Well-Known Member
i wouldnt think it'd take long to see the difference....bright as fuck in there thats for sure. waiting on them to pop on any time now so i can start on my tan... lolim sure in a weeks time i will see a difference.
1 auto + 1 photoperiod = 1 plant that may have some auto flowering tendencies but very washed out...very true, but ever think of just using 1 auto to produce seeds with a photo girl? idk just some food for thought. a few extra in a veg room never hurts!
auto flowering/ruderalis (in the scheme of things) is already a recessive trait.. it was added in just enough to make the auto flowering work.. but not enough to over dominate the original marijuana strains... think of it in terms of seasoning a steak.. you add enough salt and pepper to add flavor, but not enough to make them the main flavors.. thats some what the idea with ruderalis.. just enough to get the auto flower and thats it...
so you take an auto that is 1/2 and 1/2 ruderalis and indica/sativa and then add in some more indica or sativa from a full photo girl then the auto trait gets washed out.. enough that is is possible the off spring of the mix doesnt auto flower at all.. maybe it would make them onset flowering faster when they are flipped.. but thats hard to say.. i dont know enough about breeding to be for sure...
but your idea was one i have thought about and read about.. its a good idea in thought, doesnt work in practice tho.. such are a lot of things..
plus, with my set up the way it is i cant afford to have males.. i strictly use fem'd seeds... dont have the space to give up to males nor do i want to spend 8 weeks vegging a plant just to find out i have to cut it down cause its a male..