SHEMALE (w/Pics)


Active Member
ok so i looked at my plant this morning and i know its a female cuz its hairy az fuck but then i looked at the buds up close and theres a male flower with pollon that just opened under the bud



Active Member
i cant move it to another room and i refuse to chop it its too beautiful.

but wtf happened why is it doing this???


Active Member
The very same thing happened to me. It was budding just fine then out of the blue a couple of balls appeared. I got 2 different responses to my post, pull the balls and hope it doesnt pollenate, or pull the balls and isolate it. I pulled the balls off that day and havent seen one since. A couple of seeds wont hurt anything.


Well-Known Member
If you cut the sack off, it will have a good chance of growing somewhere else on the plant. Females go hermi for all kinds of reasons but mainly stress. Wishy washy light cycles, power outages for hours at a time, all these could be reasons why she went homo.


Well-Known Member
Well, it isn't necessarily the bagseed's fault. But it can definitely play a factor. Put the shemale in another room or kill it. Do you have any other plants that look like they have balls? Or just this one?


Active Member
I was advised to get some dutch master reverse. I just ordered it and I am ready for a fight. I pulled the balls off 2 and a half days ago and I havent seen one since.


Well-Known Member
Grow it out and just try to pull them as you see them. I wouldn't kill it just because you're going to have seeds.


Well-Known Member
You do realize once you pull the sacks off they will spew pollen all over the place and you'll be fucked nonetheless right? Get it out of there. Kill it or separate it. NOW.


Well-Known Member
that is verry true
only 2 opened and the other 5 were closed
The worst part is that it only takes one or two to pollinate a female. Pollen goes everywhere, and it is extremely light and versatile and will stick to your females pistils like flies on shit.


Well-Known Member
You're fighting a never ending battle trying to remove those. They'll just keep growing. As long as you caught them early you shouldn't have too many seeds. What you have to worry about is if more pop out near the end and you don't catch them. I had one grow where that happened and the bud was filled with tons of pinhead sized premature seeds. The bud looked and smelled great but the seeds made the smoke very harsh. If that's only happening on one plant I would remove it.