• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

I Used To See Auras


Well-Known Member
i still see them. to this day. tho not as consistant as in my youth.
it seems there stronger/more apparent if im drowsy/not energetic.
i was a gifted child, or so thats what 'they' told me, test scores were always off the charts.
i did horrible in school, was straight a's till 6-7th grade then just went downhill, school bored me to no end, and i hated being there.
also have a way with animals, especially dogs. not all of them, but if the dog was a 'good' dog, more often than not the dog would obey me before its own master, even if it was the first meeting... drives my weed man nuts as he has a professionally trained pitbull/boxer mix that turns into a quivering ball of playfullness as soon as i enter his sight. never saw anything with plants, but i seem to know if there happy or sad.
wild mentioned:
had unusual abilities; sudden detection of emotion and semi-psychic pre-sight
which hit me so hard in the gut it is the reason that made me leave this post, as i am more than aware of the ridicule this subject will recieve, and I am not one thats like to be the focal point of that kind of juvenile crap.
my 'insights' have made me somewhat of a respected person im my career, i have baffled senior engineers more than once with my almost instantaneous perception of a problem and then the proper procedueres to implement the solution. it has actually cost me a job more than once, because a supervisor would feel threatened. i often smile to myself when i hear people say 'gee i wish i was a genius' or something to that extent. im thinking they really wouldnt.
from personal experience it sucks when you see something about to happen and no one believes you untill it happens.... another thing that has cost me a job.
sometimes, being different, sucks just as much as they make it out to be on the lifetime channel.
ive made an art form out of blending in, both in appeareance and social situations, tho sometimes my intuitions are so strong that i have to act on them... like the other day-
at work, we had recieved a new peice of machine equipment. some of the guys in the shop were setting it up, and were about to be completed, when in walks the owner of the company. he pokes around, and sees something he doesnt like, and immediatly orders changes to correct it. now this peice of equipment is vital to a certain contract we have going on, and it was imprative that it be setup and in operation ASAP. so anyways, to get to the point, i overheard what was going on, and went to see what was up. i look at the changed the boss had ordered, and immediatly determined that the machines motors would burn up if the machine was to be setup like that. since that particular machine is directly related to my completion incentive bonus, i was a little concerened, and immediatly voiced my opinion. of course correcting the boss is usually a bad desicion in a bad economy, but after the short argument i backed off. the machine burned... and now the boss is mad at me... lol. sometimes life is a bitch.
so your not the only one seasmoke. i just never advertise the fact, and to be honest its wierd i even posted this... oh well bongsmilie


Active Member
I'm 45 now and know full well the ramifications of a subject like this.
I Am5toned, great post. I also have experainced dejavu throught my life....2x I have had drowning dreams, and awoke and told my wife. The next day, someone drowned. last episode must have been 15 yrs ago. It was just like I was there.

The older I got, the less it happened. Youth innocence I guess.


Well-Known Member
dreams have eluded me most of my entire life.(except when i get a hair up my ass and try to quit smoking cigs) the ones i can recall however were extremely lucid, and vivid. never dealing with any relevant subject matter, and more often than not, deal with complete strangers/people ive never met or seen.
deja vu on the other hand i get quite often. sometimes its strong enough to make stop in my tracks and think to myself, have i really been here before?
its just not very frequent, and i can never seem to identify any particular trigger that sets it off.

with the aura's, like i said i can see them still if im really tired (like woke up too early tired) or relaxed. i also notice that as my attention span increases, or focus starts to sharpen, most of the time they will fade away. sometimes, on extremely rare occasions, i still see them like you did during your apex, tho mabye once every 3 years, if that.

im like you though, i dont want attention, what i would like is some answers

like 1- how do i talk about this w/out coming off as a nutjob
2 does this ability, or curse, depending on how you look at it have a detrimental effect on mental health; or a positive one?
3 how many other people experience similair symptoms/observations?
4is there anyway i can use this gift or curse for a positive benefit?
5 Is it genetic? is this something i can potentially pass on to offspring?
6 or is it all total bullshit, and i really am crazy, just another functioning schizophrenic?
7 or, are there perceptions and abilities of the human mind that modern science has yet to explain or make an effort to explain?
8 and finally, is it possible to suppress or sharpen these abilities?

the one professional i was brave enough to speak to this about, about a decade ago, immediatly suspected Synaesthesia. However it was quickly dismissed as a possibility. my memory works in strange ways, but using patterns, color references, and visual representations of sounds or tastes simply does not occur in my head. from what i hear Synaesthesia is very closely related to autism... and I understand what is going on with neural pathways crossing. this is something completely different. sadly, my financial situation caused me to quit seeing this pro, and to be honest i had all about givin up on ever running across anyone that can relate to these kind of things.

ps- and as for my personality, i dont exactly buy into bullshit causes. i prefer tangible things i can see and touch and hear, i am an avowed atheist, and look at most things that border on mysticism as total bullshit. i dont believe in criminal psychics, fortune tellers, horoscopes, and most if not all things astrological and religous. i have studied extensively the works and many biographies of men like nostradamus and edward cayce, shaolin philosophy, alot of things relating to perception and Qi (some people call it chi) trying to find something, anything i can relate to. the only common occurance i can find is that the VAST majority that has shown any kind of clairvoyant/paranormal extraordinary tendencies AND passed the test of time and public eye, did so under circumstances when they were extremely relaxed, or even in there sleep, or in an almost trancelike state of self meditation. Shaolin monks dedicate years, if not decades of meditation and training to be able to have enough focus to demonstrate there abilities when not in a meditative state. I have personally seen, at a demonstration in boston in 1996, a shaolin monk deflect a razor sharp spear, using the soft skin of his abdomen, thrown from 25 feet away by another monk. that spear should have went right through the monks stomach and come out the other side, and kept going. yet the spearhead itself was bent as if it had struck a solid block of steel. seeing the actual impact and subsequent recoil and deflection of the spear leaves no doubt to me that it had more than enough velocity to impale the man.
which leads to another question-
if stuff like this is possible, then why cant serious medical research be done on it?

i know ive gone off on a ramble but its rare i have the opportunity to discuss these subjects with people that actually have a clue about what i am talking about.


Active Member
im like you though, i dont want attention, what i would like is some answers,like:
1- how do i talk about this w/out coming off as a nutjob
In a small town, this was my biggest fear. people would forever ridicule.
2 does this ability, or curse, depending on how you look at it have a detrimental effect on mental health; or a positive one?
3 how many other people experience similair symptoms/observations?
4 is there anyway i can use this gift or curse for a positive benefit?
5 Is it genetic? is this something i can potentially pass on to offspring?
6 or is it all total bullshit, and i really am crazy, just another functioning schizophrenic?
kind of a repeat of question 1.? Only this time YOU come to the realization.
7 or, are there perceptions and abilities of the human mind that modern science has yet to explain or make an effort to explain?
8 and finally, is it possible to suppress or sharpen these abilities?
I'm kind of cut from the same cloth a little I guess, I wondered many of the same questions. I tend to lean more on the science of things than anything else.
People on here were quick to diagnose Synaesthesia, but this is nothing like that. I have a sound mind, no dyslexcia or anything like that.

It is cool to meet someone that has experienced something like this. Many of the things you mentioned, i've gone through. I've never seen a Dr., figured they would throw me in the looneybin, and as I got older, I didn't worry about it.

I would like to know why I saw them, and why they went away. Its been 30+ years, and i'll never forget it.
Seeing the plant ones was strange. The "good" ones had a clear shimmer with a blue hue around its leaves. The "bad" ones had a blackish hue with hardly any shimmer at all. There were only those two colors for them as I recall, but it made it pretty easy when us kids were out picking berries. Even at a young age I kept the others from eating them. Doing some research later in life, I found many of those berries would make someone sick.

It would be neat to see them like I did when I was a kid again. It sure would make finding honest people easier.


Well-Known Member
Does this not sound like what you are describing?

Neurologist Richard Cytowic identifies the following diagnostic criteria of synesthesia:
1. Synesthesia is involuntary and automatic.
2. Synesthetic perceptions are spatially extended, meaning they often have a sense of "location." For example, synesthetes speak of "looking at" or "going to" a particular place to attend to the experience.
3. Synesthetic percepts are consistent and generic (i.e., simple rather than pictorial).
4. Synesthesia is highly memorable.
5. Synesthesia is laden with affect.

Though often stereotyped in the popular media as a medical condition or neurological aberration, many synesthetes themselves do not perceive their synesthetic experiences as a handicap. To the contrary, most report it as a gift—an additional "hidden" sense—something they would not want to miss. Most synesthetes become aware of their "hidden" and different way of perceiving in their childhood.

Some grapheme → color synesthetes report that the colors seem to be "projected" out into the world (called "projectors"), while most report that the colors are experienced in their "mind's eye" (called "associators").[24] It is estimated that approximately one or two per hundred grapheme-color synesthetes are projectors; the rest are associators.




Well-Known Member
Maybe....I knew who to stay away from, when I saw the "dark" colors....it didn't take long to figure out the color code....even with animals....dogs showed the most varieance. But if they had a dark blue, purple or black aura, it usually meant they were just bad individuals, and the lighter auras were "friendly", so to speak...

Lol, I wasn't on acid Kaleo.
im sure you werent, im was just sayin i had a similar experince while my mind was opened up to the cosmos. i completly understand what you mean; having experenced it once in my life. it was really strange, unsettling and overpowering. but i was at a greatful dead/allman bros concert and it was a mysical experience, auras aside.

this is the best way i can discribe the auras i saw

i could see colors radiating from all sorts of people, all at a diferent intensity. i couldnt discern what the colors ment but im sure it had to do with mood, and the vibrations seemed to go allong with how intensly people were feeling the emotion. allso, i could tell which people were fucked up and tripping like me and who wasnt. i could tell who was nervous and extatic and who was tripping balls; all by there color, intensity, and something else i couldnt wrap my mind on.


Well-Known Member
To discover a truth, every possibility must be accepted:
Synaesthesia is considered by those with no personal insight as a defect, but I feel it is a special gift. The power to touch deeper into the medium of being through one or several enhanced senses, pushed to great degree and providing the gifted a further understanding. Some autistics have unparalleled musical, informative etc ability, how is this a mental disorder? Every mind is different, as Gardner (and I'm sure more since) have proven, we each specialize in certain areas of thought, occasionally to extreme degrees (how I see Hendrix, when taken to a higher state through the element of musical euphoria, compared to somebody organized & linguistic, yet with no creative ideas). I was classed a prodigy as a child, senior school 'broke that hope', but I still have a unique, in-depth understanding of all that surrounds me, I am of sound mind.

Only in easing the mind can one reveal a truth:
It seems clairvoyance and many things most consider fabled have employed elites to prove their possibility. On the occasions that science examines those who claim clairvoyance/precognition etc, the tests enforced put the subject people under an unconcious level of stress, scientist expecting immaediate psychic proof. Only when relaxed and necassary will an ability appear. I can relate this to Chi and similar, astral energies, especially in seeing the negativity of an individuals personality and possibly the fitness/stability or safety of their mindframe and persona.

A theory is based on personal view of the debated subject. The rest is just guesswork:
SeaSmoke, the final day sounds like it then and now upsets you. To me, it seems that this confusing and more so, overwhelming experience was unwanted at the time (that day in that place). Perhaps, through feeling irregular (you mentioned you had wished to speak to someone, but instead dealt with what you temporarily viewed as a problem yourself), you infact surpressed the skill.

6 or is it all total bullshit, and i really am crazy, just another functioning schizophrenic?

I read an article about a year ago that said those who claim and truly believe to have seen a ufo have a stronger imagination than many, therefore must have dreamt it. Maybe, they're specially selected.

7 or, are there perceptions and abilities of the human mind that modern science has yet to explain or make an effort to explain?

Throughout recorded time, mankind held an amaze with the celestial, the super natural and the pressence of enigma. I guess thats how forming religion comes to be. Either in the shape of an answer to the confusion, or as worship to those with unknown 'power'. When we find a time of open mindedness, we shall see much important research and many mysteries unfold.

Just to say, I did write a much longer, heavier summary of my opinions to this points, but in removing an emoticon deleted the post. Come to think of it, everyone will probably prefer the shorter version.


New Member
Very interesting posts in this thread.

What Ill say is just realize that over 90% of whats going on around us you cant sense in your conscious mind. Its very possible that these "auras" that you say you saw were actually something supernatural and a "gift" rather then being something medical. Or somewhat similar, maybe they were something medical but thats not entirely understood yet and a "gift" nonetheless.

I have also always been different and had different abilities. I saw auras and felt vibes but not exactly as you describe it. It would take a long time to write down all my experiences but there is many and I believe I might have some extra sensory perceptions like psychic abilities. Ive told very few about these outside the internet and dont really talk about it unless I get an opportunity to do it like here. Ive randomly astral projected while sleeping. Ive had 5 light bulbs explode by my head in different houses, Ive read that this is a sign of a possibly psychic ability. Your brain and body is giving off different types of waves than normal, stronger waves possibly at different frequencies. Ive had dreams and thoughts that have later came to reality, some after as long as 10 years and some that have yet to happen. I just had a major one about 3 weeks ago, the original dream then thought of that event occured several months earlier.

What Ive realized is that theres the masses which make up around 97% of the population who are within the normal ranges. They may have some supernatural abilities and experiences, but they wont be that strong and they wont realize it most the time. Then theres that other 3% that would include people like you me and Iam5toned who have some difference that is outside of the normal range. Im not talking about physically or an illness, but our senses and things we perceive. I see it as a gift but earlier in my life saw it as a curse because theres really not many people who can relate to you and most the times these people will be outcasted. I also have always had a very high intelligence and IQ, I noticed that I seemed to absorb information from out of thin air and know and learn things without ever being taught them from an outside source like school or a physical teacher.

Just the same as you, I was always hesitant to go to a professional about this. I had a series of medical tests done over the years without mentioning the exact symptoms in fear that they would send me to a mental institution or recommend seeing a psychiatrist. I do have some minor physical and mental illnesses (depression and anxiety), but nothing that comes close to explaining 1% of what I experience rationally. All of my medical tests showed no abnormalities, Im completely healthy besides 1 minor illness thats completely unrelated.

Basically, Ive had similar experiences and think there is a good chance that these auras that you saw were "real". They were probably something that cannot be explained medically or mentally. I would think you could still have the ability to do this but you might need to do certain things, or maybe you just had the gift then it dissapeared.


Well-Known Member
I noticed that I seemed to absorb information from out of thin air and know and learn things without ever being taught them from an outside source like school or a physical teacher.
as well as reading at a very advanced level at a very early age.
i also have a knack for taking tests.
i nailed 2% on the asvab, and recruiters chased me for almost 6 years after that.
i was too non conformist for the military tho. i regret the opportunities i may have missed, but i think ultimately i would have got myself into trouble with a superior officer...lol
plus theres this little green herb i have a taste for, they dont like that i hear ;)


Active Member
ohhh, to bring that up, I did enlist, and spent 4 yrs RA....authority was a BITCH!!. My mind had all it could do to wrap itself around their way of thinking....it just couldn't be tore down and rebuilt in their manner. I wanted to retire from service and couldn't do it.

I own my own business, but its always run with a suspect eye. I don't care to much about sharing info to my success....
To open a door for some dialog...conversation, on this is relieving....as was said, i'd never say this to anyone local. I'm still causous.
It was real.it still is, and to tune myself in would be sur-real. I guess i'm a little afraid of this as much as being called "crazy". The fear of the known and unknown.

Thanks you all for stepping up, this wasn't easy to start. all your comments are well researved, and I apperciate them.


Active Member
This is a very interesting thread, I'm glad I stumbled upon it! :-P

I have seen these types of aura things as you call them all my life but never in sort of a constancy as you have described.

This may sound somewhat 'alternative' to a lot of folks out there, but I believe that they only happen when I align with someone else in my space. And by that I mean that perhaps I sync up with the idren/sistren so well at that particular instance that there is sort of an external glow emmited.

It is interesting to hear that you were actually able to make good use of this ability to see.

Like I mentioned, I have only been able to notice these 'auras' as a sort of connective force. They are most often yellow but sometimes white.

On the synesthesia note, I do have a condition called CAPD - Central Auditory Processing Delay. As the name indicates, this is a condition by which the audio coming into the system has to wait in line to be processed by the center of the brain.

When you were noticing these auras, was there any sort of conscious mental activity you were performing... or not performing?


Active Member
Right up untill I was a freshmen in high school...before then, I saw them on every living thing...humans,animals...plants....some sort of colered shimmer around them. Then one day...right at an apex...it was gone.

I still dont understand why I saw them...or why they're gone...
hey seasmoke, good thread,:bigjoint: any one can see auras, heres one easy tip for anyone to try.
hold your hand in front of your face about 18" (best if you have a white/cream background) then look about an inch above your fingertips (not at them just above) and withen a minute or so you will see a white/gold glow around your finger tips, sometimes the glow might be a differnt colour like gold or blue/purple. you can even feel an aura with your hands.


Well-Known Member
ive seen auras of people one time when i was tripping of a strip of acid. i was at a concert and everybody there was giving off a different vibration with a different color or shade and intensity. it was like everyone's differing auras were swirling together and projecting twards the heavens. it was a really intense tripp
Sounds pretty damn awesome. Can't wait to hear the rest. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Were you stoned or high on anything at the time of these aura's? I know magic mushrooms can and will do this, as well as strange shadowing and trails, i can tell you now ur not gifted lol, its to do with chemical mixes in you body and your brains electrical activity it also can happen when you over hungry accompanied with dizzyness and euphoria, everyones brain is different hence personalities, memory and attitudes etc so what chemical mixes can be fine for 1 person may make another person trip, its like an allergic reaction, even legal meds if mixed or even if their not you could be allergic to some ingredient and your bodies way of handling the unknown psychoactive ingredient is to produce, your unexplainable visuals :) hope this helps - stelthy, but if your a hippy like person who thinks they have some kind of super powers lol believe what you want to... As long as your not hurting any one have fun :)


Well-Known Member
Very interesting posts in this thread.
I also have always had a very high intelligence and IQ, I noticed that I seemed to absorb information from out of thin air and know and learn things without ever being taught them from an outside source like school or a physical teacher.
This hits me with striking resemblance. In my early years, not only could I absorb any information, I could figure it out anyway. By looking at plants and trees, I targetted exactly how their leaves were structured and worked, a long time before I even began reading science. I read well from an early age, but felt I had already figured many of the answers already.
I understand that the distinct gifts I have are not sight related like many of yours, but this is why i'm so enticed by this thread. It shows me how varied an 'ability' can be.

I do have some minor physical and mental illnesses (depression and anxiety), but nothing that comes close to explaining 1% of what I experience rationally. All of my medical tests showed no abnormalities, Im completely healthy besides 1 minor illness thats completely unrelated.
Do you notice/administer your visions more so when in a more positive or negative lenient state? I assume no modern test is expected to find a rare super-sense, with a lack of research, nobody would even know how to locate it.

The mastermind grows tired of life the faster, it takes ever evolving challenge.

I guess i'm a little afraid of this as much as being called "crazy". The fear of the known and unknown.
Thanks you all for stepping up, this wasn't easy to start. all your comments are well researved, and I apperciate them.
I guess the best advice is to never be afraid of the unknown, for you cannot predict what it can do. Just like Chaos, it cannot be foreseen, but will always happen with mystery, so why live in fear of it? Either that, or what's the worst that can happen? :lol:
The only way to discover the unknown is to venture it, search it and come out better for its knowledge. I may come of sounding scary, but I like to think i'm helping and I'm glad to see others are too. Cheers.

This may sound somewhat 'alternative' to a lot of folks out there, but I believe that they only happen when I align with someone else in my space. And by that I mean that perhaps I sync up with the idren/sistren so well at that particular instance that there is sort of an external glow emmited.
How could describe the process of connection? A calming of the mental process to all surroundings, with a direct focus on that person? Perhaps providing a warm headed feeling when aligned?

Like I mentioned, I have only been able to notice these 'auras' as a sort of connective force. They are most often yellow but sometimes white.
On the synesthesia note, I do have a condition called CAPD - Central Auditory Processing Delay. As the name indicates, this is a condition by which the audio coming into the system has to wait in line to be processed by the center of the brain.

When you were noticing these auras, was there any sort of conscious mental activity you were performing... or not performing?
The colouration sounds similar to the hues used in polarized light detection tests, not saying you have the rare ability to see polarized light however.

CAPD therefore reduces the sharpness of one important sense, a reduction of auditory identification may have increased you're vison/other. Just like the fact that i've had little to no sense of smell (olfactory) from birth, yet I (think of myself) as having improved auditory and visual perception.

Does anyone else here have a lack of any survival senses? We use alot of senses, even those of you shocked by a extra sensory gift whilst tripping, (might) recall a loss of another sensory field?

hey seasmoke, good thread, any one can see auras, heres one easy tip for anyone to try. you can even feel an aura with your hands.
I've got to try that after posting :-P


Well-Known Member
Were you stoned or high on anything at the time of these aura's? I know magic mushrooms can and will do this, as well as strange shadowing and trails, i can tell you now ur not gifted lol, its to do with chemical mixes in you body and your brains electrical activity it also can happen when you over hungry accompanied with dizzyness and euphoria, everyones brain is different hence personalities, memory and attitudes etc so what chemical mixes can be fine for 1 person may make another person trip, its like an allergic reaction, even legal meds if mixed or even if their not you could be allergic to some ingredient and your bodies way of handling the unknown psychoactive ingredient is to produce, your unexplainable visuals :) hope this helps - stelthy, but if your a hippy like person who thinks they have some kind of super powers lol believe what you want to... As long as your not hurting any one have fun :)
so i was on acid and shrooms when i was 3-6 years old (when i first noticed them)

it must be nice to be so ignorant....

...its attitudes like that, that make a subject like this so difficult for people to speak of with an open forum


New Member
as well as reading at a very advanced level at a very early age.
i also have a knack for taking tests.
i nailed 2% on the asvab, and recruiters chased me for almost 6 years after that.
i was too non conformist for the military tho. i regret the opportunities i may have missed, but i think ultimately i would have got myself into trouble with a superior officer...lol
plus theres this little green herb i have a taste for, they dont like that i hear ;)
Yeah I was always great at taking tests as well. It was the normal work that I hated, not that I ever had difficulty with it, my problem with it was it was too time consuming over a long period of time and I wasnt patient with that stuff.

This might sound odd to some but I actually had to "play dumb" from middle school on. I gave wrong answers and failed some things on purpose in order to "fit in" I guess you could say. Where Im from (similar to most places) if your really smart, all that means is that your outcasted/treated like a nerd and people will copy off your answers. Its a real shame how society is like that. I kind of wish I would of grew up in an area that encouraged and praised higher intelligence and education and it was looked at as good, opposed to the opposite like where Im from.

This hits me with striking resemblance. In my early years, not only could I absorb any information, I could figure it out anyway. By looking at plants and trees, I targetted exactly how their leaves were structured and worked, a long time before I even began reading science. I read well from an early age, but felt I had already figured many of the answers already.
Yeah I can definitely relate to that too.

What Ive noticed odd about me is that statistically I should actually be very uneducated and/or in prison right now. I grew up in a poor urban neighborhood with horrible schools. In a single parent household where my only parent (mom) was constantly working, my dad left when I was a toddler. Both my parents were intelligent but were uneducated barely graduating high school. I was never taught morals. I was by myself or just around people my own age 95% of my childhood. You could pretty much say that I "raised myself".

I seem to have a great natural understanding of things without ever having been taught it. Ive figured things out in the past and done very simple things (in my mind) that people have called me a "genius" for. It still confuses me because these are things I do and figure out on a daily basis and theyre calling me a genius for this but Ive never heard that towards another person in my life.

I have noticed places and threads like this on the internet seem to attract people like me which is good. I rarely ever meet anyone like myself in real life, or maybe I just dont notice it? well its true you dont share your views on things like this with average people on the street but still.


Active Member
Stelth, I was a kid. I was NOT on any psycodelic drugs of any type.
I also never had to "search" for these auras, they were there, everyday. I do remember saying something once to my mom. She said I was just seeing things, and it would go away. Well it didn't, not for awhile anyways which only left me more confused. If that was the answer i'll get from my mom, I couldn't emagine what other people would say.That was the fear. The actual...experiance wasn't scary...just confusing.

Both my parents were together till the day dad died. They loved each other very much, and though dad's gone, mom never took on another relationship. They were both uneducated, I think they both finished school at the eighth grade level. Being from a country setting, your back, hands and will to work and provide was much more important than schooling. If us kids were playing, dad would have us stop and go weed the garden, split and lug in wood, go clamming to make a little money...
My dad was 38 yrs old when I was born, mom was close to it...quite a margin of time there. I can remember bringing elementary school homework/work home, and they were completely useless with helping me. When I did complete a task in front of them, they'd say things like "your so smart", "your smarter than I ever was", "I hope you graduate high school",...encouraging, but it wasn't what I needed. The schooling they got during the 30s-40's was so remote compared to what they were teaching in the 70s.
All that, coupled with the auras, made for a shy, confused little boy.

Although I was a bright kid, somehow I couldn't transport that in school and I had all I could do to get a passing grade....I had to repeat 7th grade. After I stopped seeing auras, I got a little better in school, even made the honor roll my final two years. Just the opposite of what you guys are discribing. Was it related? I don't know.

Everybody had Auras. And in a "fun", or "relaxed" state, they seemed light in color. But there were times as I(or someone else) walked up to some of them ,I could see that "light" color turn "darker and darker", and their whole personality changed. They got mean, obnoxous, and most times they wanted to fight. I learned to say clear of them. Another time, for instance, i remember seeing the Aura around dad. It was "medium"as it always seemed to be, and I gave him the days mail, and all of a sudden, that Aura got a brighter and brighter light blue. My eyes must have got big as saucers, cause dad looked at me funny. Turned out he got his income tax return.