1st grow, is there a problem with this?


Well-Known Member
looking beautiful hun.Really great i love how succesful ur first grow has gone so far.I remember my first grow ahh the good ol days hahaha i was 14 and i was using one cfl and my plant stretched bad.But now that i got my HPS im very happy u should consider buying a HPS if ur going to go to soil HTGSupply has a very cheap 150 watt that is very good its the one im using and it works very well and its very bright!well keep up the good growing hun im still tuned in


Well-Known Member
she is now 14 inches tall. i think that the whole algae and slime episode stunted her growth a bit. i had to cut off a bunch of leaves because of that, she was basically starving because of the stuff all over her roots. but her roots are looking normal again and the newer leaves are looking great and perking up. the res is under control. she should really start to bust out now.

the clone definitely has new growth on it yay.



Well-Known Member
Should be fine, she's doing great so i wouldn't worry

I doubt it will effect the yield, what do you have going on for flowering again? totals lights


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3649509]Should be fine, she's doing great so i wouldn't worry

I doubt it will effect the yield, what do you have going on for flowering again? totals lights[/QUOTE]

the AG lights (3 26w full spectrum cfls) and 4 2700k 26w cfls


Well-Known Member
she has got a lot of new growth where i cut of the yellowing leaves. she continues to grow her current bud sites and she is makeing new ones where the new growth is.
the clone is slowly but surley growing well and drinking a lot more too.
turtle finally took a shit and died. lets all bow our heads for a moment of silence.



Well-Known Member
No the seedling is doing what every seedling will the leaves that are curling are just protective coating for the seed.These will yellow up and fall off any how.Looking good just get it has close has possible to what ever lights you are useing.I would not put under h.p.s or h.i.d yet i think that the seedlings at this age are very vaunrable to heat.But get them under some flouresent or cfl daylight spec warm and wait till it has it's second set of leaves before putting under a more intence light.Just watch them for getting too leggy that is why you must have the lights has near has possible.


Well-Known Member
thanks for all of the info, iguess that the title is a little outdated since i am in week 3 of flowering. i pretty much have the lights all figured out along with the nutes and ph. all is good man, thanks again for taking the time to stop by.
No the seedling is doing what every seedling will the leaves that are curling are just protective coating for the seed.These will yellow up and fall off any how.Looking good just get it has close has possible to what ever lights you are useing.I would not put under h.p.s or h.i.d yet i think that the seedlings at this age are very vaunrable to heat.But get them under some flouresent or cfl daylight spec warm and wait till it has it's second set of leaves before putting under a more intence light.Just watch them for getting too leggy that is why you must have the lights has near has possible.