Stealth Grow Mommy


Well-Known Member
These plants are looking really good! Nice healthy developement happening. The one you've "buried" a little is looking like it has a good chance, don't give up hope.


Active Member
So I was all excited to do an update since my kid is napping and when I sit down at the computer I realize that not only did I forget to take pictures to post, I didn't even check on them this morning! And since the kid is asleep I cannot check on the plants currently as he naps in my room...right by my plants. Soooo not worth waking him up. (Mommy got a little too high and doesn't want to handle a cranky toddler right now.) So I may update later, if not, tomorrow.

Snowchild - Thanks, I'm really hoping that one pulls through. Mostly cause otherwise I wasted 3 weeks on it, lol. We'll see. I've been keeping an eye on your grow too. From what I can tell (I'm a newbie) they're looking good. :)

PS! This is gonna sound dumb but I always feel like I'm the person who knows the least about everything. So last night I was making a "purchase" and while we're smoking a lil bit he mentions that he (my smokin' ass hot dealer) is doing some homegrown too and that it's like 4 weeks out. Of course High Heather (H.H. for short) feels like being a dumbass and starts comparing grows. Then he starts asking me questions about lighting and nutrients and shit on my grow. I got all worried I was going to make myself look like a dumbass by saying something stupid but apparently I held my own pretty well. He asked if I was doing 12/12 and I told him I was doing 18/6 until I was ready to flower. He seemed surprised that I actually knew what I was talking about and not just bullshitting. It's not that I look mentally handicapped, it's just that I don't look like someone who would grow weed. I look like a rebellious soccer mom going through a "wild phase" and *gasp* smoking marijuana. It makes me feel proud not to be some ignorant dupe anymore. :) That is all.


Active Member

Now that I'm a little more sober here is my "official" update.

Here's a picture of all the plants in the box. Gonna get pretty crowded here soon.



#3 - The leaves are a little waxy feeling unlike the other plants. Not sure if that's a problem with health or just genetics. I'm going with genetics.








Active Member
agreed, but they are still looking light hungry.. You would triple ur growth with more light.. please girl, invest a lil more in ur ladies.. it will pay for itself.


Active Member
also, drop the lights alot.. way to high for cfl's.. effective range is only 1-4 inches.. i would drop to 1 inch above and put a small fan blowing on the bulbs.


Wow, looking a lot better then your first set. That upgrade in your set-up made a big difference. I agree with scrap tho, lower the lights and add some more, the plants with thank you.:bigjoint: I see where your coming from tho, its your first grow, you don't wanna blow a lot of money on something you don't know your gonna get serious about....makes sense. I think your on the right road tho for sure.


Looking good will be keepin an eye on this grow. I am just about 2 months ahead of you, 1 of my girls is in flower now 4 weeks. I found the wait for sexing seemed the worst, I must have searched for days trying to find pics to know what to look for, so when I was sure, I pulled out my camera and took this, hope it helps you and many others when its time.



Well-Known Member
also, drop the lights alot.. way to high for cfl's.. effective range is only 1-4 inches.. i would drop to 1 inch above and put a small fan blowing on the bulbs.

Yes you should drop the lights lower, it will keep them from stretching out long like your first plants, On my current First grow I keep 2 24W cfl's on each of my plants and they grow fat and dense instead of lanky. And being this grow is intending so you can smoke for free you should invest a little money into it, maybe not buy any smoke for a few weeks (i dont know how much you smoke) and invest that money into your grow, you will be thanking yourself later.


Active Member
Ok, I'm baked out of my mind at the moment so I'm gonna reply to comments before I update. I think things will go best that way...yes...ok.

Now, theses ones look a lot healthier and better than the first ones might i say.
Thank you very much. :) The first ones were practically dead compared to these. Although the one plant I have left from the first grow is looking good. Except from where I keep burning it on the lights...

agreed, but they are still looking light hungry.. You would triple ur growth with more light.. please girl, invest a lil more in ur ladies.. it will pay for itself.
Ya, I know they're needing a little more. I have a secret project starting today that I hope to unveil soon. I just have to procure another small loan from my husband's tight pockets, lol. Soon this cabinet will be only for veging and super cabinet 2.0 will be getting the plants to start flowering. :) I was trying not to go all or nothing with this project like I do every other hobby I ever pick up and drop after a month, but this one seems to be sticking so far so I can justify investing a little bit more. lol.

also, drop the lights alot.. way to high for cfl's.. effective range is only 1-4 inches.. i would drop to 1 inch above and put a small fan blowing on the bulbs.
I have the lights dropped so low they were literally touching the tops of the cups. All plants were within 1 inch of a bulb. Then I burnt the "big" one so I raisted them to where they are within 2 inches of a bulb. Personally I think they're too close because the plants weren't healthy looking when they lights were closer, their leaves always looked dried out though the soil was soaked. And if I drop any closer the nodes will be right on top of eachother. As is they're all touching eachother. I almost want to strech them just a little bit, lol.

Wow, looking a lot better then your first set. That upgrade in your set-up made a big difference. I agree with scrap tho, lower the lights and add some more, the plants with thank you.:bigjoint: I see where your coming from tho, its your first grow, you don't wanna blow a lot of money on something you don't know your gonna get serious about....makes sense. I think your on the right road tho for sure.
Thank you Bezzin. It was a small upgrade but I think it helped. The next one is going to be much better. For now they'll have to live how they are. I don't want to rush the build and end up messing something up. I'll probably invest about the same as I did in the first setup but now that I have the basic supplies it'll make the costs lower even with the extra lights. I appreciate the input. :)

Looking good will be keepin an eye on this grow. I am just about 2 months ahead of you, 1 of my girls is in flower now 4 weeks. I found the wait for sexing seemed the worst, I must have searched for days trying to find pics to know what to look for, so when I was sure, I pulled out my camera and took this, hope it helps you and many others when its time.
I think the wait for sexing is gonna be the worst too. The "big" plant I have has really been growing for a month now so I'm hoping it'll show it's real sex soon. I thought I saw some of the little hairs people talk about today but now I think I was just being paranoid. I'll def reference your pic when the time comes. Thanks dude.

Yes you should drop the lights lower, it will keep them from stretching out long like your first plants, On my current First grow I keep 2 24W cfl's on each of my plants and they grow fat and dense instead of lanky. And being this grow is intending so you can smoke for free you should invest a little money into it, maybe not buy any smoke for a few weeks (i dont know how much you smoke) and invest that money into your grow, you will be thanking yourself later.
I actually want them to stretch out just a little. The nodes are practically on top of eachother whereas the first were an inch apart, lol. I should take the advice and go without smoke for a little bit, but I just found a decent I am going to be investing a little more though. I never smoked a ton really, an 1/8th would last me about a week. Lately I've been going through 1/2 in 2 weeks. Probably should cut it back a little bit...eek.

Comments replied. Comments on comments? Feel free to leave a comment? If not, then I shall update tomorrow. Still a smidge too high. And it's snack time. Until tomorrow! :*


Active Member
ye ur plants have some heat stress but a small fan blowing on the bulbs/tops of the plants will snipe that in the butt and allow you too keep ur lights nice and close. In addition to keeping your plants cool the fan will also sway the sprouts around a lil bit ( make sure its not blowing to hard on the sprouts) and that will thicken your stems up and increase nute uptake.. Thus increasing grow speed.

Best of luck!


Active Member
you really need to get them intake and exhaust vents made on there already :P besides that lookin alot better this round. i finally put up new pictures to if ya didnt see :)


Active Member
scrapdizle - I'm an idiot! No wonder you guys were telling me to lower the lights, I had them raised in that picture so you could actually see the plants, otherwise that shit is blinding. Normally they are only 2 inches away. :) I've got a fan that blows on the plants/lights anytime the lights are on. Their stems have gotten a lot thicker than my old ones because of it.

skervy - I think we're saving the exhaust fan setup for the new cabinet I just got today. This fucker is huge! It's one of those bathroom vanities that's wide enough for 2 sinks, only my husband's co-worker is making him a carved stone top for it to use as an actual vanity so kind of cover up the fact that there's a random cabinet sitting in my kitchen at the moment...I just have to figure out a way to make all the cords and fixtures come out the back since the sides have finished wood on them instead of that cheap crap normal kitchen cabinets have on the side. I'm going to check out your journal now bud. :)


Active Member
McFeather, from reading your post i see your from the Midwest, you should check out this website. The company is in IL,WI, and i think IN. They have a lot of great stuff.
Thanks for the link.

Ok, so the cabinet is 30"x21". About 3 feet tall. Still trying to figure out a lighting set up. I have to figure out some way to mount the lights from the top (obviously) but the top of the cabinet is made of stone. Can't really screw a frame into it. I'm not a master of engineering so I'm definitely open to suggestions. I'd like to use as many supplies from my current setup as I can, though I'll probably only be able to salvage the bulbs and Y splitters. Eugh! I don't know.

On top of worrying about the build I'm now concerned about being busted. I decided not to run both cabinets at the same time because my electric bill has already gone up a little and if it skyrockets much more I'm afraid the electric company will tip off the cops. That's how they do it around here apparently. Damn laws. Grr. So instead of having 2 cabinets I'm only going to run the new one and probably trash or store the old one.

Anyway, if you have suggestions please keep in mind I'm sticking with CFLs and not looking to spend hundreds on a lighting set up. Just wanting to keep it simple, ya know?

As my son's favorite kids show says, "There's no bad ideas when you're brainstorming." Ya, I'm a whole new breed of loser. ;)


Well-Known Member
great job mcfeather... i just read this thread beginning to end and am subbed. the way your hobby is going is similar to how mine started 1 1/2 yrs ago. now i use the first 2 closets/rigs i built as vegging areas for my 3rd... "hobby?"... lol ... the whole house has CFLs now, there's spare ones to boot... it gets addictive.
pic1: then
pic2: now



Active Member
great job mcfeather... i just read this thread beginning to end and am subbed. the way your hobby is going is similar to how mine started 1 1/2 yrs ago. now i use the first 2 closets/rigs i built as vegging areas for my 3rd... "hobby?"... lol ... the whole house has CFLs now, there's spare ones to boot... it gets addictive.
pic1: then
pic2: now
It really does become addictive. Hey, this crap is a hobby. Even if most people don't get that. lol.

*Still working on getting some kind of design going. I'm thinking it's going to be less of a cabinet grow and more of a box inside of a cabinet grow. This light rigging is proving to be difficult. But we shall be victorious!


Agent, get ya some 1/2" and 3/4" PVC pipe and a few Ts. What ya want to do with that is make a floor stand light. By attaching the bulbs and cords either thru the pipe(if ya know how to rewire your cords/ or tape to it) attach/insert to a 3/4" pipe, now slip the 3/4 pipe over the 1/2 stand and you have an adjustable light. Later when my lights come on I can get ya a pic which will explain it better, ya know a pic is worth a thousand words. Till then U might want to start studying "Scrog" grows, cause you'll need it in a 3' cabinet.


Your electric co. has a puter program that flags any sudden change in usage. If you ramp up over a 2 or 3 mo. period you could easily use another $100/mo. & no one would notice. Peace Jack


Well-Known Member
It really does become addictive. Hey, this crap is a hobby. Even if most people don't get that. lol.

*Still working on getting some kind of design going. I'm thinking it's going to be less of a cabinet grow and more of a box inside of a cabinet grow. This light rigging is proving to be difficult. But we shall be victorious!
You should plan out and draw everything out before you do it. It helped me a lot and my first grow is going great so far. Lol and it does become a hobby I dont know what took so long for this idea to pop up into my head.