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Why does modern man tolerate non modern man? 

you Liberalral fucks.its like the wako texas wackos, they may have some followers but they are just gulible noobs letting thier daughters get raped by the twisted David koresh
conveniently aired in primetime no doubt, to garner support for the invasion from emotionally responsive people.I feel ya man! I seem to remember footage of women being executed by the Taliban for reading, or going to school or leaving the tag on her burka.
I'm willing to bet everything that you don't have a 14 yr. old daughter.Koresh did nothing wrong.
so he married a 14 year old, so did Jerry Lee Lewis.
so would any rational man. If Nature says a person is ready to reproduce, then they are ready.
nature would disagree.I can say with authority that a teenager is not "ready to reproduce"... emotionally nor physically.
do you consider yourslef a liberal? that was one of the best positions i have ever heard on waco. those people were killed in cold blood by the govt. i was sick for weeks after Liberalral fucks.
David Koresh didn't rape anybodys daughter. Quit spreading lies on subjects you know nothing about.
Tell me something about Waco and David Koresh that you didn't hear first from Dan Rather you koolaide drinking broken records.
Fuck Reno and Clinton for burning down the Branch Davidian.
They are murderers.
they tried to justify it by coercing a girl into saying that Koresh has sex with her when she was 12. (gov. coerced staements and confessions mean nothing to me)
Koresh did nothing wrong.
so he married a 14 year old, so did Jerry Lee Lewis.
so would any rational man. If Nature says a person is ready to reproduce, then they are ready.
the Branch Davidian was around many years before Koresh was even born.
you liberal koolaide drinkers.
conveniently aired in primetime no doubt, to garner support for the invasion from emotionally responsive people.
what about the genocide and ethnical cleansing in Sudan?
Oh yea. Sudan is of no strategic importance.
you have obviously never been to a foreign nation. kinda the norm over about half the world.I'm willing to bet everything that you don't have a 14 yr. old daughter.
Coming from a woman who had her children at 16 & 19, I can say with authority that a teenager is not "ready to reproduce"... emotionally nor physically.
Further, I've never known a grown, rational man who wanted a little girl for his bride. Grown, rational men want grown, rational women by their sides.
True, but he was referring to men in our society, and said that "any rational man" would want a girl in her early teens, and how "ready to reproduce" they are (when in fact they're not; maturity aside, risk of death and defects are high). That was what I was arguing, not societal have obviously never been to a foreign nation. kinda the norm over about half the world.
You must have ESP.That may be (and somehow I knew you'd have an example to "prove me wrong" on this), but it is a fact that your parents are far from the norm.
you play on words "early teens" makes me sound like some kinda freak.
True, but he was referring to men in our society, and said that "any rational man" would want a girl in her early teens, and how "ready to reproduce" they are (when in fact they're not; maturity aside, risk of death and defects are high). That was what I was arguing, not societal differences.
I don't claim anything. My first son was premature, stillborn, eventually revived, and suffers from it 22 yrs. later physically and developmentally. Came very close to losing my second son, as well. My pregnancies and labors were extremely dangerous for me and my babies both; the majority of the problems were age-related. Young parenthood also exacerbated my (yet unknown) chronic pain and illness to flare me into permanent disability, symptoms that most likely wouldn't have gotten so extreme until I was much older, had I had children when I was a bit older and my body more ready. Just because my kids and I are "OK" doesn't mean we're all that healthy. Good doctors saved our lives, but our lives have indeed suffered from it all the same.Your children turned out ok, I would bet. But you claim you were not ready?
According to young girls in Koresh's video, he was the father of their children. In this society, that is indeed rape; statutory, if nothing else. That was my point.But that is beside the point,David Korsh did nothing that justified the unconstitutional ATF and the ugliest person I have ever seen(Reno) murdering 80+ people.
That is beside the point as well.
Koresh raped nobody as the other poster claimed.
That is the point.
Age of consent in Texas was 14 at the time. His wife was 14. So its not rape.According to young girls in Koresh's video, he was the father of their children. In this society, that is indeed rape; statutory, if nothing else.
Early teens is early teens. There's no "play on words" about it. Thou dost protest too much, play on words "early teens" makes me sound like some kinda freak.
WTF? A young woman in her '20s is "in decline" already?I said when nature says your ready, you are ready.
any rational man would want a prime mate for reproduction.
not some one in decline.
Look it up, talk to medical professionals, try to remember health classes in school. I've no desire to look up well known and long established statistics and facts for someone who acts as if this is unheard of.can you provide source of information that teens face risk of death and defects?
I will doubt this claim until I see proof.
You referred specifically to David Koresh and Jerry Lee Lewis; you typed it, I quoted it. Last I checked, they were both men in our society.also I wasnt referring to men in our society. I said "any rational man"
I did look it up. and there are risks associated with lack of prenatal care in teen pregnancy, but research suggests that when adequate prenatal care is given the risks are the same as non-teens.Look it up, talk to medical professionals, try to remember health classes in school. I've no desire to look up well known and long established statistics and facts for someone who acts as if this is unheard of.
The ATF, the FBI and Janet Reno killed a bunch of Christians without any provocation. they were a little weird maybe, but didnt deserve to die.Somebody explain the Waco incident to me. I know nothing about it.
So what stopped these people from being brought to justice? I would like to think if something like that happened today, justice would be served.The ATF, the FBI and Janet Reno killed a bunch of Christians without any provocation. they were a little weird maybe, but didnt deserve to die.
then the govt. tried to accuse them of burning their on compound down, when the video footage clearly show tanks ramming and firing into the compound.
If you look it up, most of the info will be biased.
The documentary Rules of Engagement is pretty informative.