• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Stoner's views on Firearm rights.


Well-Known Member
While some may consider you are supporting two different camps, NRA and NORML, you are actually taking a consistent and logical approach. The underlying principle of personal liberty, is the same whether it's the right to own firearms or own your body, it is the same.

It is when a person supports one, NORML or NRA, while restricting others rights to belong to the one THEY don't like that they are failing to see what real liberty is. Liberty for me, requires I respect your liberty too.

I'm a life-member of the NRA, GOA, and a member of NORML. People seem to have a problem with that at times. Ya, I grow weed and smoke it as often as possible, but I have also been a competition shooter for over 20 years, have competed in 6 National Championships in my prefered discipline (USPSA), and regularly work as an instructor at self-defense and CCW qualification classes!!!!!

The 2nd amendment is there for the express purpose of guaranteeing the other rights!! It is NOT about hunting!!! It IS about giving the populace the ability to resist an overbearing and unconstitutional government/administration, and to give them the ability to defend themselves and theirs!!

You cannot respect one part of the Bill of Rights without respecting ALL of it. The writers (particularly Jefferson) were quite specific about the intent of the 2nd amendment in their memoirs.
It pisses me off to no end to listen to brain-dead leftist liberals try to say that it only refers to a militia/National Guard. If you'll notice, the other rights are all INDIVIDUAL rights, not collective ones! Yet many Libs want to differentiate (due to their elitist and ignorant views of society) where the 2nd is concerned --- partially due to their ignorance of the English language at that time in history, but primarily because they are morons who want to view the Constitution as a living document, which it was NEVER intended to be!! The writers knew exactly what they were saying and why --- it is NOT open to modern interpretation to forward a particular political ideaology, whether it be Lib or Con (and BOTH sides are guilty of intentional misinterpretation to forward their own agendas!!).

Our founding Fathers are spinning in their graves at the fucked-up "interpretations" of the bill of rights currently being forced upon us. They would have, across the board, been abhored at the thought of a plant being considered illegal, or that the government would try to deprive its citizens of the only means of defending itself, not only from individual threats but also from the threat of an overly oppressive government --- which is why we broke tie with England in the first place (that and taxation, but I digress).

I personally feel that I am doing my patriotic DUTY by defying the current Federal marijuana laws, and they will NEVER take my guns from me while I still am alive.

They may find me dead in a ditch one day, but by God they'll find me in a pile of used brass with an FAL in my hand and a half-burnt joint between my lips!!!!!!:cuss:


Well-Known Member
What if certain gun laws could be applied to marijuana laws on a federal level? Legalize but regulate.

If you're caught selling crack, heroine, methamphetamines, ecstasy or cocaine you're no longer eligible to possess marijuana. You have demonstrated you are not a responsible person by using or possessing these drugs; which I believe we can all agree would be able to kill a person if they were taken in too high of a dose.

Just like violent criminals or felons, who have already proved they aren't worthy of being trusted to responsibly use firearms, should we start issuing permits to people who show they are responsible enough to "own and operate" marijuana, by not violating the new "Drug Responsibility Law"?

DRL I like that.

Hey, I just got my DRL permit today! Time to start growing!@!@


Well-Known Member
im a hard core active democrate i own 5 guns noone will ever take my guns. now i dnt see any reason for anyone to own an assault riffle and i belive there should be restrictions in highly populated area's in the cities but i love my guns and noone is evan trying to take em away. guns gays and baby killers thats all they got on dems, i like my guns so do millions of other dems, i dnt care about gays gettn married dnt bother me shouldnt bother you, i dnt kill babies i am pro choice. good day
First off --- thank you for reassuring me that there actually ARE Dem gun owners out there (I've personally never met one!!).

You don't see any reason for anyone to own an "assault rifle"???
OK, first -- there is NO such thing as an assault rifle. That is a term cooked up by the Mainstream media and has NO basis in reality.
Second -- I use an AR-15 for competition shooting EVERY week!! I also use one for many forms of hunting (they are now made commercially by virtually every major firearms manufacturer out there because it is a very versatile platform).
Third -- I can do MUCH more damage with a bolt-action major-caliber hunting rifle than can be done with a .223 or 7.62x39 caliber so-called "assault rifle".
What exactly IS an assault rifle? Any gun that LOOKS like a military arm?? That seems to be the current definition used by the MSM??

Besides, the 2nd amend doesn't say you have the right to bear arms provided that they don't have telescoping stocks, pistol grips, or high-capacity magazines (which ARE required for the competition I use them for --- which incidentally will be an Olympic event begining with the 2014 Summer Olympics) and provided that they don't LOOK threatening to the mindless assholes/sheeple who make up the bulk of the current U.S. population. THAT is my issue with the whole "assault weapons" arguement --- it is based purely on APPEARANCE, not functional capability!!!

Sheeple are scared of a semi-auto AR or AK, yet they aren't bothered by a Remington 700/Ruger M77/ Winchester M70, etc, purely because of how they LOOK. Yet the later guns are capable of causing much more destruction in the hands of a well-trained operator. And don't even get me started on shotguns!!!!!

I also have to ask: Why do you favor more restrictions in heavily populated areas? That is where you are most likely to NEED a sidearm!!! The only time I'm NOT wearing a loaded Glock 19 or 21 on my hip is when I'm at work. Otherwise there is ALWAYS a gun within my reach. If I need it, there isn't time to unlock a safe or lock and load it (of course my kids are grown and gone, so little ones are not a consideration for me, but even if they were it would not change my life-long habits where my guns are concerned!!)

As a side note, It's funny to read your post because I am a hard-core active repub/libertarian, yet we seem to effectively have the same views. I don't give a fuck if two people of the same sex want to do whatever, and I'm very pro-choice. I'm at core a Libertarian, as are most people if they really study their own views.

My basic philosophy is: I think each and every one of us should be free to go after life, liberty, and the pursuit of hapiness by any means we choose, under one condition: We should be free to do ANYTHING we want as long as it does not infringe on the rights, property, or property value of others. Otherwise, unless your actions endanger society as a whole, you should be free to do your own thing, whatever that may be!!!!


Well-Known Member
What if certain gun laws could be applied to marijuana laws on a federal level? Legalize but regulate.

If you're caught selling crack, heroine, methamphetamines, ecstasy or cocaine you're no longer eligible to possess marijuana. You have demonstrated you are not a responsible person by using or possessing these drugs; which I believe we can all agree would be able to kill a person if they were taken in too high of a dose.

Just like violent criminals or felons, who have already proved they aren't worthy of being trusted to responsibly use firearms, should we start issuing permits to people who show they are responsible enough to "own and operate" marijuana, by not violating the new "Drug Responsibility Law"?

DRL I like that.

Hey, I just got my DRL permit today! Time to start growing!@!@[/SIZE]
I REALLY like that concept!!!!!! And the logic is sound!!! I wish more people thought that way!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey XUM...is that a Bersa? Looks just like a .380 I owned years ago. Great little pistols. Never had an issue with mine at all.

Regulation seems like a great concept until the government steps into the equation. Suddenly you find your "inalienable rights" are actually state granted privileges...then the regulation turns sour when some special interest group decides to change a few definitions.

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
First off --- thank you for reassuring me that there actually ARE Dem gun owners out there (I've personally never met one!!).

You don't see any reason for anyone to own an "assault rifle"???
OK, first -- there is NO such thing as an assault rifle. That is a term cooked up by the Mainstream media and has NO basis in reality.
Second -- I use an AR-15 for competition shooting EVERY week!! I also use one for many forms of hunting (they are now made commercially by virtually every major firearms manufacturer out there because it is a very versatile platform).
Third -- I can do MUCH more damage with a bolt-action major-caliber hunting rifle than can be done with a .223 or 7.62x39 caliber so-called "assault rifle".
What exactly IS an assault rifle? Any gun that LOOKS like a military arm?? That seems to be the current definition used by the MSM??

Besides, the 2nd amend doesn't say you have the right to bear arms provided that they don't have telescoping stocks, pistol grips, or high-capacity magazines (which ARE required for the competition I use them for --- which incidentally will be an Olympic event begining with the 2014 Summer Olympics) and provided that they don't LOOK threatening to the mindless assholes/sheeple who make up the bulk of the current U.S. population. THAT is my issue with the whole "assault weapons" arguement --- it is based purely on APPEARANCE, not functional capability!!!

Sheeple are scared of a semi-auto AR or AK, yet they aren't bothered by a Remington 700/Ruger M77/ Winchester M70, etc, purely because of how they LOOK. Yet the later guns are capable of causing much more destruction in the hands of a well-trained operator. And don't even get me started on shotguns!!!!!

I also have to ask: Why do you favor more restrictions in heavily populated areas? That is where you are most likely to NEED a sidearm!!! The only time I'm NOT wearing a loaded Glock 19 or 21 on my hip is when I'm at work. Otherwise there is ALWAYS a gun within my reach. If I need it, there isn't time to unlock a safe or lock and load it (of course my kids are grown and gone, so little ones are not a consideration for me, but even if they were it would not change my life-long habits where my guns are concerned!!)

As a side note, It's funny to read your post because I am a hard-core active repub/libertarian, yet we seem to effectively have the same views. I don't give a fuck if two people of the same sex want to do whatever, and I'm very pro-choice. I'm at core a Libertarian, as are most people if they really study their own views.

My basic philosophy is: I think each and every one of us should be free to go after life, liberty, and the pursuit of hapiness by any means we choose, under one condition: We should be free to do ANYTHING we want as long as it does not infringe on the rights, property, or property value of others. Otherwise, unless your actions endanger society as a whole, you should be free to do your own thing, whatever that may be!!!!
Well said. A true American.


Well-Known Member
I havent read this thread yet.

However, I would have no problem with being a member of the NRA and NORML. I was a member of the NRA for a while but it got really old getting hit up for donations constantly so I dropped the membership.

I am in complete favor of gun ownership and live in a state where open carry and now concealed carry does not require registration. And when I see the occasional sidearm strapped on a citizen I am not particularly concerned.

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
In China, when no guns are available, people go on killing sprees with hammers or knives. Gun Control does not stop killing sprees.


Active Member
i got my 1st gun at 5yrs old, i got my 47th gun 2 weeks ago. they are all clean, and they are all loaded ... peace