Oh Goodie! ... More on 911 (inside job) :)

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^^^^Exactly!!!! 1st off I really wish a few would quit fighting with people cuz they are not as super smart as some perceive themselves to be...you just think differently...cant we all just get a bong?

There have been several links, C&P's and the youtube video that clearly show how the patriot act is being used to take away the Constitutional rights of citizens...because it is not a novel thought is irrelevant to the point of argument...passive argument.

I didn't ignore it, but you haven't answered it either.

My premise is that LAW abiding citizens have nothing to fear from the Patriot Act.

I stand by that... because it's true. I mean, it's been in place now for 8 years ... where's the list of ppl crushed? There should be hundreds if not thousands of cases of oppression and yet ... all we hear are WORDS.

The WORDS don't jive with the ACTION. The WORDS are false.

So as long as you do not say anything "Bad"...or worship the "right" fable...don't protest peacefully (or otherwise)...and choose a different career path than journalism...oh yeah...who needs the 1st Amendment:wall:

As long as you do not own a gun...bye-bye 2nd:wall:

Hell I got a spare room and a yard...might as well quarter troops here!

What a horrible waste of touchy-feely liberal crap the 3rd amendment is:wall:

Hell...as long as you do not have anything to hide...being that you are a "law-abiding citizen" there is no need to slow down "justice" or risk our safety from TERROR! by requiring a warrant to search your wife's pantie drawer...What's that...a knock on the door?:wall:

And we all know the 5th is just used to protect the guilty:wall:

I could go on...but most will get my point. One of the first things that smoking pot caused me to do was to question authority. The perspective seems to change, not as much as with LSD, but maybe 15 degrees off center...so when something is said that just does not add up, it is not swallowed with a coke and a smile.

Sometimes I wonder if CJ is a fed or if he just does not smoke?

ANY legislation (besides amendments) which changes our Constitution should be an outrage to ANY AND ALL PATRIOTS!!!!!

If the "Patriot" Act takes away CONSTITUTIONAL rights of a single citizen, it means that it CAN happen to YOU!!!! And it undoubtedly IS.

Do you really think that in these controversial threads that we all end up in, that we have not typed words that trigger the NSA computers to start logging info?

Just because something is hard to believe...I mean come on..us American kids stood and pledged allegiance ~1500 times before we went to high school...it is very hard to believe that this institution upon which we started our day could be corrupted, and that anything but the illusion which is created could be any closer to reality...but it IS happening right in front of our eyes...albeit slow enough as to not affect the congregation.

:wall:...I better smoke now:sad:

Ur a bit thick ... law abiding does not mean ... ur safe if you don't jaywalk. Law abiding in this instance is, not planning terror in the United States.

unless you are making overseas calls on a regular basis overseas to hotspots or to ppl on watch lists ... ur all flailing about hysterically for no valid reason.

Unless you just like to complain about laws enacted trying to keep u and ur families alive. :roll:

Oops, I forgot, this is the short bus thread ... rant on needlessly then.
Law abiding in this instance is, not planning terror in the United States.

the data clearly shows the Patriot Act is mostly used against drug crimes.
A violation of liberty.
So Feingold is actually upset that the searches have been put under one umbrella? Not efficient enough? or too efficient perhaps...

How about he actually works on something productive.

He doesn't argue that the searches shouldn't have happened. It a procedural point only ... :roll:
Do you really think that in these controversial threads that we all end up in, that we have not typed words that trigger the NSA computers to start logging info?
their computers dont miss shit!
they probably started that on page one. my cousin's ol man does that for a living, he looks into phone calls and his buddies do the internet thing. (of course he wont tell me shit though)

anyways i agree with whole post and think we should try and debate this rather then argue.
Wheres ricky at!!
Conspiracy minded ppl cannot be debated. they don't process information correctly enough to have an intelligent debate.

this thread is proof enough of that

BIG letters in BOLD are not debating tools.

In the end, they just want to be heard. It's a lonely hearts club.
liberty > security, all fucking day

ill keep my OWN family alive myself thank you very much
Conspiracy minded ppl cannot be debated. they don't process information correctly enough to have an intelligent debate.


it was proven to you that the patriot act was being used against people who do not qualify as "terrorists" yet you completely ignored it, and then say WE dont listen to evidence?

maybe go troll some where else? its obvious you have no intention to debate, all you want to do is fling insults and "throw a wrench in the works" you dont even listen to the things we say yet you expect us to take anything you say seriously when you close your mind to the other side?

if thats not delusional, than im the ruler of zamoonda
So Feingold is actually upset that the searches have been put under one umbrella? Not efficient enough? or too efficient perhaps...

How about he actually works on something productive.

He doesn't argue that the searches shouldn't have happened. It a procedural point only ... :roll:

I think defending the US Constitution is his #1 job, and I applaud him.

If the information was obtained illegally...the searches should not have happened!

BIG letters in BOLD are not debating tools.

But name calling is?...:roll:

being polite, which you arent, has nothing to do with the topic, and frankly your not polite at all

shut your ears, close your eyes and open your mouth, its the cracker way
I think defending the US Constitution is his #1 job, and I applaud him.

If the information was obtained illegally...the searches should not have happened!

But name calling is?...:roll:


So you think he was defending the constitution there? :lol: uhhh, no.

He was scoring political points.... but he didn't.

In the end it was a procedural matter he was contending, not the issue.

Feingold has a terrible reputation. I wouldn't put much stock in any of his public efforts.


liberty > security, all fucking day

ill keep my OWN family alive myself thank you very much

I wonder how many 9/11 victims thought the same way.

its obvious you have no intention to debate, all you want to do is fling insults and "throw a wrench in the works" you dont even listen to the things we say yet you expect us to take anything you say seriously when you close your mind to the other side?

I see this constantly, from both sides of the debate, no matter the debate. This one included. :blsmoke: The role of the debater is to prove one's point of view, not to be persuaded by those of the opposing side. It's the audience that is supposed to walk away with more food for thought, not those performing the debate. :mrgreen:
I wonder how many 9/11 victims thought the same way.

"Security without liberty is called prison. -Ben Franklin

"They who would give up liberty for security, deserve neither liberty or security." -Ben franklin

It was interventionist foreign policy that created the BLOWBACK.
Read Imperial Hubris and Through our Enemy's eyes written by Michael Scheuer, the head of the CIA's Bin Laden Issue Station and the Bin Laden tracking unit at the Counter-terrorism Center.

It's very clear the reasons that terrorism happens, and war in the middle east will only increase terrorism.
911 could have been easily prevented by sticking to our founding fathers principals.

If 911 wasn't an inside job, then maybe the Muslims were intentionally provoked until they attacked, just like the Japanese and Pearl Harbor(this is well documented).
You can't HAVE liberty without security.

If you can't get that one ... U need some more schooling.

Now back to UTube University.
You can't HAVE liberty without security.

If you can't get that one ... U need some more schooling.

Now back to UTube University.

It really would be nice if you would not have a personal jab in every post.

Evidently you fall on a different end of the "Liberty" spectrum. You do not mind giving up a portion of liberty for a perceived increase in security.

The part that you at least pretend to not understand, and what I am sure Ben Franklin meant when he said it was that giving up ANY liberty for an increase of security is unacceptable. Ideally the two would be inseparable, however some (The Founders and myself) would prefer Liberty to security...and therefore the (perceived) loss of security would be better than the slippery slope to tyranny!

Hence...Give me liberty or give me death!...Don't Tread on Me!...United We Stand...:sad:

You can't HAVE liberty without security.

If you can't get that one ... U need some more schooling.

Now back to UTube University.

Nice one liners,
Reminds me of a bad 80's comedy.

please explain why you can't have liberty without security.
and Please explain the reason that your insightful one liner is accurate, but Ben Franklins is wrong.

And please, no condescending remark along the lines of "if you dont understand , I cant help you"
as this would be avoiding the conversation.

please elaborate.
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