Sampling Some Bud During Flowering


Well-Known Member
Ok guys just had a quick question can sampling some bud stress a plant out to the point where it hermies, I am guessing if you sample some bud it will make the flowering time a longer and ofcuorse give you a sample of you soon to be personal smoke.

The reason i asked because i am currently growing with some friends and one of them is sampling the bud, at first i wanted to kick his ass :cuss: but i figured i would ask you guys first. If it doesent affect the plant that good with me, he can sample his share away with that premature bud. So guys help a fellow grower out, Happy Growing:leaf:


I have never heard of anyone doing that. It def stresses the plant out n that bud isn't even worth the smoke if it's premature. I'd bitch slap ur friend n next time grow by urself


Well-Known Member
Its perfectly fine to sample some of the smaller popcorn nugs on the lower side chutes if thats what he's sampling but regardless, it's not worth the effort and bad taste and before long you will have sampled your entire plant.

Let it GROW!


Well-Known Member
ive been sampling one lower bud for over a week now. I just pick a piece off everyday and dry it on my ballast. Doesnt taste pleasent but it has not effected the growth of the buds and does get me high. It really depends how far along in flowering you are. Im already at 8 weeks and have alot of much bigger buds available.


Well-Known Member
I have never heard of anyone doing that. It def stresses the plant out n that bud isn't even worth the smoke if it's premature. I'd bitch slap ur friend n next time grow by urself
Yeah man people sample alot, espically when they have no weed and just to try out there baby. Man im right with you about bitch slapping that fool, and you already know next time its going to be a solo project.

ive been sampling one lower bud for over a week now. I just pick a piece off everyday and dry it on my ballast. Doesnt taste pleasent but it has not effected the growth of the buds and does get me high. It really depends how far along in flowering you are. Im already at 8 weeks and have alot of much bigger buds available.
Ok thats cool i was thinking that the lower branches would be alright beacause thats where all the pocorn buds are and really doesent amount to anything. As far a the taste being unpleaseant i knew it would be, because of the chlorophyl and not being cured. Oh and im 5 weeks into flowering.

Its perfectly fine to sample some of the smaller popcorn nugs on the lower side chutes if thats what he's sampling but regardless, it's not worth the effort and bad taste and before long you will have sampled your entire plant.

Let it GROW!
Thanks for the info but from what i saw he hasnt sampled from the lower side chutes I guess not appealing as the top. Yes this dumbass has sampled from the top,he has cut a piece of off one of the main colas, and a side chute from up top. And yeah i figured he would sample the whole plant thats why im trying to get this squared away with

Thanks everyone for all the info i will let him know to stop doing it, if he refuses ill just have to open up a can of whoop ass and take the plants

+rep to everyone


Well-Known Member
At 5 weeks there should be ABSOLUTELY NO picking, you barely have buds at 5 weeks, make him stop.


Active Member
A good reason not to have a grow partner!! But it shouldn't hurt the plants......certain people harvest the top half and leave the rest for a second harvest. I actually think you should be taking samples as you near harvest....but they should be properly marked, dried and cured before you smoke them. This way you know if you prefer week 6, week 7, week 8, etc.... Everyone has a different preference, so the sample will give you a real comparision...rather than looking at trichs, hairs or whatever method you choose...
I can harvest at 6 weeks but the buzz isn't suitable to me, I didn't try 7 weeks as I use a two week rotation, but I found 8 weeks suits me just fine...........I don't see much difference in flavor, but do see a big difference in bud density, so keep that in mind as you try your samples.......If it tastes the same and the high's the same....then you'd want the most density...but if there's a flavor/buzz combo that you prefer, you might sacrifice the extra weight. That being said......sounds like dude is just feeding his Jones and robbing you of buds. Flowering time shouldn't be extended unless he's snatching top colas and leaving the small which case maybe you should kick his ass and/or move the plants from his reach....... and never grow with him again....... If you aren't all sharing the samples............he's self centered and I'd worry the whole plant will suddenly become HIS and the much deserved ass whipping that follows will just land you in legal trouble. You're stuck between a rock and a hard friend. Talk to the other partner.....maybe you should agree that the next bud he takes without'll harvest and divide, taking some of his share to replace what he's taken and be done with him....Not sure what else to suggest as it already seems like a no-win situation. Many a partnership has ended with one guy clearing out the bank accounts and splitting, leaving the other guy broke and in debt.......
Best of luck........


Active Member
Ok guys just had a quick question can sampling some bud stress a plant out to the point where it hermies, I am guessing if you sample some bud it will make the flowering time a longer and ofcuorse give you a sample of you soon to be personal smoke.

The reason i asked because i am currently growing with some friends and one of them is sampling the bud, at first i wanted to kick his ass :cuss: but i figured i would ask you guys first. If it doesent affect the plant that good with me, he can sample his share away with that premature bud. So guys help a fellow grower out, Happy Growing:leaf:
Look any time you cut any part of your plant or pinch, tear, bend ect.... that will cause stress. to be honest you can cut any part of your plant down early and it will continue to live as long as it has a leaf to its name. Some people go a little overboard and actually top their plants during the end of flowering in that gray area when the tops are done and the bottoms could go a little longer just because of that reason. The plant will live and wont do any irreversable damage it wont hurt the yeild quality or taste, unless its premature. Then its your own fault for sampling an unfinished product

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
Its perfectly fine to sample some of the smaller popcorn nugs on the lower side chutes if thats what he's sampling but regardless, it's not worth the effort and bad taste and before long you will have sampled your entire plant.Let it GROW!
oh so true!!! i watched my brother sample a whole plant in no time, LOL...

oh tr, you should beat his ass anyways....


Well-Known Member
A good reason not to have a grow partner!! But it shouldn't hurt the plants......certain people harvest the top half and leave the rest for a second harvest. I actually think you should be taking samples as you near harvest....but they should be properly marked, dried and cured before you smoke them. This way you know if you prefer week 6, week 7, week 8, etc.... Everyone has a different preference, so the sample will give you a real comparision...rather than looking at trichs, hairs or whatever method you choose...
I can harvest at 6 weeks but the buzz isn't suitable to me, I didn't try 7 weeks as I use a two week rotation, but I found 8 weeks suits me just fine...........I don't see much difference in flavor, but do see a big difference in bud density, so keep that in mind as you try your samples.......If it tastes the same and the high's the same....then you'd want the most density...but if there's a flavor/buzz combo that you prefer, you might sacrifice the extra weight. That being said......sounds like dude is just feeding his Jones and robbing you of buds. Flowering time shouldn't be extended unless he's snatching top colas and leaving the small which case maybe you should kick his ass and/or move the plants from his reach....... and never grow with him again....... If you aren't all sharing the samples............he's self centered and I'd worry the whole plant will suddenly become HIS and the much deserved ass whipping that follows will just land you in legal trouble. You're stuck between a rock and a hard friend. Talk to the other partner.....maybe you should agree that the next bud he takes without'll harvest and divide, taking some of his share to replace what he's taken and be done with him....Not sure what else to suggest as it already seems like a no-win situation. Many a partnership has ended with one guy clearing out the bank accounts and splitting, leaving the other guy broke and in debt.......
Best of luck........
Great Info and very very true, This will be my first and last partnership atleast with him. +rep to you my friend

Look any time you cut any part of your plant or pinch, tear, bend ect.... that will cause stress. to be honest you can cut any part of your plant down early and it will continue to live as long as it has a leaf to its name. Some people go a little overboard and actually top their plants during the end of flowering in that gray area when the tops are done and the bottoms could go a little longer just because of that reason. The plant will live and wont do any irreversable damage it wont hurt the yeild quality or taste, unless its premature. Then its your own fault for sampling an unfinished product
Great stuff man, thanks for the help +rep aswell


Well-Known Member
oh so true!!! i watched my brother sample a whole plant in no time, LOL...

oh tr, you should beat his ass anyways....
Dam thats crazy, lol with that being said i might just have to whoop his ass now. One little piece turns to two then 4 then the whole dam plant, Thats too much work gone down the drain oh and i didnt even tell you guys the strains yo guys are reall gonna want me to kick his ass then.

2 Bagseeds
1 White Widow
1 White Rhino
1 Thai Super Skunk

+rep Silky


Well-Known Member
I routinely test buds in my volcano. Usually around the milky stage. I've found some strains are quite speedy at milky stage. Experiment! I've never had a plant herm from taking a bud. In fact I've chopped the top half then let the bottom half finish a few more weeks. Let some finish to milky and some full amber and compare. Same plant.


Old ass thread but glad I found it. Will go ahead and start sampling today because my girls are like 9 weeks in. I havent chopped just yet because it doesnt look all milky like I was told to watch for but have been getting a little on edge to try as this is my first try frickin 40 lol. Also, this may be the paranoid hippy trained (not a real hippy but raised by a pack of em lol) part of me saying this, but why partner with anyone...even a roomie. Hell my only partner is my wife, and frankly in the beginning she didnt want shit to do with it lol. Ive always found the less ppl know about my personal business the better for everyone. Hell there are people who have known me for years and still dont know my name and only like 3 people outside my family even know where we live lol. So if the OP is watching...hope you are solo now and for all who answered thanks, will be cutting a piece in about an hour when the girls "wake up".