will i get an ounce?


Well-Known Member
Hi, depending on your lights type and power, and the nuitrients you are using, and the amount of cfm (air movement) your shifting, an ounce isnt out of the question, plants tend to mostly double in size from the start to finish of flowering, i would defo. put your lights closer prob 6" away if your temps allow it!? you could if the temps are low put it closer to say..2" away but @ 6" you will still get good coverage too :) promoting more bud growth, in the mid and lower part of your plants, also you may find side lighting bennificial :) am interested to hear of your results tb when you can ~ Stelthy


Well-Known Member
i got a 600w MH/hps, it converts. i have 4 seedlings along with my revegging mother. one is struggling to survive. i'm thinking of ending its misery. i think it is the soil i am using, causing all this chaos within the plants' biology. could be that miracle grow all purpose plant food lacks a few trace elements(sulfur, copper and boron) i am getting fox farm friday. and floranova nutes, when the mother gets some growth after reverting, clones should hopefully be alright


Well-Known Member
I did 2 grows last year with some cheaper soil that I found at the nursury,,, I wasted almost a year because of that,, went back to foxfarm and my next grow was the biggest,, nicest,, healthiest grow I ever had.........


Well-Known Member
I did 2 grows last year with some cheaper soil that I found at the nursury,,, I wasted almost a year because of that,, went back to foxfarm and my next grow was the biggest,, nicest,, healthiest grow I ever had.........
hell yeah bro, i'm glad to hear of your good results. i am most definitely going to get some FFOF this friday, 4 three gallon pots, and FloraNova grow and bloom. i am going to do a 4 plant scrog. check out the setup https://www.rollitup.org/indoor-growing/292484-home-made-grow-tent-future.html


hell yeah bro, i'm glad to hear of your good results. i am most definitely going to get some FFOF this friday, 4 three gallon pots, and FloraNova grow and bloom. i am going to do a 4 plant scrog. check out the setup https://www.rollitup.org/indoor-growing/292484-home-made-grow-tent-future.html
hey man this is my first grow too and I went with FFOF in 3 gallon pots with a 400watt mh/hps system. I'm on day 16 of veg since seeds sprouted and things are going great. I think you will be pleasantly surprised with FFOF. I haven't put a drop of fert in yet and my plants look really good so far. I will soon be adding in the FF fert lineup but so far the soil itself has enough good stuff in it that they are doing just fine. Here are some pics from 2 days ago for ya just to get an idea. BTW, you buds looked very nice. I can imagine that you wished there were more though. Have you sampled the buds yet?



Well-Known Member
hey man this is my first grow too and I went with FFOF in 3 gallon pots with a 400watt mh/hps system. I'm on day 16 of veg since seeds sprouted and things are going great. I think you will be pleasantly surprised with FFOF. I haven't put a drop of fert in yet and my plants look really good so far. I will soon be adding in the FF fert lineup but so far the soil itself has enough good stuff in it that they are doing just fine. Here are some pics from 2 days ago for ya just to get an idea. BTW, you buds looked very nice. I can imagine that you wished there were more though. Have you sampled the buds yet?
↑ hellz yea man your plants looks really good. fox farm is some amazing shit ehhh!!?? i'm gonna do some price checking on the fox farm nutes compared with the floranova nutes. i read the list of what floranova has in it and it has all the essential macro and micro nutes. i know fox farm does too, nevertheless. and Hellz yea i do wish that there was more bud. i only got about a half, i vegged for 8 weeks and i put it in 12/12 for 12 weeks. it took 2 weeks to flower and i let the buds grow for 10 weeks. but as for quality, it is pretty decent. it breaks up pretty easily when i pinch and twist, and it is seedless. i dont think any1 can argue with seedless. i have it in some mason jars, curing it now, i t's starting to smell more like weed now instead of chlorophyll.


Well-Known Member
I am pre-growing a plant I have grown a 100 times before when farming. I just like to keep my skills and memory sharp. Plus if I can find a way to increase production. 5 gallon bucket with Miracle-Gro moisture control with Fertz time released in it 0.18 - 0.10 - 0.10.

Miracle-Gro 24-8-16
I also add 1/2 tsp of of Miracle-Gro all purpose plant food per gallon of water in the all threw veg until the first two weeks of flower for foliar spraying.

1 Tbsp per gallon all the way threw veg until flower time then I up it a little every watering until I see a little tip burning, at this point I back of a 1/2 tsp. and I am set.

The water is not PH, I don't know the PPM's just doing it just like a true out door farming.

All this written down in a log so that way when I take this grow out doors I know were to start from my testing of this strain indoors.

By testing this strain indoors this way I can hopefully get an idea on how it will react and maybe traits that are unique to this strain. After all you don't want to learn this out on the farm with 100 of this growing.

For every one that wants to know they were in veg for three weeks from clone. They just went into 12/12 on 1-6-10



Well-Known Member
When I grew I always used 3 gallon pots and 400 watt lights (except my very 1st grow i used cfls) great results


Well-Known Member
hey whats up, hows it growing? well my first harvest was 17g dry. remember i mixed my own soil for the first grow. there was extremely slow growth but it was some exceptional smoke, and seedless. i let her reveg and she has started to regrow very nicely. it is 1 month since i harvested. here is the most recent pic of the revegging mother. so what do you think will i get an ounce?

took my first clone from her last night.↓↓↓↓

update: i did a side-by-side analysis of the soil i mixed, and FFOF. there has been exceptional differences. i planted 4 new seeds 2 weeks ago.(3rd pic is in the soil i mixed)



Well-Known Member
hey whats up, hows it growing? well my first harvest was 17g dry. remember i mixed my own soil for the first grow. there was extremely slow growth but it was some exceptional smoke, and seedless. i let her reveg and she has started to regrow very nicely. it is 1 month since i harvested. here is the most recent pic of the revegging mother. so what do you think will i get an ounce?

took my first clone from her last night.↓↓↓↓

update: i did a side-by-side analysis of the soil i mixed, and FFOF. there has been exceptional differences. i planted 4 new seeds 2 weeks ago.(3rd pic is in the soil i mixed)



Well-Known Member

these 3 were also started in the soil i mixed. but i repotted the 1 in the second pic because its female. i repoted her into some FFOF and she has shot out since i did so. i am unsure of the sex of the 2 in the first pic, i am moving them in and out of the veg room from 10 to 10 to figure out if they are male or female.


Well-Known Member
yes, it is mostly indica. the buds were light green, very tasty, and very smooth after 2 weeks of cure. the 2 biggest colas weighed in a 1.75g each. hopefully the soil has become more fertile for the reveg. i have been adding floranova nutes to the soil every week, i usually water twice a week, 1st weekly watering is nuted nuted, second just regular rain water. she hasn't been burned but sometimes the leaves change colors pretty quickly, usually after the second watering. more updates to come. thanks for clicking in


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you are on the right track

If I were using soil It would be either FF ocean forest or black gold organic and nutes would be flora nova flower only. You wont need the nova grow because its in the soil. Water every other day. In veg no nutes but keep the ph of the water around 6.0 the soil will take it to 6.5

After 30 days you should have a plant a foot tall or so. Cut off the top and Veg to 18 inches then go 12/12 Thats when you start the flora nova flower nutrients, use half strength every other watering. If your strain is indica dominate figure 9 weeks to flower. Stop feeding the week before you cut, just water. You should end up with a couple ozs per plant up to six plants with a 600w about a foot away.

Good luck man.


Active Member
Your light is too far. you need to bring it closer depending on watts.
600=4-5ft or so on
Too conservative I think. It's up to you, but my 400 is 11 inches and my 250 is 8. All you need is a couple of desk fans blowing the right way. Cool air in, hot air out. Or, a duct system of course.


Well-Known Member



Well-Known Member
i have been using half strength flora nova grow for the one in reveg once a week, i topped her on the third node, she didn't lose any lower branches but she didn't get as big as possible because of the soil i started her in. she topped out in round one at 8 inches in 2 and 1/2 months and finished at 2 ft in 19 and 1/2weeks from seed to harvest.. when i first flowered her she looked alot like the sativa with the branches, in the picture above. but the sativa has lost 3 sets of fan leaves up from the cotyledons, i femmed her and she has 3 tops. the sativa with 3 tops is like 2 and half months old. she was stunted by the soil, like the one in reveg. the one in the FFOF are almost as big as her in 2 weeks. i'm loving the FFOF. i will not add nutes until they are showing deficiencies. when i get my tax money i am getting another light for a separate flower room, hoping that i can take at least 2 clones per week for 9 weeks, totaling 18 plants in flower room after the end of 9 weeks . and continue adding 2 each week i harvest 2. that is what i am hoping. probably soon start scrogging the mothers.