harvesting too late


Active Member
just chopped my 1st of 4 widows. that1 was at 10.5 weeks. gonna attemp to upload a few shots.
took all the resin stuck to my fingers and hands and balled it up and smoked it, i feel REAL high. gotta be a good sign.

fuck, i click insert image i get a thing lookin for url. lemme see if i can think my way outa here......


Active Member
just chopped my 1st of 4 widows. that1 was at 10.5 weeks. gonna attemp to upload a few shots.
took all the resin stuck to my fingers and hands and balled it up and smoked it, i feel REAL high. gotta be a good sign.

fuck, i click insert image i get a thing lookin for url. lemme see if i can think my way outa here......
action denied, i didnt have security token.......huh, ok then pics later. unless that worked.....
will put better ones up later, zzzzzz



New Member
the approximate time the plants will be ready to harvest, you will be able to wait right before you are going to harvest and give them water with no nutrients. In this way they are allowed to grow for the maximum amount of time (large harvest) before being flushed.

The plants will use up the fertilizer they have stored in them and growth will not slow down, if done properly. If nutrients are not flushed from the marijuana plants, the resulting marijuana will taste bad and may also be hard to ignite.

If you are growing hydroponic marijuana, start clearing about 7 days before harvest. This can be done by changing the solution and using only distilled water or water treated with reverse osmosis (no nutrients). Some growers will change the water two or more times before harvest because the media may still hold nutrients after the first flush.

dutch seeds
dutch cannabis


Active Member
Here is a few more pics........


Og Kushman

Active Member
Well I would like to ask the experienced grower what was the most days over the seed companies instructions did anybody grow a strain ,that doesn't sound right but i'm high so i hope you get the drift ,for example at the moment i am growing Big bang which the pack said took 8-9 weeks I am now in week 12 and have been told that they still have a bit to go, is this possible for a plant to grow that long and still not be ripe
I have a auto white widow from supreme seeds thats been going for just about 3 months now! What in the fuck I could have just grown a photo.