So i have a meeting for consultation this weekend with my buddy who runs the collective in westminster and has been growin for years. hes been helpin me out with my nute recipe and setup. (as well as everyone on here) so i decided to sit down and draw up a design for myself to understand where all everything is goin and see wat im missing. also helps demonstrate my ideas to him and u guys. so hope u have the time to review the pix and see where my head is at with things.
so as i said before im working with 2 10'x10' rooms. standard bedrooms. each with a closet and a window. i will be sealing off the window completely but not make it appear boarded up.
(all these plans are subject to change and i am posting on RUI for discussion and criticism to help me maximize my potential)
we will start with the details and ideas for the veg room;
Floor; pond liner for protection
Walls; white paint for reflection
A/C; 8,000 BTU window mounted unit
(not sure about this AC unit but i will need to control temps in the veg room)
Exhaust; none
(not sure i need to exhaust the air other then just daily opennin of the door. plz let me know wat u guys think cuz im not sure im correct)
Intake/C02; none
(from wat i understand plants only need c02 supp during flower when lights are on... but im not sure if i should still bring in fresh air from outside or if openning the door is enough daily. plz let me know wat u think as well)
Fans; (1) oscillating fan
Lights; (1) 1000watt MH conversion kit (can use HPS if i wanted) XL hood puts out a 4'x4' footprint. 8" vent duct.
-advise the blueprint drawing for plant layout and the dotted lines represent the light footprint from the 1000w lamp
(2) T5 flouro lamps for veg and clones
(1) green bulb to replace orignal room bulb so i can work in the dark if needed without disturbin light cycle
Cutting Area; Clones will b taken from mothers which are labeled "M" and are underneath the 1000w MH lamp. Clones will b kept in the humid dome and temps monitored by thermometer. Heating pad will speed up root growth.
Drying Area; In closet; strings will be hung horizontal for branch hanging. thermometer in closet to monitor temps and humidity. Fan in closet to keep dry and air flowing.
I will also prob buy and keep a large safe for storing bud while curing and storage.
Work Bench; this will be my area for trimming and making bubble hash. also any pruning that needs to be done and misc work. will have a TV DVD player and my iHome stereo for entertainment

Oh and a mini fridge to keep the brew and other refreshments
Containers; 3 gallon square pots w/ saucers
Medium; sunshine soilless mix #4 or coco (still undecided)
Supplies; other small supplies off the top of my head; nute lineup, scale, 30x microscope, pH & PPM meter, gloves, cutters, twist ties, ph soil meter and lumen reader, Adjustable sunlifts to mount lights with and lower/raise as needed.
Resevoir; none
- I am not sure if i need to keep a rez in the veg room or if i should try and deal with hand watering and carrying water as needed from the next door flower room which will have two rez barrels. plz discuss the ups and downs.
K that about wraps up the veg room. so u hopefully understand my drawing; the dotted lines where the 1000w lamp is hung represents the light footprint as i said before, then the squares represent the pots and theyre labeled "M" for mothers, and "V" for vegative plant. So i will have 12 plants in veg at all times. Veg will be done til about a month or my desired heighth (which is unknown til i decide scrog heighth)
This perpetual setup will allow me to keep a rotation of plants in veg aand in flower. so i will crop out every month.
Now onto the
Floor; pond liner
Walls; white paint
A/C; 10,000 BTU mobile unit
Exhaust; 1075 cfm max fan w/ 10" duct to pull fresh air from outside and thru the light hoods (which will keep them cooled down sum) and will evacuate the air into and thru the roof. This will be a sealed system so no c02 escapes.
Intake/c02; C02 tank w/ sentinal PPM reader and regulator. will be kept at 1500ppm during lights on.
Fans; (2) 16" oscilating wall mounted fans
Lights; (4) 600 watt HPS lamps. Hortilux bulbs. 8" vented hoods.
(1) green bulb to work in dark
Closet; this ideas mite be changed if theres any downside to doin so...
I plan to keep the c02 tank in the closet but i mite just take the clsoet doors off. if will give me 2ft extra to work with and would be good for storage. the c02 tank would fit perfect and maybe the AC unit as well. Im not sure the resovoirs will fit in the closet but ill see wat works out to save room and compact everythng. i will most likely just keep all my nutes and everythng in the closet and tools.
Resovoirs; not sure if i will buy actual insulated barrels or just trashcans for my rez. but i plan to use 2 rez tanks. one for nutes and the other clean RO water for flush and off feed.
-ill use my waterwand and hose with a 1/6 horsepower waterpump to water my plants.
- i will keep a lid on them as well so no algae grows or humidity increase
-do i need an airstone pump in my rez even if im using a waterwand to increase oxygen in my water while feeding?
Water; reverse osmosis system to bring my tap water down to 0ppm and have total control over my nutes. (not sure where the RO system needs to b mounted or kept tho)
Containers; 3 gallon square pots
Medium; soilless mix
Support; ScrOG
- i will build a scrog net with PVC piping for outter design and wire the middle with trellis netting and weave the plants during flower thru the netting. this will support the plants and give maximum canopy exposure.
- the scrog netting will be hung and mounted by the Sunlift adjustable strings i will hang from the ceiling just like lights. this will allow for easier use when done flowering that table.
Hope i didnt miss anything but if i did plz add in suggestions.
The flower room break down is kind of hard to explain since i can only draw well in 2D and theres many layers in the room with shit goin on.
Basically im considering building a drain table and wrap it with pond liner and set the pots inside it. each table will b 4'x7' and house 12 plants. this will be a total of 24 plants. (6 plants under each light)
By building a table it will allow run off water and in case not all the water hits the pots it wont make that big of a mess.
Im thinkin about building the table with a drain setup so its on a slight angle and put a hole on the end with a bucket or drain waste pool for runnoff water. this will be easier then dealing with saucers and shit.
Then the next layer on the tables would be the pots themselves with the plants in them. once vegged to 12"-18" (or desired heighth) i will move the veg plants from the veg room into this flower room and under the scrog netting. the lights in the flower room will always be 12/12. once in flower i will be weaving hte plants thru the trellis for support and open up bud sites. the trellis netting i am not sure how tall it should b above the actually pots (not the plant canopy) so i need sum advice with this... i will be able to raise and lower the scrog netting until plants have been weaved into it. the sunlift cables will b mounted to the cielign just like lights and easy to manage if need be. once weaved thru i plan to trim and prune below the netting and canopy where light will not penetrate or reach. this will increase air flow and lower humidy from wat i understand. the minor stress will be worth it considering the downside of leaving below the canopy a mess (IE; pests humidty disease fungi etc) it will make watering easier as well. During veg i will FIM plants to promote multple top colas and during flower they will reach out wide as i train them to the edges. i plan to put all 6 pots snug next to each other and weave them outwards to the edge of the table. this will allow less crowding and widen out my canopy.
I think thats it for now im rambling again hahga. plus im tired of drawing writing typing and need to smoke and grub. so hope u guys enjoy this gameplan and let me know wat u think. wats good and possible flaws. any fresh ideas and new concepts are welcome of course. i am limited to my minimal experience and wat ive read. so please give me ur imput. rep for good shit