with steaming hot tap water. Put it outside, outside, outside, with a cover on before you extract, then put the Pyrex tray in the tote and let it float. The hot water will boil off the Butane. No hotplate, no wool sweaters.

Extract with butane in your garage.
Extract with butane while smoking a joint within 100 yards.
Extract with butane while an electrical device is on nearby.
Boil of butane with a hot plate, stove, fire, heating pad, etc.
If there's a flame, electricity or chance of a static spark replan your extraction.


What brand butane do you use? I can't find vector anywhere in Toronto......

redi jedi

Well-Known Member
I've done a far amount of research about making oil...I find alot of conflicting information. Some sites say don't use PVC or plain carbon steel pipe, only stainless. Than I'll find another site that says to use PVC. Also heard you don't want to use isobutane, only N-butane. Ronson brand is iso? Fdd2blk has an oil making tutorial on here and he says if you can't find Vector use Ronson?

Does anyone here have enough experience with this process to clarify these issues?


Well-Known Member

Redi Jedi I use only Colibri, you can get it at most head shops for $5 or $6 a can or $50 for a case of 12.


You have to watch for Ronson and cheaper brands because of impurities and some put a smell in the can. To see if your butane is pure - go outside - and spray some butane in a Pyrex tray. Let it boil off and take the tray inside, look through it under a light for residue. If clear use the butane, if residue that's going into your lungs.

As well:

- After filling your extraction tube, put tape over both ends to keep moisture out, put in the freezer for a few hours. If the Butane has to cool the plant mater to sub critical temperature you have less butane for extraction.
- Tap the sides of the tube with a butter knife handle or spoon to remove air pockets and settle the leaf. Amazing how much the leaf will settle in the tube.
- Do NOT push the plant mater in the tube, tap the sides - pushing will cause bottlenecks or blockages that could cause an explosion of butane out of the cylinder.
- If you are extracting fresh leaf for smoking or vaping decarboxylize the THC by baking at 106C, 5-15 minutes longer than takes to dry the leaf. Maximize the THC you will get.
- Rub your leaf against a kitchen mesh to grind it up, not too fine. For high grade bud honey oil some people don't even crush the buds but I've never had any plant mater come through if the setup is right.
- If you have a vaporizer the dregs can be used for some amazing Honey Oil. I make a knock out tray of brownies from my Volcano dregs every week, best tasting brownies any of my friends has had.




Well-Known Member

Nice looking Oil Luckydog, very dark yellow butane mix. What are you extracting? Buds, leaf? What's your setup: how many cans of oil do you use per extraction; what are your tube's interior dimensions; do you freeze your pipe before extracting?





Active Member

Nice looking Oil Luckydog, very dark yellow butane mix. What are you extracting? Buds, leaf? What's your setup: how many cans of oil do you use per extraction; what are your tube's interior dimensions; do you freeze your pipe before extracting?



Just trim off the buds and leaves ,First extraction I did 2 runs with coarse ground trim 2 250 ml cans each run ,then the next day (today) I used the same trim and I ground it fine and it all fitted in the pipe and I used 4 300 mls cans :fire:
The PVC pipe was 20 inches long 1 and 1/4 inch diameter and no I didn't freeze the pipe :shock:
And as both extractions were done in other peoples houses an amount of oil has been donated :sad: