Pitt bulls and growers


New Member
I have a pit and I grow so who gives a fuck!!! I've had my pit longer than I've grown!! But I have a prescanario to be my guard dog not my pit she's my house dog sleeps in a bed and shit hahaha
i really dont know why people are so defensive about this subject. i have 2 pits and they sleep in the same bed with me too. whats up with these fucks.. they are misunderstood about pitt bulls.. ive noticed a lot of growers on here post a pic ot there dog, and guess what its a pitt.


New Member
For the most part his statement was true.. i would never recommend using a pitbull for a guard dog. entirely too trusting, it was bred into them..by handlers who wanted a dog that wouldnt bite its master while in the midst of a bloody fight, just like we breed the qualities we want into our favorite plant.
thank you some one knows what they are taking about:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
My qualms with your ridiculous claim have nothing to do with pitt bulls. Simply assuming that growers are somehow predisposed to one single, shared tendency is ridiculous. Other than the fact that we grow, we are so diverse that not one blanket statement can define a majority of us. Do you not see this? You made a ridiculous assumption, that's all.

I love dogs. I have three. They're not pitt bulls (whatever the fuck that means, anyway - at least refer to a purebred by breed, not by some connotative slang), but I have nothing against them. You, however, are buying into the stereotype accompanying many pitt bull owners - we're more intelligent than that.


Well-Known Member
My qualms with your ridiculous claim have nothing to do with pitt bulls. Simply assuming that growers are somehow predisposed to one single, shared tendency is ridiculous. Other than the fact that we grow, we are so diverse that not one blanket statement can define a majority of us. Do you not see this? You made a ridiculous assumption, that's all.

I love dogs. I have three. They're not pitt bulls (whatever the fuck that means, anyway - at least refer to a purebred by breed, not by some connotative slang), but I have nothing against them. You, however, are buying into the stereotype accompanying many pitt bull owners - we're more intelligent than that.
pit bull, is alot easier to type stoned than american pit bull terrier. so i just type pitbull, its not like you dont know what breed i am speakin of


New Member
My qualms with your ridiculous claim have nothing to do with pitt bulls. Simply assuming that growers are somehow predisposed to one single, shared tendency is ridiculous. Other than the fact that we grow, we are so diverse that not one blanket statement can define a majority of us. Do you not see this? You made a ridiculous assumption, that's all.

I love dogs. I have three. They're not pitt bulls (whatever the fuck that means, anyway - at least refer to a purebred by breed, not by some connotative slang), but I have nothing against them. You, however, are buying into the stereotype accompanying many pitt bull owners - we're more intelligent than that.
read into the thread. and plaese stop with the psuedo intellectual talk. spare me the greif . is it me or do us growers have pitt bulls. if it would be an assumption or a sterotype i would have said why do all growers have pitt bulls. i guess you would score low on an IQ test. :finger:


Well-Known Member
read into the thread. and plaese stop with the psuedo intellectual talk. spare me the greif . is it me or do us growers have pitt bulls. if it would be an assumption or a sterotype if i would have said why do all growers have pitt bulls. i guess you would score low on an IQ test. :finger:
Your reaction is predictable. Chip on shoulder exposed. Intention clear.


New Member
your humor is lame and dry as a bottle of Le Montrachet. by the way i love your correct grammer on a thread it so professional lol lol i hope u actually take the time to proof read your work


Well-Known Member
your humor is lame and dry as a bottle of Le Montrachet. by the way i love your correct grammer on a thread it so professional lol lol i hope u actually take the time to proof read your work
Yeah, because using proper grammar is somehow indicative of poor audience awareness. You make perfect sense.


Well-Known Member
I got a double saloon. Not every grower has a pit. It's dude like you who have never had a pit who give the breed a bad name.