Delicious Seeds: Nothern Lights Blue + Critical Sensi Star + Crtical Jack Herer


Well-Known Member
I Wasn't planing on doing a Journal but taking pictures of my plants keeps me motivated. Normally I freak out thinking my plants aren't growing but when I see the pictures the difference is always huge. Anyways, nobody is doing a Journal on Delicious Seeds Seedbank so you can have this one as reference if you’re planning on using them. Please take into account that this is my first grow ever, and as nerd as I went and worked my ass off researching every tiny bit of knowledge, I managed to kill 3 seeds and almost murdered my Northern Lights due to Over caring.

There’s a "semi" journal on how that happened here:
You’ll also find pictures of my 3 plants from week one to three and how they developed.

I shall now introduce you to the girls:
Northern Lights Blue (6"), sprouted on Dec 17, She’s currently 33 days old and went literally through utter hell but always came back stronger. Rot root, Overwatering, Heat Stress and ants attack so far.

Critical Jack Herer (5"), Sprouted december 28th, 21 days old

Actually I have a question about this picture. is the 45° branch what you call and alternating internode? if so, that's a sign of maturity right?

Critical Sensi Star (5"), Sprouted December 28th, 21 days old

They started on 24/0 until the 3 of them had the first two set of leaves then I switched to 18/6 since there was going to be electrical shortcuts in my country due to some power plants failing etc. Today I found out my building isn't going to be affected because It's next to a hospital (Ironic Isn't it?). So I'll be going back to 24/0 for faster growth. I do have a little concern this will stress my plants, but I believe it'll be better at the end.. right?

I first fertilized them 3 days ago using GH Nutes at 1/4 strength and they seemed to really like it. I'm gonna try 1/2 Strength today.

I keep thinking they are too short and underdeveloped for their age, actually it's now they're really upping the pace a little, I can't really blame them, it's me who's really improving and the plants are just a reflecting that.

Any comments, opinions and suggestions are welcome.
Thanks for visiting.


Well-Known Member
I've read a lot about the debate between 18/6 and 24/0. Cannabis being a C3 or something like that and doesn't need a dark period. In fact they should grow 33% faster, guess not always the case but I'll take my chances on this one. Got a hunch!


Well-Known Member
Today they received the first of what's going to be their regular program of food. 1/2 Strength using GH Nutes, around 800ppm, 6.5 Ph'd water. I also fixed all ventilations issues in my grow rooms so hopefully I'll be taking clones next week or the following.

Sensi Star, Jack Herer, NLB



Well-Known Member
An update:

They got transplanted last friday (5 days ago) into 3 gallon pots. As I was getting ready to cut I stop feeding them nutes and gave them only PH'd water, on monday they were all suffering some def I assume from N, Cal, Mg and zing so I fed 900ppm GH nutes and 100ppm of Cal-Mag; the run off water measured 5.48 despite I fed 6.5 which is too low for soil and perhaps causing my plants to show yellow spots in new and botton grow including the top. the only leaves that seem ok for some reason are the ones in the middle.

I'm currently foliar feeding 500ppm of nutes ounce a day because my soil is over saturated and I wont be able to water in at least 3 more days.... Even though situation hasn't improved I'm still hopefull they'll fully recover by next watering and be ready to cut in about a week.

Btw Seedling number one has reached maturity... she's showing white hairs and starting to stink, so at least that very good news.


They OD'd. You can see their tips are burnt. That's the first sign of nutrient burn. These wouldn't need any nutes until 4th or 5th week. All they need is in the soil until then.

Today they received the first of what's going to be their regular program of food. 1/2 Strength using GH Nutes, around 800ppm, 6.5 Ph'd water. I also fixed all ventilations issues in my grow rooms so hopefully I'll be taking clones next week or the following.

Sensi Star, Jack Herer, NLB



Never start with half strength nutes especially that soon! Good soil has at least 4 - 6 weeks worth of food allready in it, feed when it tells you it needs feeding, less is more :)