do i do it?

can someone tell me how to clone my plant? i am actually just using bag seeds but i am also a noob.... so i am just practicing... help plz...


Well-Known Member
well you get an egg cell from the mother and the nucleus from a cell of the thing you want to clone and you replace the nucleus of the egg with the nucleus of the clone then there is miosis and mitosis and replication of chromosomes by rNA and synthesis of amino acids in golgi bodies which are assembled into proteins by ribosomes resulting in cellular division and exponential multiplication of cells causing growth and then you have a clone.


Well-Known Member
can someone tell me how to clone my plant? i am actually just using bag seeds but i am also a noob.... so i am just practicing... help plz...
its not that hard to clone just need to read up on it


Active Member
First get some root tone or rapid rooter gel from your local grow shop. Find a small limb that has 3 nodes and cut it with a clean razor at a 45 deg angle. Lightly scrape the out side of the limb (about half inch up the stem from the bottom) with a razor blade. Dip that half inch at the bottom into the rooting gel. Then stick into rock-wool then into humidity dome with florescent or CFL on for 24/7 till they root.


Active Member
I would now like to add to this post a question. I would like to get some opinions on how far into flow you can take clones.


Well-Known Member
after getting more answers do a bit of reading for your next question. You Should take clones during the veg stage before they flower but if you have to you can take a clone at any time just be aware it may cause a bit of stress. The veg cycle is the best time. A very simple way is to take your cutting as explained above and just use a dixie or solo cup half filled with your growing medium or soil. after taking the cutting and placing it in water until you get to your area where you will do the work. Keeping the cutting under water helps to keep air bubbles from entering the cut site. Anyway take your clipping and after dabbing in the root powder (or not) and definitly moisten the soil very well and then put the clipping in the cup and spray the sides of the cup very well and cover with saran wrap. Put these cups in your grow room but not directly under the lights. YOU only need them in there mainly for the heat. Normally after 7-14 days they will catch root and you dont have to do shit to the cups just leave them alone and if you notice the moisture is gone from the saran wrap then open and spray the insides of the cup not the plant. Once they catch root you repot or plant in another solo cup this time filled all the way to the top. Use a very weak feed like clonex at first or nothing, you dont want to burn the young plant. Read up dude this will get you started. YOu already said its a bagseed so start practicing and learning from your own experience. There are many ways you will need to find what works best for you in your climate. good luck and happy growing


Well-Known Member
I would now like to add to this post a question. I would like to get some opinions on how far into flow you can take clones.
By flow I believe you are in a perpetual grow if this is the flow you speak of. take the cuttings before flower


Active Member
I meant flower. I know that you are to take them in veg. But if needed, How far into flower is to far to take clones.


Well-Known Member
I meant flower. I know that you are to take them in veg. But if needed, How far into flower is to far to take clones.
My first time before I knew about pre flowers I took them when they had buds forming, I am sure you could take them up till harvest but why would you. its just not recomended but its a plant and I am sure you can keep it alive and get it to root. I have heard of people cloning huge colas that have snapped all the way and gotten them to finish. Some strains can turn hermie on you if you mess with them late in flower so its just not recomended to take them very late in flower but it can be done.


Well-Known Member
my light fell one time about 6 weeks in and cut a branch. it rooted and finished out. It took about 4 weeks longer then the mom did. so you can get roots. Don't know that would have happened if I tried to reveg it.


Well-Known Member
my light fell one time about 6 weeks in and cut a branch. it rooted and finished out. It took about 4 weeks longer then the mom did. so you can get roots. Don't know that would have happened if I tried to reveg it.
I had one similar and revegged and it was the craziest looking leaves for 2-3 weeks, normally the one large leaf for few weeks


Well-Known Member
Just recently I cut some clones off plants in flower, the plants were in flower for 5-5.5 weeks. I cut em on Jan 3rd, and saw roots through the rockwool on Jan 13th. It dont really matter when you cut them but you should be aware that when you do cut them in flowering it can take a very long time to revert back to veg :blsmoke: