IDK much about coke


Well-Known Member
so as far as effects go is there any difference between a gram of 50% cut coke and .5 grams Uncut coke??


bud bootlegger
i would say that if you don't know much about coke, you should keep it that way.. stick to smoking trees and you'll be much better off..


Well-Known Member
yeah there's a difference.. you can't compensate quality for quantity when you're dealing with coke... 50% cut is still 50% cut.. and uncut is always better than cut..

For example... would you prefer a half ounce of high quality trainwreck, or an ounce of dirt weed?


Well-Known Member
i would say that if you don't know much about coke, you should keep it that way.. stick to smoking trees and you'll be much better off..
i never said i wanted 2 do coke i was jw if there was a difference which there is according to backdoorman. i just dnt understand how there could b a difference i mean its the same amount of drugs and if its cut with anything itll prolly b a laxative er a powdered milk type substance which to me doesnt seem like it would affect the high


Well-Known Member
i never said i wanted 2 do coke i was jw if there was a difference which there is according to backdoorman. i just dnt understand how there could b a difference i mean its the same amount of drugs and if its cut with anything itll prolly b a laxative er a powdered milk type substance which to me doesnt seem like it would affect the high
the cut makes all the difference in the high


Well-Known Member
exsatcly.. it's like putting grass in your weed, try that and come back and let me know whats up..
im still just as high it was just harsher nd didnt taste as good but it got me where i wanted to go and im just as high as i would be with the same amount of weed.


Well-Known Member
just dont mess with it nomatter what you think it will fuck your life up. some may dissagree fine but ive seen the worst aspects of it and you dont want to go down that road. coke brings you into cotact with shady people and thats bad enough. im preaching becouse ive seen good friends who will never be the same especialy from shooting it with heroin. you may say id never do that but at one point they did to. peace be good to yourself

Iron, Lion, Zion

Active Member
yeah there's a difference.. you can't compensate quality for quantity when you're dealing with coke... 50% cut is still 50% cut.. and uncut is always better than cut..
This isn't right...
You will end up with the same amount of coke if you have .5g of uncut or 1g of cut stuff that is 50% coke... either way there is still .5g of coke in both of them.


Well-Known Member
This isn't right...
You will end up with the same amount of coke if you have .5g of uncut or 1g of cut stuff that is 50% coke... either way there is still .5g of coke in both of them.
thats exactly what i thought


Well-Known Member it's not the same.. the hih isn't the same, and neither is the drug anymore... when you cut coke, or anything else with something, it pretty much becomes one... so instead of having .5 grams of coke, you have some stepped on bullshit...

Maybe the weed thing was wrong.. I've done coke quiet a few times... and the best way for me to describe it is.. you know when you smoke dirt wee, you get a headache, your eye's burn and you feel like you've been ripped off? But when you smoke mids or high quality you feel good, you're high and have no complaints about the product? It's the same thing with cut coke...

If you do a line of coke thats been cut to about 50 percent.. you're going to end up with a headache... the numb part (which is my favorite part) is less than it should be... you don't get near the euphoric feeling that you get when you do good coke...

Coke isn't like weed, where there's different types.. you got two kinds.. Ether , or "Fish scale" and "oil based".. coke in it's pure form will numb your entire head.. you can cook up biscuits/cookies with very little coke.. less than a gram to make a good cookie... and for those that don't know, a cookie is about $100 if it's made from pure cocaine... cut coke, on the other hand, will numb the back of yor throat and nose.. if you put some on your gums.tounge, it may feel like you went to the dentist and got a shot of Novocain a couple hours ago... where as pure coke.. will have you feeling like you can't breathe... tough to swallow... and you might even drool on yourself alittle... not to mention the pick me up lasts longer as does the numbing sensation...

on pure coke.. fucking is out of the question... your dick shrivels up.. your balls recede alittle.. in other words.. you get what we call "baby dick".. For those who are uneducated on the subject.. yeah.. there's no difference.. but for those who have put a line in their nose... there's a huge difference... and the only way to find out what those differences are is through hands on in-field research..llol...

I'm not suggesting you run and go find out... just saying, unless you're willing to truly find out the answers to your questions such as this one.. don't ask them....

I always wondered what real LSD was like, I asked the question, a friend of mine presented me with the oppurtunity to find out.. now curiosity is eating away at me and I have a feeling he fuckin knows it.. don't ya asshole? ;)

A good thing i'm going sober huh?