Stealth Grow Mommy


Well-Known Member
you could start burning 3000 watts day and night and your electric company wouldn't have a clue that you hadn't just installed a hot tub. until ur burning over 4k just in the flower room alone ... forget about ur electrical consumption concerns.

for this new cabinet... 1 1/2' by 2 1/2' by 3 feet'ish... that sounds like a good size space to make the jump to something that's going to kick those cfl-vegged plants into a proper flower mode... a 150w HPS light. Along with ventilating the new cabinet... between those two cabinets you would then have a proper veg / flower setup. a perpetual grow.

keep it up soccer mommy :leaf: :-P :leaf:

and shovel that snow to the shed ur damn self, what are you waiting for ? if you want it done, do it urself.


Well-Known Member
Ok these small cfls look like a waste of time to me, maybe if you upgraded to a 125w envirolite 6500k blue spec for vegging and had another one only 2400k red spec for flowering and used the tiny cfls you have as side lighting your plants would grow fuller quicker and be able to carry heavier bigger buds the 125 watt enviros are around 20 quid and the lamp socket is 8 quid, these 2 items alone will make you alot happier when harvest day comes, or 1 630nm 90w led ufo infact, if i was you i would definatly get 1 90w led ufo it has 80 red light emitting diodes (led) and 10 blue and is perfect for grow 1 to 4 plants and they wont be too small either you can pick 1 up on e bay for about 80 quid, but they last years and years and are a very good investment! I ll post a pic and you can see what an envirolite cfl looks like ( a huge version of what your using) and i have 2 ufo's but at least you can see what is achievable and what they look like etc.. 90w is nothing power wise and that includes 3 cpu cooling fans ...perfect for your little space! Hope this helps any questions fire away, from stelthy :)


Well-Known Member
Ok these small cfls look like a waste of time to me, maybe if you upgraded to a 125w envirolite 6500k blue spec for vegging and had another one only 2400k red spec for flowering and used the tiny cfls you have as side lighting your plants would grow fuller quicker and be able to carry heavier bigger buds the 125 watt enviros are around 20 quid and the lamp socket is 8 quid, these 2 items alone will make you alot happier when harvest day comes, or 1 630nm 90w led ufo infact, if i was you i would definatly get 1 90w led ufo it has 80 red light emitting diodes (led) and 10 blue and is perfect for grow 1 to 4 plants and they wont be too small either you can pick 1 up on e bay for about 80 quid, but they last years and years and are a very good investment! I ll post a pic and you can see what an envirolite cfl looks like ( a huge version of what your using) and i have 2 ufo's but at least you can see what is achievable and what they look like etc.. 90w is nothing power wise and that includes 3 cpu cooling fans ...perfect for your little space! Hope this helps any questions fire away, from stelthy :)
Why must you go to so many threads and talk about your grow? If you made a journal that is where you talk about your grow, not in every thread you decide to post in

And you posted more pics in a thread that is not yours!!!!


Well-Known Member
why must you go to so many threads and talk about your grow? If you made a journal that is where you talk about your grow, not in every thread you decide to post in

and you posted more pics in a thread that is not yours!!!!
because i am using my setup to point out lights so the homemum, can see what i am talking about, helping her to get bigger better plants, pictures are helpful, and if she only uses little cfls she wont grow alot if anything at all... So i am trying to help people get more bud for less money, whats ur problem ?

grow plenty

Well-Known Member
hi agent....i'm surprised no one mentioned it, but those clear cups are a big no-no. they are light transparant and roots dont do well when exposed to light peace.....................................................


Well-Known Member
Hi its Stelthy, sorry if my pics were unwanted I just thought they would be helpful to you, I ll ask if its ok to post pics next time ps I hope your grow goes well and even though under your current lighting I doubt you'll yield alot, I hope you do and look forward to seeing your results ps if you need any help I'll help you as best as i can or give you a link to your answer :) regards Stelthy :)


Active Member
your saying she would save money and have better results paying 10 times as much for crappy ass led lights and bigger cfl bulbs thats not very helpful :P if you knew anything you would know the smaller bulbs are more efficient and by far cheaper.


Well-Known Member
your saying she would save money and have better results paying 10 times as much for crappy ass led lights and bigger cfl bulbs thats not very helpful :p if you knew anything you would know the smaller bulbs are more efficient and by far cheaper.
i am saying for a one off payment for an led, 90w ufo or 2 125w blue/red spec envirolite cfl's she will get a better yield, and in doing so effectivly pay off the new equiptment upon harvest, the next grow she does will be a good harvest and all buds n profits will be hers, the ufo's are correct spec for growing and are self cooled, they take up minimal room and will do a better job than 2 energy saving house bulbs, or if she chose the 125w cfl's they would also pay for themselves upon 1st harvest and are correct (8-par) with a higher lumen out put, and if she does what i reccomend which is use the ufo central and her 2 already owned house cfls as side lighting 1 either side she'll be using little over 120watts in total, ideal for a small growroom! I take it you have not used a ufo led, or you would know that they are more than capable of big yields if used correctly! Small house cfls will give airy fluffy buds low in thc, 125w envirolites will give bigger buds a little tighter with a slight increase in trichromes, and the ufo's will give the best results - if accompanied with the small cfl's as side lighting, the use of metal halide, hps or crappy mercury would be unbenificial for many reasons expense, heat build up, need for cooling and ducting etc,... So skervy unless you have used the prefered methods above.... I have, in fact ive tried all these methods, and know what i am talking about which is why i am sure my advise is helpful, i will take a look at your setup shortly, i take it your on a budget with house bulbs too? And if your in denial about the results of led + envirolite cfls look in my album and follow it cos am in flowering 12/12 now n will update every few weeks till harvest ps the envirolite cfl gives better results hanging vertical as opposed to horizontle, origionaly they were used as side lighting for hps systems, many many people use them so if she wanted to save space she could hang them horizontly and still grow more than she is now. Peace. - stelthy.


Active Member
Holy fuck there's a lot of comments. I leave you guys alone for 2 days...I swear. ;)

I usually try to respond to every comment but seeing as there are multiple comments by the same people I'll try to keep my responses short.

Agent, get ya some 1/2" and 3/4" PVC pipe and a few Ts. What ya want to do with that is make a floor stand light. By attaching the bulbs and cords either thru the pipe(if ya know how to rewire your cords/ or tape to it) attach/insert to a 3/4" pipe, now slip the 3/4 pipe over the 1/2 stand and you have an adjustable light. Later when my lights come on I can get ya a pic which will explain it better, ya know a pic is worth a thousand words. Till then U might want to start studying "Scrog" grows, cause you'll need it in a 3' cabinet.
Hey, post a picture once you get your lights. I'm not a picture will probably make it a lot cleared for someone like me. I'll look up that whole scrog grow thing...see what it's all about. Thanks.

Your electric co. has a puter program that flags any sudden change in usage. If you ramp up over a 2 or 3 mo. period you could easily use another $100/mo. & no one would notice. Peace Jack
I'm probably going to add more lights gradually like you said just to be safe. Appreciate the tip.

You should plan out and draw everything out before you do it. It helped me a lot and my first grow is going great so far. Lol and it does become a hobby I dont know what took so long for this idea to pop up into my head.
I 100% agree with you. I still haven't started any work on the cabinet yet because I'm not sure how I want it set up. I keep drawing up these complicated ass designs but I think I just need to keep it simple. I'm over complicating things. I'll post before anything happens with it to see if you guys can catch a mistake or something.

you could start burning 3000 watts day and night and your electric company wouldn't have a clue that you hadn't just installed a hot tub. until ur burning over 4k just in the flower room alone ... forget about ur electrical consumption concerns.

for this new cabinet... 1 1/2' by 2 1/2' by 3 feet'ish... that sounds like a good size space to make the jump to something that's going to kick those cfl-vegged plants into a proper flower mode... a 150w HPS light. Along with ventilating the new cabinet... between those two cabinets you would then have a proper veg / flower setup. a perpetual grow.

keep it up soccer mommy :leaf: :-P :leaf:

and shovel that snow to the shed ur damn self, what are you waiting for ? if you want it done, do it urself.
I know you say to forget about the electricity concerns but I can't seem to do it. I know my grow is nothing major so it probably won't throw a red flag at all. It's dumb but I get nervous. I have a family so it's not like it would only be me that would be effected if I got busted. To be safe I'll probably still do it slowly, but I do like hearing you so confident about it. :) Makes me feel much better.

Ok these small cfls look like a waste of time to me, maybe if you upgraded to a 125w envirolite 6500k blue spec for vegging and had another one only 2400k red spec for flowering and used the tiny cfls you have as side lighting your plants would grow fuller quicker and be able to carry heavier bigger buds the 125 watt enviros are around 20 quid and the lamp socket is 8 quid, these 2 items alone will make you alot happier when harvest day comes, or 1 630nm 90w led ufo infact, if i was you i would definatly get 1 90w led ufo it has 80 red light emitting diodes (led) and 10 blue and is perfect for grow 1 to 4 plants and they wont be too small either you can pick 1 up on e bay for about 80 quid, but they last years and years and are a very good investment! I ll post a pic and you can see what an envirolite cfl looks like ( a huge version of what your using) and i have 2 ufo's but at least you can see what is achievable and what they look like etc.. 90w is nothing power wise and that includes 3 cpu cooling fans ...perfect for your little space! Hope this helps any questions fire away, from stelthy :)
Oh, I don't know shit about lighting. That's why I went with CFLs. All I see in your comment is abbreviations and numbers that mean very little to me. Not trying to be bitchy or anything. When I was looking at journals the kind of results I was after all came from CFL grows. Espesially sicc's grows, that dude rocked it. I don't want huge plants because it's just me smoking anyway. My husband can't cause of work and I only have 1 or 2 friends that are 420 friendly.

Why must you go to so many threads and talk about your grow? If you made a journal that is where you talk about your grow, not in every thread you decide to post in

And you posted more pics in a thread that is not yours!!!!
Breathe. It's all good. This is a peaceful place. ;)

because i am using my setup to point out lights so the homemum, can see what i am talking about, helping her to get bigger better plants, pictures are helpful, and if she only uses little cfls she wont grow alot if anything at all... So i am trying to help people get more bud for less money, whats ur problem ?
Same goes to you. Be nice. (Such a mom...)

hi agent....i'm surprised no one mentioned it, but those clear cups are a big no-no. they are light transparant and roots dont do well when exposed to light peace.....................................................
Seriously? Fucking A. Thanks for the tip. I'm going to the store tomorrow so I'll pick up some solid colored cups then.

70.00 120.00

+ shipping. i like this place for lights but wouldn't get much else there. you did mention that you were thinking about upgrading when it was time to go flower ... so ... the heart of any system is the lights. if ur gonna spend money - that's where you'll wanna do it.

good luck,
I'll be spending more money on lights but not that much. Small economic grow here. :)

wow what happened to your thread lol dragged all these fags in here :P anyways lookin alot better then last time still
You're a bad, bad man. Anyway, Thank you. ;)

Hi its Stelthy, sorry if my pics were unwanted I just thought they would be helpful to you, I ll ask if its ok to post pics next time ps I hope your grow goes well and even though under your current lighting I doubt you'll yield alot, I hope you do and look forward to seeing your results ps if you need any help I'll help you as best as i can or give you a link to your answer :) regards Stelthy :)
It's all good dude. I hope it goes well. I also doubt I'll yield a lot. But it's just for fun anyway. :)

your saying she would save money and have better results paying 10 times as much for crappy ass led lights and bigger cfl bulbs thats not very helpful :P if you knew anything you would know the smaller bulbs are more efficient and by far cheaper.
Ya man! Stick up for our CFLs! No one else

i am saying for a one off payment for an led, 90w ufo or 2 125w blue/red spec envirolite cfl's she will get a better yield, and in doing so effectivly pay off the new equiptment upon harvest, the next grow she does will be a good harvest and all buds n profits will be hers, the ufo's are correct spec for growing and are self cooled, they take up minimal room and will do a better job than 2 energy saving house bulbs, or if she chose the 125w cfl's they would also pay for themselves upon 1st harvest and are correct (8-par) with a higher lumen out put, and if she does what i reccomend which is use the ufo central and her 2 already owned house cfls as side lighting 1 either side she'll be using little over 120watts in total, ideal for a small growroom! I take it you have not used a ufo led, or you would know that they are more than capable of big yields if used correctly! Small house cfls will give airy fluffy buds low in thc, 125w envirolites will give bigger buds a little tighter with a slight increase in trichromes, and the ufo's will give the best results - if accompanied with the small cfl's as side lighting, the use of metal halide, hps or crappy mercury would be unbenificial for many reasons expense, heat build up, need for cooling and ducting etc,... So skervy unless you have used the prefered methods above.... I have, in fact ive tried all these methods, and know what i am talking about which is why i am sure my advise is helpful, i will take a look at your setup shortly, i take it your on a budget with house bulbs too? And if your in denial about the results of led + envirolite cfls look in my album and follow it cos am in flowering 12/12 now n will update every few weeks till harvest ps the envirolite cfl gives better results hanging vertical as opposed to horizontle, origionaly they were used as side lighting for hps systems, many many people use them so if she wanted to save space she could hang them horizontly and still grow more than she is now. Peace. - stelthy.
Again, I know nothing about lighting. I'm just going to sit here in silent ignorance.


Active Member

Here's the cabinet. Don't worry, the lights are just raised for the picture. They went right back down after. As you can see, none of the plants (except for the straggler from the last attempt) are really too far above the top of the cups yet. Guess I should of used more dirt so the leaves could clear the edge of the cups.

The oldest plant. It's got more sets of leaves coming in near all the nodes. I thought I saw some signs of sex but I may have just been misinterpreting some little baby leaves. Not sure what node it's on seeing as some of the leaves fell off after my numerous burning incidents.

#1 - 17 days from sprout

#2 - 16 days from sprout

#3 - 16 days from sprout
. . . I thought this one was going to be the runt but it's kicking ass. Love this one. :)

#4 - 11 days from sprout

#5 - 11 days from sprout

#6 - 10 days from sprout

#7 - 10 days from sprout



Well-Known Member
hi dere,

with the way ur leaves are krinkly and a bit hang-dog... you've got either a nute or a pH or a lockout issue. You could try flushing your soil before using it in the future as it may be nute heavy. That's probably not it though. Make sure your soil is going through wet / dry cycles ... i know you mentioned the soil being 'sloppy' wet at one point. Make sure you are using the cheapest store-bought Reverse Osmosis water (76 cents a gallon? 33 cents for refills) that you can find... or that you are allowing your water to sit for at least 24 hours before using it to get rid of chlorine. If you've got an excess of, say, calcium bicarbonate or something in your water ... it can jack the pH and lockout nutes pretty quickly. So it'd be nice to know what your water ppm and pH are... if you take a sample to a hydroponic store they could test it for you in like 5 seconds... then you would know if there are any water issues to be aware of.


Active Member
hi dere,

with the way ur leaves are krinkly and a bit hang-dog... you've got either a nute or a pH or a lockout issue. You could try flushing your soil before using it in the future as it may be nute heavy. That's probably not it though. Make sure your soil is going through wet / dry cycles ... i know you mentioned the soil being 'sloppy' wet at one point. Make sure you are using the cheapest store-bought Reverse Osmosis water (76 cents a gallon? 33 cents for refills) that you can find... or that you are allowing your water to sit for at least 24 hours before using it to get rid of chlorine. If you've got an excess of, say, calcium bicarbonate or something in your water ... it can jack the pH and lockout nutes pretty quickly. So it'd be nice to know what your water ppm and pH are... if you take a sample to a hydroponic store they could test it for you in like 5 seconds... then you would know if there are any water issues to be aware of.
I'm actually really concerned about our water out here. I live in a village (literally) in the middle of nowhere. We don't have well water (yack) but we do have water piped in from a nearby town. Last week we had a water main break and now our little tower has been contaminated. We're having to boil our water for at least 5 minutes before we use it for cooking or drinking, even with a purifier on the tap. So now we're buying the giant jugs of water and I've been using that. I'll probably just start buying bottled water for the plants even after our local water passes 2 safety tests, just to be safe. And I've been trying to make sure my plants have 2 days between waterings so the soil has a chance to dry out a little.

lol it sticks out alittle bit but other then that pretty decent
Thanks. I know it sticks out pretty bad. The new cabinet sticks out too, lol. So much for the "stealth" part of my grow. I just keep it all hidden in my room and if company comes over I discretely close the door. ;)


Active Member
Last night I got the plants put into some solid colored cups. Apparently I was fucking up the roots by having them in clear plastic cups. I'm really glad I started with the small plants and did my "favorites" last. The first couple were pretty ugly once they got in the new cup. May have killed 1 and damaged another. I guess that's how you learn though. Haven't check on the plants yet today. I'll probably do it later on.

Also I'm going to start giving them 1/4 strength all purpose plant food at the next watering. I've been holding off because I'm worried about giving them a nute burn but the way these things are sucking up water I think they will do ok. We'll see. :)


Active Member

This is insane. We got 1/4 inch of ice. 1/4 OF A FUCKING INCH! And we've lost power. It's been flicking on and off throughout the day but never more than for a minute. This one seems to be lasting. So looks like the plants are getting some dark time right in the middle of their cycle. I'd at least put them in a window to get some sunlight but it's cloudy as fuck so it'd be pointless and just make it so that people could see my plants. (And animals could eat them.)

Well fuck.


Active Member

So power came back on about 5 minutes after I posted that message. All is well. :) So I know it's only been 3 days, but after adding nutes last night they already perked up. Well, almost all of them. The special kids from the back of the class are fucking up the curve...again. I know it's not their fault, it's mine, BUT STILL! Enough rambling. Pictures. :)

OG - Still with us from the beginning. I fed (it) 1/4 strength nutes yesterday evening and when I checked on the plants today the top soil was already a little dry so I sprayed some more 1/4 strength on. All the other plants were still wet so this one must be soaking it up like a motha.

It's also got some great internal nodes going. Not sure if you can see them in this picture. It's from my phone.

#1 - 20 days from sprout

#2 - 19 days from sprout

#3 - 19 days from sprout . . . Just want to say this is by far my favorite plant. It seems to be growing the best and I really think it's because it's front row, far left so when the box is close it's right below a light and next to a 2 walls so it gets bounced right back.

#4 - 14 days from sprout . . . this is one of the plants that didn't go so well during the transplanting. Poor thing. :(

#5 - 14 days from sprout . . . this is the other one that didn't go so well.

#6 - 13 days from sprout

#7 - 13 days from sprout

Yes, I know I'm hesitating on the cabinet. It's not that I'm lazy. This is just a really big cabinet! I wanted something a little more discreet that I could disguise as a makeup stand or something like that. No. This is a full on bathroom vanity cabinet. For now the plants are still doing reasonably good.

Feel free to comment.



Well-Known Member
Your plants are ok in those containers until you can actually see the roots. It can be a helpful indication of when to transplant into something bigger :) by the way your plants are looking good. Not sure about the consistency of the leaves - meaning the way they are a little droopy and look a little plump and "waxy". I've experienced this before and it may be temperature related. It could be your growing medium, as it was already mentioned. Anyway its all looking good and you can be proud! Which i'm sure you are ;)