Week 8 flowering pics


Well-Known Member
wow man those all look great. when i was checking out the pics of the budz i could almost start smelling them.. but then i realized it was freshly grinded budz sitting 1 foot from my face lol


Active Member
Thank you! Hope I can keep em all nice an healthy :)
Soon as my budding plant is done I'll have an extra 10-13k lumens to add to my clones and indica.... Gonna need some more soil and bigger pots lmao!
Will probably grow em all out till around 2.5 feet.. Should crop enough to last till my next harvest that way haha


Well-Known Member
np. thats awesome about the light, i only got 14000 lumens worth of light going in my grow box atm and i can tell they had so much more potential, if they had more light (and a couple other more.. favorable conditions) they woulda turned out beautiful.. well there not even done yet actually i figure another 2-4 weeks based off of my buddys info (my friend is giving my girls a home bcuz of.. complications in my own apt.), but they are nothing compared to yours. ide post some pics but unfortionately i live 5 hrs away from my friend who has my plants so i cant get pics till i go see my friend in a couple weeks(aka, going home from college)


Active Member
This last week is going to be hell! I can't wait any more lmao... What's worse is I still have to dry it out ffs! :p
Really excited to get my set up all focused on my clones too; will re-pot them by then as well so they will likely have a nice growth jump.
This indica of mine is growing insanely fast though! Not only vertically but bushy as well! Nice tight nodes and steady growth so let's hope she is a she :p


Active Member
Yellowing fan leaves are usually a good indication she's bout done as well right? Can't wait for this b!tch to finish, think I might need to get away from her for a while.. Time doesn't pass as fast in flower for me because I don't use a timer to turn the lghts out..I see her sexy ass way to much :p


Active Member
I'd say I'm at 65% pistil change at the moment as well as -about- 30% trich change.
I'm actually debating whether or not I should crop her on Saturday(would be 9.5weeks in and just over two weeks of flush) but I'm wondering if I leave her a little longer if she will develop more taste? I've always wondered if taste is developed like trich maturity?? Any ideas on this ?


Well-Known Member
wow man those all look great. when i was checking out the pics of the budz i could almost start smelling them.. but then i realized it was freshly grinded budz sitting 1 foot from my face lol

i do that alot;-), NICE lookin plant dood. i love the resin build on it, almost looks purple, wat were the temps while growing??


Active Member
Thanks all!
She's still in flower right now and to be honest I don't know how cold the temps are getting lol, I just leave the closet and window open a crack and she does her thing :)
The purple has been coming out more and more which is another reason I'm trying hard not to snip her earlier than I plan lol.
I still think the hardest part about growing is waiting till the right time to crop(not finding the right time but actually waiting for it) and waiting for it to dry! :p

I'll take some more pics in roughly 10 hours.

By the way fuzzy thanks and I'm thinking the resin got a serious boost from the molasses! Still have yet to see any bad effects from "over use" of molasses! Screw 1tablespoon or whatever, I squeeze the bottle and count to 10, put really hot water in and shake for another 10 seconds. After I feel it's thinned out I fill the bottle(650ml) with cold water and feed my girl.


Active Member
ok that's better just messes the link up a bit

Second pic should be of a leaf, will show purple this girl is :)


Active Member
Your definately right Trog, original cut date was this coming Tuesday but I think I'm going to play it by eye; maybe leave her a bit longer than planned.
Now I'm just trying to look at my clones more lol. Time goes by slow as hell when the only thing you can do is wait around haha(need knee surgery so I'm kind of locked in my house till I get my op)
My next crop is going to be pretty sweet, the clones I have get so taste they make your mouth literally water! If purple had a taste they are what it would be compared to!
Blah I wish I had better patience lmao


Well-Known Member
Blah I wish I had better patience lmao
lol i second you on that.. im so impatient to see my girls across the state that i want to set up a 1-2 stealth small grow but idk if ill have enough time b4 harvest b4 my lease is up so im kinda stuck on my op atm as well