WHaaaat is going on with my ladies??

This is my first grow, and I've had a couple of speed bumps thus far. About a month ago they were struggling b/c they were being over watered but I have since worked that out and it seems I've developed a new problem. I have a humidifier and it operates around 60-70% and the temp is around 75-80 degrees. They seem very crispy and dried out. Maybe the lights are too close (about a foot away)?? I really dunno at this point. What is going on? I'm lost for ideas...Any help is greatly appreciated!! :wall:



Well-Known Member
if i was u id go ahed and start sum new seeds. the first 2 pixs is really bad and prbly wont make it. the last is prbly gonna make it if u flush really good. but it looks like its been prtty badly burnt from nutes. are u usein full dose nutes from the gitgo?
if i was u id go ahed and start sum new seeds. the first 2 pixs is really bad and prbly wont make it. the last is prbly gonna make it if u flush really good. but it looks like its been prtty badly burnt from nutes. are u usein full dose nutes from the gitgo?
Not using nutes at all... I've also been very careful about watering the last few weeks.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
i really dont think its worth it..unless its some rare genetics or you don't have any other seeds/clones your better off just restarting IMO. Seems to me you over watered and than overcompensated by watering less allowing the nutrients to build up. It's called toxic salt buildup-but you said that your not using any nutes? Than either your soil is horrible (doesn't look to good from the pic i looked at plus it doesn't drain properly obv)or you need to get that water checked.


I'd try to change out the soil, flush the roots, and begin introducing nutes in small doseages. Start off with 300 PPM and wait a day or two and see if there's any additional damamge. If it looks fine, try and increase it a bit ...maybe 400 PPM and wait, get to week 2 and see if you can get to 600 PPM. etc. etc.


Well-Known Member
Looks like a serious potassium deficiency. I had a plant that looked alot like that, and it tuned out that it was the very low PH that was causing the lockout. It was about 5 weeks old and just started 12/12. I flushed it with PH 6.8 water until the runoff was up over 6.4, then gave it a half strength feeding. I didn't repair itself, but it did stop getting worse and finished off with a decent yield and decent smoke. Mine wasn't that young though, so that might not be worth saving. Sorry, but it looks pretty bad. Have you been monitoring PH?

EDIT: Those leaves are awfully dark green too, so it's could be overfert causing a lockout. Hard to tell. Either way, you should flush it and/or change the soil if you have any hopes of saving it.
if you can start over i would the soil might be wrong, pots might be to small, there are a number of things but its a weed it will grow if you give it love.


Active Member
UR not using nutes at all get it out of that soil make sure u get perlite for new soil dont use that soil.Dont know if u can save at this point it is a learning experience so do what u can.And put them in deep pots 3+gal and good luck bro! I like bat guano use the mex bat g for veg and use jamaican bat g for flower easy to use and not so hard on plants worm castings are also great to have i mix it in my soil,But cost some $$$ the bat g is cheap about $7 us.And may the grow gods be with u bro!


Well-Known Member
I'm just using regular miracle grow... 200W light
if ur jus using regular MG then i wood have to say ur overwaterin them causin the nute burn. the more u water MG the more nutes are released into the soil and thats wat causin ur plants to burn. next time step on the soil wit sum perlite or sumthin b4 u plant in