MY girlfriend pisses me off...


Active Member
IGNORE her... nothing, NOTHING pisses a girl off more than not being heard. they live for that shit.
ignore button, activate!


Well-Known Member
let her go because she's immature an irresponsible.. she could get somebody hurt behaving like a child cause if I was you, i'd blast a mothafucker in his face after about 15 seconds of her shit for the simple fact that it's ok for me to hit a dude and not a chick... but thats an adults opinion....


Well-Known Member
if you were going to do what nuera said, you should let her blow you and nut in her face, hae a cellphone handy, snap a shot and bounce on her.. even better, have your eye's closed and call her by her best girlfriends name.. like "Damn (insert name) when'd you learn that".. and then open your eye's, meet eye's with her and be like "oh, my bad.. she blew me yesterday and it almost felt the same way.. my bad.. so this shit ain't workin out, hope you find what you're lookin for... oh.. you got somethi on your chin" and then walk tha fuck out..

Don't even raise your voice or sound mad about it... just do it in passive kinda way... thats the mental shit that sticks forever...


Active Member
next time she starts flirting with some other dude in front of you, just interrupt the conversation and ask the dude if he wants to make it a three some. Just act like you like that shit. Nothing will piss her off more than knowing that her little plan has backfired. Then when she gets really pissed off just kick her to the curb with a smile on your face. You don't need that kind of drama.


So just cause she flirts a little to make him jealous makes her a whore? Or means that she's gonna go cheat on him? I dont think so. I'm not trying to justify what she does, cause I dont agree with that childish b.s. but flirting and being a total slut are two different things.


Well-Known Member
Jesus Christ on a fuckin cracker.. It's so fucking infuriating isn't it? Tell her EXACTLY how you feel about her bullshit. If she has the same respect as you do for her, it won't happen again. If it does, that tells me it IS just mind games and Bullshit. Then it's time to politely toss the disrepectful lass outta the door.


Well-Known Member
So just cause she flirts a little to make him jealous makes her a whore? Or means that she's gonna go cheat on him? I dont think so. I'm not trying to justify what she does, cause I dont agree with that childish b.s. but flirting and being a total slut are two different things.
i dunno dude, im with the boys on this one...but maybe thats because i dont date so i dont really have first hand experience here. but if i was in his position i'd be calling her a whore too lol. im sorry, but i would. i have high expectations of people i guess...hehe

i think that she's being insanely immature and very disrespectful of you and your relationship. when an argument happens, people are supposed to talk to each other about it. talk about it and work it the fuck out. running around flirting with other guys because shes mad at you is just a mind fuck, shes being manipulative and stupid. i also agree that one day she could potentially be pissed off enough to cheat. if she's able to flirt openly with other men in front of you, then theres a good chance that one day she'll take it to the next level so to speak. especially in the event that *just* flirting isnt making you angry like she wants it to. i think its a time bomb waiting to explode. i say lose the bitch and find yourself a girl who has enough respect for you to work out your problems maturely like a couple of adults.


i dunno dude, im with the boys on this one...but maybe thats because i dont date so i dont really have first hand experience here. but if i was in his position i'd be calling her a whore too lol. im sorry, but i would. i have high expectations of people i guess...hehe

i think that she's being insanely immature and very disrespectful of you and your relationship. when an argument happens, people are supposed to talk to each other about it. talk about it and work it the fuck out. running around flirting with other guys because shes mad at you is just a mind fuck, shes being manipulative and stupid. i also agree that one day she could potentially be pissed off enough to cheat. if she's able to flirt openly with other men in front of you, then theres a good chance that one day she'll take it to the next level so to speak. especially in the event that *just* flirting isnt making you angry like she wants it to. i think its a time bomb waiting to explode. i say lose the bitch and find yourself a girl who has enough respect for you to work out your problems maturely like a couple of adults.
I agree with you on all your points, I just felt that calling her a whore was a bit much lol But she is definitely being manipulative and disrespectful.
I say talk to her about it and if that doesn't make her stop, then its time to say buh bye.


Well-Known Member
I was married to a chick like that for 10 years. She made my life miserable. We divorced and I've since seen her do the same thing to at least 8 other guys.

Do yourself a favor now. Get plastic surgery, change your name, and move out of the country.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

i know this probably isnt the place for this shit but its been bugging me and i dont know what to do.

my problem is...

whenever me and the girlfriend get in a fight or arguement, she loves to spite me and flirt with other guys and do shit she knows i dont like. for example we had a fight last night, so i go to see her this morning and i sit down next to her and say something to her and she doesnt even acknowledge my fucking presense....and then a guy comes up to her and says hey i saw you this morning at mcdonalds, and she starts talking it up with him and flirting with the fucker, while im there mind you. she then later admits she was doing it to piss me off ( she suceeded) and then we made up but that shit is still bugging me....

should i just let it go?

ill check back after i go roast this fatty:bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint: to help calm the mind...thanks
I say just hang in there,and don't fall in love.stoop to her level and play her game even. but the key is,,, everytime you 2 argue, always make sure to make up after. even if it's you that gotta swallow your pride. 'cause make up sex is the best sex in the world. ;) you can practically go animal on her and she will love it:D


Well-Known Member
I agree with you on all your points, I just felt that calling her a whore was a bit much lol But she is definitely being manipulative and disrespectful.
I say talk to her about it and if that doesn't make her stop, then its time to say buh bye.
yep much agreed ;-)


Active Member
I think Dirty Harry had the best advice. As well as putting it in perspective. Next time you make note of these things she does that "piss you off" , just imagine the scenario being flipped and how she would react. I use this technique myself and it is so eye opening sometimes when you imagine another persons perspective, reasons, beliefs, influences, agenda. Communication is super important here to.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

i know this probably isnt the place for this shit but its been bugging me and i dont know what to do.

my problem is...

whenever me and the girlfriend get in a fight or arguement, she loves to spite me and flirt with other guys and do shit she knows i dont like. for example we had a fight last night, so i go to see her this morning and i sit down next to her and say something to her and she doesnt even acknowledge my fucking presense....and then a guy comes up to her and says hey i saw you this morning at mcdonalds, and she starts talking it up with him and flirting with the fucker, while im there mind you. she then later admits she was doing it to piss me off ( she suceeded) and then we made up but that shit is still bugging me....

should i just let it go?

ill check back after i go roast this fatty:bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint: to help calm the mind...thanks
lol.. she woulda had to deal with some public humiliation, cuz that was crazy disrespectful.. why the fuck u even let her talk.. wtf is wrong wit u? dat aint yo girl.. she seems like everybodys girl. let her go

tea tree

Well-Known Member
does she go down? keep her, the little things are somtimes part of the charm and can be dealt with useng the ceaser "dog whisperer" technique. SHh! As long as nobobdy loses an eye or something. . .


New Member
hey man check this out. if you really like her do what girls do... go take her out and have her in a good mood and tell hey, remember when u pissed me off the other day ...(not actually in these words but in a nice way )...when u did shit to despite me... tell her that made u upset and u dont want to be with a person that will despite u out of anger.. tell her you will do what you can to not piss her off... but if she presists to do shit out of spite, u can tell her to fuck off cause she needs to straighten the fuck up. this shit works good cause my girl does that shit to me too. and i jus reverse the role and make it look like your the victim., which yuo are...and if she doesnt realize that she got issues. then tell her peace out


Active Member
Yeah I say ditch her. She's always going to be playing these bullshit mind games and that will only drive you mad. Leave her but do it nicely. She is the type of girl who will narc you to the police if you piss her off. So move your plants, do what you gotta do because I suspect she's nothing but trouble.


Well-Known Member
she only do that cuz she think u soft man.. stop bein a pussy and put ya damn foot down. what were u doin while she was entertainin another mans convo? and u dont live together? who knows what she's doin?.. but that makes it easier to leave, no movin needed.