Well-Known Member
This is a good discussion that may get lost in a different thread so I thought I would repost here as it's own thread.
This is a pretty basic rundown of how the banking and fed operate. There are a lot of misconceptions that banks just invent money, or that they are a Ponzi scheme. And that the Fed is somehow king of the ponzi scheme.
Feel free to disagree, because in reality this helps me study up on this, having to figure out where the criticism is and how it is wrong, or right. And force me to reevaluate what I think that I know.
This is the misconception. That somehow banks can make money out of thin air. But it is not reality.
Here is how it works in reality:
See with what gets said by people that believe banks make up money is that gold is the only thing of value. I say we are the only things that can give value to an object, and in essence we are the only thing of value.
If I take out a loan, I am telling the bank that I will be able to work and pay for it by paying you back a small amount of the total each month until I do. Like it or not, most people do not have the funds to simply buy homes outright and need a loan to get them.
And just spending the money has a multiplier effect too, just nowhere as efficient because a lot gets siphoned away:
This is how these folks think that it works:
Meaning that money was invented out of thin air. But it is not. The original deposit is what everything is tied to. If there was not a fixed amount lending would never have lasted thousands of years and helped our society grow and advance.
If I am a bank and someone deposits funds to my bank, I have those funds, pure and simple (It doesn't matter to me if they came from another bank or from a birthday check).
To me those were someones money that they lent to me to grow and keep safe.
I do that by paying my FDIC insurance and keeping it in safe investments (the shadow banking system did not have to follow this and that is where this collapse started).
This is why the Fed is so darn important. It has very nice tools to somewhat offset what banks can do, up or down. If they want more people opening up businesses they can lower the RR (reserve requirements) and banks will be freed up to lend more, or they can heighten them and this forces banks to lend out less:
This is a nice graph showing this on the wiki page:
This is all very logical and easy to understand, so I am unsure why people continue to believe the lie?
The gold thing is whatever at this point. This is the pivotal point to people saying gold is the most important thing. But when they can actually see how the system is, hopefully they will realize it is not as scary or evil as you thought.
Thank you to the people that contributed to this thread. I changed it a little to keep it general.
This is a pretty basic rundown of how the banking and fed operate. There are a lot of misconceptions that banks just invent money, or that they are a Ponzi scheme. And that the Fed is somehow king of the ponzi scheme.
Feel free to disagree, because in reality this helps me study up on this, having to figure out where the criticism is and how it is wrong, or right. And force me to reevaluate what I think that I know.
When you deposit money into your bank, they in turn deposit your cash as a RESERVE upon which they can and do create money out of thin air to loan to someone else. The Entire world's banking system works on FRACTIONAL reserves. They don't actually lend YOUR money to anyone, your deposit lets them make a loan about 10 times larger than your deposit. Your deposit is sent to a holding area and it becomes part of the reserve required by law to be at least 10% in assets to loans. IE the bank has 1 million in reserve and 10 million in loans. this is the basis of our banking system, we let banks borrow money to us that doesn't even exist and we gladly pay them interest to do it. The banks are basically making money off of nothing. It has been this way since 1913. It has been this way for your entire life and you have no idea thats how it was done, because you and millions like you have been fooled into thinking that a piece of paper is as good as gold.
This is the misconception. That somehow banks can make money out of thin air. But it is not reality.
First sentence on the wiki page. Some people continue to not understand that banks are only allowed to lend out most of the full amount they keep in deposits! Not that they are able to lend out more than they have in deposits.
Here is how it works in reality:

See with what gets said by people that believe banks make up money is that gold is the only thing of value. I say we are the only things that can give value to an object, and in essence we are the only thing of value.
If I take out a loan, I am telling the bank that I will be able to work and pay for it by paying you back a small amount of the total each month until I do. Like it or not, most people do not have the funds to simply buy homes outright and need a loan to get them.
And just spending the money has a multiplier effect too, just nowhere as efficient because a lot gets siphoned away:

This is how these folks think that it works:

Meaning that money was invented out of thin air. But it is not. The original deposit is what everything is tied to. If there was not a fixed amount lending would never have lasted thousands of years and helped our society grow and advance.
If I am a bank and someone deposits funds to my bank, I have those funds, pure and simple (It doesn't matter to me if they came from another bank or from a birthday check).
To me those were someones money that they lent to me to grow and keep safe.
I do that by paying my FDIC insurance and keeping it in safe investments (the shadow banking system did not have to follow this and that is where this collapse started).
This is why the Fed is so darn important. It has very nice tools to somewhat offset what banks can do, up or down. If they want more people opening up businesses they can lower the RR (reserve requirements) and banks will be freed up to lend more, or they can heighten them and this forces banks to lend out less:

This is a nice graph showing this on the wiki page:

This is all very logical and easy to understand, so I am unsure why people continue to believe the lie?
The gold thing is whatever at this point. This is the pivotal point to people saying gold is the most important thing. But when they can actually see how the system is, hopefully they will realize it is not as scary or evil as you thought.
Although I agree to not just take everything that gets said at face value, you should still listen to your professors and learn what they are saying. Because you may be wrong, and sitting there saying nuh-uh just leads to a lifelong misunderstanding of the facts.Stop taking your professors teachings as gospel, they can and are very wrong very frequently.
Thank you to the people that contributed to this thread. I changed it a little to keep it general.