all around help plus pics


Active Member
well doing well so far... have had lots of problems.. but on plant has done well.. tell today went and looked and the first set of five leaves have like brown spots on them... does not look like any nut problems... tell me what u think... PH 6.5 2 drops of super thrive in gallon watter... 2 drops of general hydro.. per gallon. and this is in hydro...
any info will be much helpfull... and im open to others grow tips. and also any signs that might be a little girl.



Active Member
people sure do look a lot but no one wants to help me... this is my second thred and not shit for help... Is ther like a fee im sposed to pay.... Whats going on here.. What happend to all the stoners in the house.... fuck it im going night fuckers..
I agree, Cal/Mag deficiency. Add some micro-nutes and will correct itself.

As far as sex, the pics are to blurry and far away to see anything, but it looks like your plant is about 4 weeks old. In 1 week you should know for sure, and when you can start flowering =)

I looked at the pics again, and it could be hot spots generated by the crinks in the foil, acting like a magnifying glass.

If you are going to use foil, use the dull side and keep the wrinkles out. But personally I would get that out of there and replace it with flat, dull foil...if anything.

I just use a flat white. Works for me.


Active Member
yea i thought about that but im alwies moving the plants around.. and its just that first set... and the other set of 5 nothing above that... and its not foil it mylar... well from the dollar store.. the shine ballones.... im getting some neem oil stuff to try that... my hydro lady at the landscape store said it sounds like red spiders.. she said if it was any type of def it would be not just in a few spots... and the rest of the leave is perfect....hmmm i gess the live and learn. hay thank u very much for responding.....:bigjoint::leaf::-P

I looked at the pics again, and it could be hot spots generated by the crinks in the foil, acting like a magnifying glass.

If you are going to use foil, use the dull side and keep the wrinkles out. But personally I would get that out of there and replace it with flat, dull foil...if anything.

I just use a flat white. Works for me.


Active Member
and i thought u could not tell the sex tell it was flowering.. i was just wondering about the spacing in the plant... betweent the branches.. hmm what signs would i look for befor it starts to flower.. will thoes white hairs pop out befor flowering....:?::?:
yea i thought about that but im alwies moving the plants around.. and its just that first set... and the other set of 5 nothing above that... and its not foil it mylar... well from the dollar store.. the shine ballones.... im getting some neem oil stuff to try that... my hydro lady at the landscape store said it sounds like red spiders.. she said if it was any type of def it would be not just in a few spots... and the rest of the leave is perfect....hmmm i gess the live and learn. hay thank u very much for responding.....:bigjoint::leaf::-P


Active Member
wow this web sight sucks.... no one helps at all...... WHY LOOK AND NOT RESPOND... THE POINT OF ME DOING THIS IS TO GET ADVISE AND OPIONS... SO THANKS I GUESS


Well-Known Member
What does your nutes say for the mix? 2 drops of anything per gal seems very little. There's a bit more to growing hydro then sticking some nutes in water. You asked about the spots you got a answer. I know with my bubble set up I went 1/4,1/2,3/4 then full on the nutes.


Active Member
yea i was just doing little at a time because i over did it at first... but today i did what the bottle said for first stage... 2.5 ml of each grow micro and bloom... also i got some of that neem oil stuff just in case any bugs were around.. i was not talking about u... i just get scared when shit goes wrong.. But also i know u dont just stick it in the watter with some bubbles.. ph every day... making sure rez stays cool... light distance.... i am doing 2 dirt and 2 hydro... just ordered g13 haze and super lemon haze.. but befor i grow them i want to know wtf im doing first... anything u can help me with would be muchooo great... thanks for your input..
What does your nutes say for the mix? 2 drops of anything per gal seems very little. There's a bit more to growing hydro then sticking some nutes in water. You asked about the spots you got a answer. I know with my bubble set up I went 1/4,1/2,3/4 then full on the nutes.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking more of the micro nutes.I'm using some stuff called rock wool magic. I got it for the dwc but now use it in my coco grow. I have to add mag. the nutes don't seem to have enough. I haven't tried the flower stuff yet. but very soon.