3 Strain Party Cup Grow


Well-Known Member

Transplanted the MBS into a full cup this morning, we'll see how she likes her new home

Got some pics of her roots as well, i was expecting alot more to be at the bottom then here was, but there were wrapping around pretty good.

You can see the 6 main shoots really good in this pic


Since she was really compact, all the tops are kinda bushed together at the top, but they should all grow out once i start flowering, the i can start tying them down as they start stretching, but i still got another week, so im sure by then they will be sticking out pretty good

again, you can even see into the side of her she's so compact, was hard to get a shot, so i just took this to show her stalk


She's a lil weird, on one side the shoots are growing a lil faster rate then the other side, she did the same thing with hr first set of leaves if anyone remember the older pics, but they grew out to be pretty even, we'll see how it go's

top two shoots



Well-Known Member
man there looking really good! looks like you got a bushy one as well. but ur doing great . really nice spacing on the other ones and color.


Well-Known Member
man there looking really good! looks like you got a bushy one as well. but ur doing great . really nice spacing on the other ones and color.
Thanks man, only one that had a lil problem was the MBS, you can see where i have to cut the lower fan leaves in half, she's really picky with her nutrients :bigjoint:

lol damn who bred those SK seeds...Jesus? lol
haha yea im loving this SK

u r soooo rocking this grow!
Thanks jade, so far so goooood :)

lol cant fuck with that sourkush nicca
True that homie, true that 8-)


Well-Known Member
lookin damn good sicc!!! keep it up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!i will be postin sum new pics tonight

Thank homie, i'll be lookin forward to your pics :weed:

i cant wait to flower these, hopefully my topping and when it some time, LSTing will turn out as good as yours, you got that shit down like crazy haha


Well-Known Member
saw you on UB's thread. your topping looks good to me my friend. just wait in like 3 days, you won't even recognize them :lol:
