CFL's are stupid. I took them down.


Well-Known Member
Oh! Well i read this a long time ago, so that's why...
#48 (permalink)
Mar-19-2006, 09:22
Garden Knowm
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Join Date: Dec-20-2004
Posts: 5,924

8 CFL's... LOL serious.. 8 - 150 watt cfl's...

3 plants.. although the pictures are of just one plant
There was enough room for 1 more plant to get the same amount of lighting
Yes.. all the tips are burnt.. Lights touched leaves all the time...
The rational was this.. a little bit of incidental burning was less harm than keeping the light more than 1 inch away

FYI- I did not grow these plants.. SeeMore did..


Well-Known Member
Mar-19-2006, 09:24
Garden Knowm
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Join Date: Dec-20-2004
Posts: 5,924

NO fancy bulbs... 5 dollar .. home depot... subsidized by PG&E.. cfl's..
regularly 10 dollar bulbs...

easyiest thing SeeMore ever did..

He said it was easier than your sister..
He's kinda of a dick like that... : )

i love you


=] i'll be veggin with two 4ft shoplights...
160watts total
bout 3500 lumens for each of the 4 bulbs

fits perfectly on a top shelf of closet...

i think a cfls best use (atleast the smaller ones 85w and less) would be as addtional lighting...


Well-Known Member
=] i'll be veggin with two 4ft shoplights...
160watts total
bout 3500 lumens for each of the 4 bulbs

fits perfectly on a top shelf of closet...

i think a cfls best use (atleast the smaller ones 85w and less) would be as addtional lighting...

while i'm on the couch reading. :mrgreen:


Active Member
I like the post from someone who said we aer all different. Drive different cars, wear different cloths. So why should there one type of light for everyone?

Yeah yeah we all know that HID has better light penetration and less fidley than a bunch of CFL's but HIDs can cause problems that are avoided by using CFLs.
I've done both, grown in a large cabinet under a 400w HPS with got awesome results. Lots of big nugs (and lots of small ones) with trichomes for Africa. I've also grown in a cabinet that was less than a metre sq with 230w of CFLS and I got lots of medium size nugs (and lots of small ones) with trichomes for Africa. With only passive ventilation fluros were my only option and the plants thived under the CFLs. I've also grown in a (smaller) cabinet that was fitted with 4 U shape shop lights and its prodcued airy buds with minimal trichome coverage.
I'm thinking of getting me a 250w HPS for my next round but currently my single plant is only 20cms from the top of my cabinet which would mean many burnt tops if I was using HID. She's only 18 or so days into 12/12 so the stretch is on and I'm having to tie her down to ensure she doesn't reach the height limit.
Quite excited about doing my next batch of cuttings under a 250w HPS ... bought a computer fan so I can get some ventialtion happening. $265 for light kit so not cheap but I have the room so no excuse NOT to go back to HID.
Just dont diss CFLs too much coz they do work from clone to bud, with careful application in a small box ... and for Christmas I'll be chugging on my Big Bud grown under my CFLs.


Well-Known Member
if you like too grow 6 ounces a year,cfl,s are great.just dont have a smokeout with your buddies on a long weekend because you will be cleaned out.


Active Member
if you like too grow 6 ounces a year,cfl,s are great.just dont have a smokeout with your buddies on a long weekend because you will be cleaned out.
hahaha such a funny guy ... ever thought of being a comedian :spew:

Well at home 6 ozs would be worth close to $2000 ... and if those 6 ozs were grown in a small box that would fry plants under an HID I dont see anything stupid about it.

I'm feeling pretty baked ... on herb grown under those stupid CFLs ... stupid little things those CFLs ... good for nothing ... did I tell you I was baked :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
One question. But first, and please be un-biased. I use CFL's for my setup. I am using a Jethro box in plastic tubs.

I will agree, those CFL's do get crazy hot. But when I was researching my lighting possibilities CFL seemed to be my best bet. SAFETY WISE. I looked at all the possibilites. They all just seemed dangerous in a plastic box in a closet with clothes in it, so CFL seemed to be most sensible thing to go with.

Without going into alot of detail as to my setup, is 8 CFL 23 watters ok? Or.....could I go with....oh....lets say a 250w MH bulb instead and not melt the box? Or should I stick with what I got, for safety reasons. Burning my house down for bud that will be the first to get destroyed just does not seem like burning my house down over and the fire chief finding the box after the fire is fire out.


Active Member
I dunno what a jethro box is but if its plastic I'd say HID might be risky. My veg box is a medium sized plastic rubbish bin with one 65w and one 25w CFL glowing and growing. I have an 80mm case fan take away the heat and once my cuttings have rooted they go in there and love it. There is no way I could use anything else but CFLs in there. HID would melt it and a shop lights are too bulky.


Well-Known Member
I'm using a 250 watt mh and it is working great. With using the mh in a box I have found with out my fan on temps can shoot up past 90 degrees(found that out the hard way). So you will need some ventilation. It may cost a tish more to set up but I think you would find the results very pleasing.

I was going to start off will a nice CFL system (200 watt sun system 8) but after reading threads and seeing results, its night and day. Just look though some of the old grow journals. I'm not saying CFLs can't get the job done, they just can't get the job done as well.


New Member
I really loved the results I got from using cfls in the vegging stage of my plants. I was only growing four at a time but for vegging and small amounts of plants I think they work great. Key thing is to keep them right on top of your seedlings. It worked really well for me and thats all I know. I did switch to a 400wt hps for flowering. I ended up with two males two females and there looking great. 4 weeks into flowering on my first grow and they look awesome.