ufo and panel led lights which one is better


Active Member
I have a chance to get a ufo or panel led for a reeeeeally cheap price, my question which one should i get and why and when should i use it during my growing process. a 90watt ufo led, or a 225 led panel. and since i know nothing about led lights when should i use them in the beggining or, and can i use it with my 800watt hps light


Well-Known Member
Get the highest wattage you can.

The pannel that i saw and researched looks like it can be used for both veg and flower because of the spectrum they produce.

You wont have to change a bulb ever again, your electric bill will be a fraction of what it would be if you used CFLs or HIDs, and the heat output is nothing compared to the HIDs.

I kick myself because i just bought a bunch of new CFLs. There is a guy who posted his experience with LEDs from start to finish and man, had i read that before i went shopping, i would have gotten LEDs.


Active Member
The 225 is a novelty item. It will grow seedlings but once you start vegging, and flowering, you want intensity. The 90w UFO will work, the 14w 225 LED wont.
thats exactly how they look but dont you think i need more than 225 watts, or 90 watts. do they give more intesity than hid,hps lights sorry for so many questions just tryna understand more. so are you telling me i can use a 90 ufo threw out my growing process or do i need several ufo's, and can you explaini a little more about the 225 panel being a novelty

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
They call it a "225 LED" panel because if they called it 14w LED panel, it wouldn't sell. 225 is a bigger number, so thats what they use. Its not 225w, its 14w. Proper lighting is 3 things: the right Spectrum, intensity, and duration. The 14w led panel doesn't have the right intensity.
The 90w LED ufo will light a crop from start to finish. It has poor canopy penetration and low coverage area, when compared to a HPS, but it will work. I use it on a small grow with descent results. (2 by 2)