Well-Known Member
ya whats up with this root cloning stuff??? has any1s worked???
lol yah I just think there would be more info on it if it worked like that dude was describinghahahahaha..... No response because it probably didn't work!
thank you very much for this post. i've had plenty of debates about this, all based on theories and it is nice to hear from experience.Well bro i have had the same strain for almost 20 years now...I pull starts right before I go into flower 6 times a year..I have never kept a mom and the strain is still kick ass
ive pulled a clone of a clone of a clone 120 times
I totally agree, trying to do it only one way may be hard due to a lot of factors while trying another method becomes simple. The best thing to remember is no matter what method your going to try there is no plant that is going to root in less than 7 days so your basically just keeping it alive for that first week and if you make it past this period in most cases your golden. I just use cups now and half fill them and cut, scrape the skin a bit and then root powder dip and place in the half filled cup. I spray the shit out of clone and the inside walls to get it nice and moist then cover with plastic wrap and use rubber band to hold on tight. This goes in my grow room and in couple of days you will see the condensation dripping from the top of the plastic and dont need to do anything but glance just to be sure the plant is not drooping. If its not looking good (rarely) i may need to clip a leave to allow it more time to catch root. Dont try to root a cutting with too many leaves and take the cuttings before feeding the mom so its a bit hungry and wants to root faster. Good luck you will find which way works best for you and become 100%I like to take side shoot cuts, skin off the out layer near the bottom of the cut, dip it in water than into some MG rooting compound and then put those cuts into a tray + dome that is usually full of either vermiculite or perlite. I use verm last because I got stuck with a dusty pile of perlite and personally I hate having to rinse the perlite. Either work pretty well.
Cloning can be put into the catagory of "voodoo magic" because I'm done several different cloning methods (damn you leaf disc) in an academic setting, with many different plants some are just easier than others. Ex. I remember a few plants that just needed to be cut, and put into some moist seed starter mix in order for rooting to commence. No dome, no rooting compound.
So many ways to do it, I encourage everyone to find their own method that works and run it.