So what is the most productive way to set the timer for Aero? I have seen so many different options.. and do different stages need to be set differently.. in the before veg stage now..Suggestions please!!

When I finally ponied up the cash for the good timer, I started with 3 minute on, 3 off. But then I quickly realized that The roots were holding so much water I could back that off. I am 4 weeks in or so & currently run about 1 min on, about 5 min off. Here in Denver the relative humidity is quite low, so I don't wanna let the roots dry out too much. I figure this current setup only uses the pump 20% of the time compared to always on. That saves power & pump life...probably gets a day or 2 extra on the nutes, too.anyone have any suggestions?
Yeah. I run a humidifier. It's supposed to be a bedroom unit. Kind of a cheapie I picked up on Craigslist. It works but I think a bigger, better one is order, especially come summertime. My humidity hovers around 40-45% without humidifer, 50-55% with. I'd rather be in the 60-70 range, but it's hard with the dry air, heat from the lights & ventilation fans. I had a fan blowing on the plants for a little while (a week or so) & noticed the buds were drying out, especially closest to the light. I have since turned the fan toward the wall to bounce the wind around the room a little. Its creating a slight whirlwind effect & it keeps the temps down by 5-10 degrees. With no fans, I'm running about 85 degrees, with its about 75-80... Now that I have the screen over my girls, I'm raising my light heights a bit to combat any drying effect. I had them around 10" away before. Went up to 12-14. Not a shielded or vented hood...Yeah.. I didn't think of the dry air/altitude as a factor.. I have been researching other timing options but they are probably in an area where there is more moisture.. thanks.. So because of the dry climate do you find that the plants suffer from heat stress easier? Should I consider putting a humidifier?